
2762 palabras 12 páginas
| |Long ago, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a girl named Cinderella.|Hace mucho tiempo, en un reino muy lejano vivía una chica llamada |
| |Cinderella was kind, smart, and beautiful. |Cenicienta. Cenicienta era noble, inteligente y hermosa. |
| |When Cinderella was very young, she had a happy life. Then, one day,|. Cuando Cenicienta era pequeña tenía una
…ver más…

| |nights. He is hoping to find a bride. Every young woman in the |espera encontrar una esposa. Toda mujer joven debe de venir a conocer al |
| |kingdom shall come and meet the Prince.”Lottie and Dottie were very |príncipe.” Lottie y Dottie estaban muy entusiasmadas. “me voy a casar con|
| |excited. “I´m going to marry the Prince!” said Dottie, as she |el príncipe” decía Dottie, mientras aplaudía.” ¿Por qué el príncipe se |
| |clapped her hands. “Why would the Prince marry you?” asked Lottie |casaría contigo?” preguntaba Lottie “te ves como una papa descompuesta”. |
| |“You look like a rotten potato.” | |
| |Lottie and Dottie were just about to get into fight when Cinderella |Lottie y Dottie estaban a punto de pelear cuando cenicienta Pregunto, |
| |asked, “Can I go to the ball?” Lottie and Dottie looked at her and |“¿puedo ir yo al baile?” Lottie y Dottie la observaron y comenzaron a |
| |they began to laugh. They laughed and harder and harder and harder. |reír. Se echaron a reír cada vez más fuerte. Se rieron tan fuerte que |
| |They laughed so hard they fell on the ground and rolled. “You can´t |cayeron al piso y rodaron.” Tú no puedes conocer al

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