Historia clinica de px con esquizofrenia
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4 páginas
How I Learnt to CookCooking is one of the most difficult abilities to develop. One of the hardest things I have ever had to do was learn how to cook. I was always afraid of spoiling food, but I decided that cooking was an important skill that I had to learn. I also thought it would be good to overcome those stereotypes that people have that cooking is only for women. I realized that learning to cook was enjoyable and sometimes a little bit dangerous.
The first day that I learnt to cook, I was excited and a little bit nervous, so I asked my mom to help me with the classes and she agreed. After that, I began cooking rice because it was easy to prepare. I began preparing all the ingredients for the rice. When I had all the ingredients …ver más…
el proud that I learnt to cook, and I will never forget how I learnt