Creencias sociales

868 palabras 4 páginas
Everybody has a life goal, as we know a life goal is an objective we set in life and it’s something we always wanted or something we dream to be. Every life goal has other little goals. Those little goals are like steps to accomplish our life goal. But, those goals can change during your life. I had my life goal set since I was a kid; my life goal is to be a special agent for FBI. Since I was a kid all I dreamt of becoming a cop. Every time when my teacher asked me what I would like to be when I grow up, I told them that I would like to be a cop when I grow up. The goals change to many times because when I entered middle school everybody was talking about this entire interesting thing to do when they grow up. First I change my mind to be …ver más…

First it helps me to understand my school classes and help me to earn better grades. Those better grades help me to be able to graduate and move on to college. Today English is helping me write papers and also understand my instructors. Like I said before English is a big goal to me, and I say it is a big goal because I still have to learn more, I have put a lot of effort, time, and a lot of persistence to be able to speak it, read and most important write it. If it was not for English I would not be here writing this paper.
One of my life goals was to learn English now that I have finally learn it; I have been putting a lot of persistence to reach my life goal of being a special agent of the FBI. First I learned English to be able to graduate. Then I had to work hard to get money for college, now I am putting a lot of effort, and also time in to my homework and studies. I am working hard to earn good grades to be able to get my bachelors’ degree in criminal justice.
In conclusion becoming a special agent in the FBI is my life goal. It is something that I have dreamt to be since I was a kid. I have making a lot of effort to make it true. The main reason it is the only thing that I see myself doing and it is all that I ever want it. I will do everything I can to archive my goal and tell my future kids that I really do what I like, and I tried really hard to get where we are

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