Democracia o autoritarismo en inglaterra

599 palabras 3 páginas
Just because someone does not love you the way you want, it doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have

I have a hand, you have another...Put them together and we'll have each other forever

I’m not a jealous person; I’m just a girl that would love to punch every other girl that gives you a second look

I'm scared of looking at you because the more I do; the more I fall in love with you

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in.

Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship, never

Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love, because
…ver más…

Never say forever, cause forever makes me cry

Someday your prince charming will come. Mine just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions

Sometimes you get what you want but not what you need

Don't ask for my opinion and get mad when I tell you the truth.

You took the 'L' out of 'lover' & now...It’s 'over'

I didn't ask for it to be over but then again, I never asked for it to begin.

Neither of us meant for things to be this way. If things went differently, maybe we'd still talk today.

Sometimes growing up means growing a p a r t

There’s always a time you really think you know someone by far. In the end you turn out saying “I don’t know who you really are.”

However rare true love is, true friendship is worst

So I’ll just erase all the memories we had together pretending they didn`t happen pretending YOU didn`t happen

I guess in the end people become the people that they promised they'd never be

Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, Laugh as much as you breathe & love as long as you live

People will forget what you say

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