Comandos de autocad

989 palabras 4 páginas
Cristiano Ronaldo

I chose this character because it is one of the best players in the World know a days. It belongs to my favorite team Real Madrid. And he is the player who take the most atention in all the contries, because of their good skills at soccer and the greatest goals comparing with players of other leagues.

Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985 in Funchal, a little Island in Madeira, Portugal. He is the son of Maria Dolores Aveiro a housewife and José Dinis Dos Santos a city gardener; has three older brothers: Elma, Liliana, and Hugo. Ronaldo really love soccer in every way, since he was a little kid. At 8 he entered in his first soccer team named Andorinha. At 10 he entered in the CD Nacional, one of the most

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