Direct instruction: teacher – centered strategies
Direct Instruction: The Research Base Direct instruction offers a teacher-centered alternative to other strategies in the text. Teacher effectiveness research provides one source of support for direct instruction. Other support comes from research on observational learning, emphasizing the central role of teacher modeling.
Skills Instruction
Skills permeate the K-12 curriculum. At the elementary level, basic skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic form a major part of the school day. These procedural skills become especially useful when students understand them thoroughly, develop them to the point of automaticity, and are able to transfer them to other content areas.
Skills in the …ver más…
We can describe the process in four steps:
* Specify terminal behavior * Identify prerequisite skills * Sequence subskills * Diagnose students
* Like so much of good teaching, skills instruction requires careful-and thorough planning. You must identify the skill you are going to teach and the prerequisite skills that lead up to it. In addition, you should know whether students would be able to perform these prerequisites. Finally, you prepare a number of sample problems or examples to use in your teaching and for students to use as they practice.
Teaching Skills
The work of Lev Vygotsky helps us understand how skills should be learned and taught. The zone of proximal development identifies an area in which teacher assistance can promote skill development. Teachers provide the assistance that increases student success rates and minimizes mistakes.
The Zone of Proximal Development: The Importance of Diagnosis
The zone of proximal development is a learning area in which learners can accomplish tasks with the help of a teacher (or more accomplished peer) that they cannot complete on their own.
Dealing with Diversity
The Importance of Background Knowledge
Student background knowledge plays an important role in all types of learning; what students already know influences what and how much they will learn in the future. In