Biografia de beethoven(en ingles)

981 palabras 4 páginas
Biography of Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven was born in a small town of 'Bonn' in Germany on December 16, 1770 in a family of professional musicians. His father Johann and grandfather Ludwig were musicians and they had decided to train him in music right from his childhood, so his father took on the job to teach him the basic lessons of music. Ludwig learned violin and some other instruments from his father. His father wanted Ludwig to be perfect in music, and in that endeavor, he thrashed little Ludwig whenever he made any mistake during practice. According to one story, because of the punishments given by his father, Ludwig suffered from hearing problems in future, which ruined his life. Besides the fact that his father and
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Finally, in around 1792, he took off for Vienna in search of good work in the field of music.

In Vienna, Beethoven tried to learn new things and learned composition and counterpoint from well-known personalities from the world of music such as Haydn, Albrecht Berger, Salieri and Schenk. He even published some of his compositions. Beethoven was a wise person and had a good foresight; he had understood that in his run to achieve a good position, all that he needed was good relations with people who had power in their hands. Beethoven established his relations with high profile people in Vienna, which ensured him continual income for his lifetime. His relations helped him on such a level that even that time (1809) Prince of Vienna, Prince Kinsky and Prince Lobkowitz assured him a yearly income if he agreed to stay in Vienna for the rest of his life.

During the period 1800-1813, Beethoven learned high classical style of music and even adopted it in his creations and performances that he gave. With the new style that he had learned, he wrote some new symphonies, some new concerts, quartets, etc. Beethoven gained popularity very fast during the middle period of his life. It was a time when Beethoven wanted to concentrate on his work and continue with new compositions, but at the same time he suffered from hearing problem, which worsened gradually.

The problem with hearing that he suffered was reflected in the compositions he created and even his social life was

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