Clasificación de los métodos de investigación

4909 palabras 20 páginas
The Legend of Popocat petl and Iztacc huatl The sleeping woman
Popocat petl is the taller than the sleeping woman, reaching an incredible 17,802 feet in height. Popocat petl and Iztacc huatl are connected by a high mountain pass known as the Paso de Cort s. Popocat petl is still active with the volcano having spewed smoke and ash as recently as 2001. In the N huatl language Popocat petl means Smoking Mountain

In Aztec mythology, the volcanoes were once humans who were deeply in love. This legend features two star-crossed lovers, the young brave warrior Popocat petl and the beautiful princess Iztacc huatl. The father of Iztacc huatl, a mighty ruler, placed a demanding condition upon Popocat petl before he could take Iztacc huatl

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