Derrocamiento de vargas

862 palabras 4 páginas
13 Breathing

1 (a) Energy is obtained from food by a process called...… (A)….. Cellular respiration (b) The intake of oxygen and output of carbon dioxide at a respiratory surface is called ….. (B)….. Gaseous exchange (c) The process of renewing air in the lungs is called...…(C)….. Ventilation (d) Which of the processes A-C are included in the term ‘breathing’? C and B

2 Name, in the correct order, the structures that incoming air would pass through between; • Nasal cavity • Pharynx • glottis • larynx • trachea • bronchi • bronchioles • diaphragm • alveolus

3 What is the function of the rings of cartilage in the respiratory passages?
Rings of cartilage= hold the
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a) 500 cm3, (b) 5000 cm3, (c) 1000 cm3. (i) Vital capacity: 5000 cm3, (ii) tidal Volume: 500 cm3, (iii) residual air: 1000 cm3.

10 State four characteristics of an efficient respiratory surface.
Four characteristics of an efficient respiratory surface are: thin epithelium, large surface area, abundant capillaries, ventilation mechanism.
11 What process causes oxygen to pass from the alveoli into the lung capillaries?
Diffusion is the process by which oxygen passes from the alveoli to the lung capillaries
12 Which of the following diseases are unlikely (poco probable) to be caused by smoking?
(a) Lung cancer (b) Tuberculosis, (c) bronchitis, (d) colds, (e) heart attacks?


Self-assessment questions

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