Economia alemana

2884 palabras 12 páginas
Lago de Maracaibo se tiñe de negro El lago de Maracaibo, el más amplio de Latinoamérica- muestra, desde principios del mes de junio, manchas de petróleo dispersas en 8% de su superficie. Este fenómeno no es nuevo debido a que, desde principios del siglo XX, se han perforado más de 14.000 pozos en el lugar. Sin embargo la situación actual es diferente porque se trata de una filtración que contamina, causa la muerte de seres vivos, y afecta la vida de los pescadores. “Este caso es dramático por la magnitud del deterioro ecológico y el daño social causado a más de 10.000 pescadores, quienes reclaman una indemnización de Bs. 20.000 por pérdidas”.

Ante este panorama oscuro se han generado opiniones confusas. Las autoridades
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En conclusión, la degradación de un ecosistema representa una pérdida sensible del patrimonio natural.

The lake of the Maracaibo, amplest of Latin America shows, since the beginning of the month of June, dispersed oil slicks in 8% of its surface. This phenomenon is not new because, since the beginning of century XX, they have been perforated more than 14,000 wells in the place. Nevertheless the present situation is different because it is a filtration that contaminates; it causes the death of alive beings, and affects the life of the fishermen. “This case is dramatic by the magnitude of the ecological deterioration and the social damage caused more than 10,000 fishermen, who demand an indemnification of versus. 20.000 By losses”.

Before this dark panorama opinions have been generated confused. The authorities assert that there is no such petroleum spill, but ecological and political they have raised the voice to draw attention before this environmental tragedy. Are frequent the petroleum spills in the lake of Maracaibo?
- Until the 2,003 the information exceeds what happened in the lake, as far as the oil industry, was well-known without reserves and its surface could be flown over in helicopter. As of that year, silence is total. Before that date, a spill to the day took place, which was gathered within the contingency plan that the oil industry had from its nationalization in 1976. Now that does

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