Guia Ejercicios Justice -Tim Vicary

1681 palabras 7 páginas
Comprehension Test
Tim Vicary
1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? a Jane Cole was an American tourist. b Five people died when the bomb exploded. c The police arrested two Irishmen for the bombing. d Alan didn’t know Anna’s address. e Anna left Bowater Gardens two days before Jane went there. f When Anna and Kev went into the kitchen, Jane pulled the rope off her hands. g Alan said he was alone when he visited the horse called Sandman. h The police found Jane’s bag and keys in her flat. i Jane waited behind the door and jumped on Kev. j Two people could hide in a hole in the underground tunnel. 20 marks

2 Who said this in the
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a [ ] Jane b [ ] Anna c [ ] the doctor d [ ] Detective Hall 14 Jane’s mother _____. a [ ] is at the hospital b [ ] lives in Ireland c [ ] is very ill d [ ] died four years ago 15 _____ knows how to fight and do judo. a [ ] Anna b [ ] Jane c [ ] The doctor d [ ] Detective Hall 16 _____ tells Jane that Anna and her boyfriend have left Bowater Gardens. a [ ] The neighbour b [ ] The postman c [ ] The gardener d [ ] Inspector Lee 17 _____ is Alan’s new lady friend. a [ ] The neighbour b [ ] Anna c [ ] The nurse d [ ] The policewoman 18 Kev and Anna are _____. a [ ] journalists b [ ] tourists c [ ] terrorists d [ ] detectives 19 Kev and Anna _____ Jane. a [ ] phone b [ ] kidnap c [ ] kill d [ ] look after 20 _____ comes to see Alan twice at the hospital and asks him questions. a [ ] Kev b [ ] Anna c [ ] Inspector Lee d [ ] Detective Hall 20 marks

Who said or wrote this? 21 ‘Fantastic! Your father’s driving the Queen! Quick, Harry, use the video camera!’ a [ ] Jane b [ ] Anna c [ ] Alan Cole d [ ] the American woman 22 ‘It’s my leg! My leg – get this horse off me!’ a [ ] Jane b [ ] Alan Cole c [ ] the American

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