
55503 palabras 223 páginas
Aligning CobiT 4.1, ITIL V3 and
® ®

ISO/IEC 27002 for Business Benefit
A Management Briefing From ITGI and OGC


Aligning CobiT 4.1, ITIL V3 and ISO/IEC 27002 for Business Benefit
® ®

IT Governance Institute® The IT Governance Institute (ITGITM) ( is a non-profit, independent research entity that provides guidance for the global business community on issues related to the governance of IT assets. ITGI was established by the non-profit membership association ISACA® in 1998 to help ensure that IT delivers value and its risks are mitigated through alignment with enterprise objectives, IT resources are properly managed, and IT performance is measured. ITGI developed Control Objectives for Information and related
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Aligning CobiT® 4.1, ITIL® V3 and ISO/IEC 27002 for Business Benefit Printed in the United States of America and published simultaneously on ITGI, ISACA, OGC and TSO web sites in England and the United States of America 2
© 2008 IT Go v e r n a n c e


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r I G h T s

r e s e r v e d


Aligning CobiT 4.1, ITIL V3 and ISO/IEC 27002 for Business Benefit
® ®

The IT Governance Institute wishes to recognise:
The Development Team
IT Governance Institute Gary Hardy, CGEIT, IT Winners, South Africa Jimmy Heschl, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, KPMG, Austria The Stationery Office Jim Clinch, Clinch Consulting, ITIL Refresh Chief Editor, formerly with OGC, UK Expert Reviewers John W. Lainhart IV, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, IBM, USA Lucio Molina Focazzio, CISA, Colombia Robert E. Stroud, CA Inc., USA Sharon Taylor, Aspect Group Inc., Canada Wim Van Grembergen, Ph.D., University of Antwerp Management School and IT Alignment and Governance (ITAG) Research Institute, Belgium The ITGI Board of Trustees Lynn Lawton, CISA, FBCS CITP, FCA, FIIA, PIIA, KPMG LLP, UK, International President George Ataya, CISA, CISM, CGEIT,

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