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2610 palabras 11 páginas
|The Mexican Economy After the Global Financial Crisis | |
|October 19, 2010 13:15 | |
|The Mexican Economy After the Global Financial Crisis (PDF) | |
|Source: Congressional Research Service (via Secrecy News)
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The impact has been the most severe on the | |
|manufacturing industry, which is mostly located along the U.S.-Mexico border and has experienced significant job losses. Increasing unemployment | |
|throughout the country has led to a growing trend towards informality and self-employment. This may present a long-term problem for the government | |
|because growth in the informal sector can lead to increased poverty levels, diminished productivity, and lower prospects for sustained economic | |
|growth. Another issue is the 16% drop in remittances to Mexico in 2009, which has mostly affected the poor. Remittance inflows, which are largely | |
|from the United States, are Mexico’s second-highest source of foreign currency after oil. | |
|Numerous analysts have noted that Mexico’s potential to promote economic growth, increase productivity, and lower the poverty rate is very limited

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