Biotecnologia y proyecto genoma humano

2111 palabras 9 páginas
Ok the story is kind of long, and the English translation is kind of weird. It loses the meaning. The story uses many words that seem from Peru or some part of South America. So I’ll use the Spanish version.

I'm a native Spanish speaker so I'll try my best to give you the basics of the story. I didn't translate it word but word but close enough so it doesn't lose the meaning. Hope it helps. Good luck!

The characters:
Margarita Pareja-the beautiful lady in love with Luis
Raimundo Pareja-margarita's dad
Luis Alcazar-the poor guy (as in no money) in love with margarita
Don Honorato-Luis' single and really rich uncle and also very proud and stubborn

Margarita was the most beloved and pampered daughter of Don raimundo. She
…ver más…

So Margaritas' wedding shirt became so famous, and it was well

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