Hisotria america

1343 palabras 6 páginas
Internet exchanges can help reduce transactions cost and improve perfomance from collaborative planning within the supply chain, as discussed earlier for MRO supplies. Companies can use exchanges to conduct transactions, exchange information and analyze and share information.
Internet exchanges amd auctions marketplaces offer a buyes the ability to search across multiple supplier when looking for a product. Buyers can make comparisons and select the product that best suit their needs. If best is interpreted by companies to mean the least expensive, grown in exchanges and auctions marketplaces is likely to pus for commodity products lower because off increased competition.

Enabling technologies
Many technologies exist that share and
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Entre los proveedores de servicio de entrega Express podemos encontrar Fedex y UPS que son compañías de transporte que ofrecen un servicio de entrega Next Day asegurando cierto horario dentro que se asegura la entrega del paquete.

c) Colaborative Forecasting

Para que

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