Funciones metabolicas del pulmon

810 palabras 4 páginas

The present simple is used for: * Permanent situations * Habitual actions * For general truths * Exclamatory
Past simple used is for: * An action in progress at a certain time in the past * Completed actions that happened one after the other * Past habits or repeated actions in the past
MUNCH we use whit uncountable nouns
Present perfect simple – have + past part is used: * When action happened in unspecified time before now. * To describe your experience * To talk about the change that has happened over a period of time * To list the accomplishments
Sentence connectors

Showing contrast
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This form is used only in the present and future.

* Direct speech
Am/ Is / Are
Have had
Will / Won`t

* Reported speech
Was / Were
Had dad

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