Api 650

85774 palabras 344 páginas
Date: November 2008 To: Re: Purchasers of API 650, Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage, Eleventh Edition Addendum 1

This package contains Addendum 1 of API 650, Welded Tanks for Oil Storage, Eleventh Edition. This package consists of the pages that have changed since the June 2007 printing of the Eleventh Addition. To update your copy of API 650, replace, delete or add the following pages as indicated:

Part of Book Changed Cover Front Matter Section 1 Section 2 Section 4 Section 5 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix J Appendix K Appendix L Appendix M

Old Pages to be Replaced front and back covers title page iii – xii 1-1 – 1-4 2-1 – 2-4 4-1 –
…ver más…

API publications are published to facilitate the broad availability of proven, sound engineering and operating practices. These publications are not intended to obviate the need for applying sound engineering judgment regarding when and where these publications should be utilized. The formulation and publication of API publications is not intended in any way to inhibit anyone from using any other practices. Any manufacturer marking equipment or materials in conformance with the marking requirements of an API standard is solely responsible for complying with all the applicable requirements of that standard. API does not represent, warrant, or guarantee that such products do in fact conform to the applicable API standard.


All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Contact the Publisher, API Publishing Services, 1220 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.
Copyright © 2007, 2008 American Petroleum Institute

This Standard is maintained under continuous maintenance procedures by the American Petroleum Institute

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