Empresas comerciales

2567 palabras 11 páginas
If you obsession is the movie, here are a few of the premiers of the 2012 and some other of the following years. We tell you to being a long waited release for fans of Marvel, that in the make of a series of movies these characters as they are “iron man”, “the incredible hulk”, “Thor” , “ Captain America”, …ver más…

Roy Helland: Iron Lady

Mejor edición: Angus Wall, Kirk Baxter: The girl with the dragon tattoo

Efectos Especiales: Hugo

Mejor adaptación de Guión: Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon, Jim Rash: The Descendants

Guión Original: Midnight in Paris, Woody Allen

Edición de sonido: Philip Stockton, Eugene Gearty: Hugo

Mezcla de Sonido: Tom Fleischman y John Midgley: Hugo

Documental: Undefeated: Daniel Lindsay, T.J. Martin, Rich Middlemas

Mejor película corta, Live Action: The Shore: Terry George, Oorlagh George

Mejor documental corto: Saving Face: Daniel Junge, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy

Mejor Corto animado: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore: William Joyce, Brandon

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