200 Palabras En Ingles

1320 palabras 6 páginas
200 Word’s
1. Abrogate- to abolish, repeal annul.
2. Abstract- thought of part from material objects.
3. Abyss- a bottomless gulf.
4. Airplay- the playing of a recording over radio or TV.
5. Antisepsis- a being antiseptic.
6. Assizes- court sessions held periodically in each county o England.
7. Balk- an obstruction, hindrance, ect.
8. Base- the thing or part on which something rests.
9. Bespangle- gling to cover with or as with spangles.
10. Bespatter- to spatter as with mud or slander.
11. Boil- to seethe like a boiling liquid.
12. Butane- a hydrocarbon used as a fuel, ect.
13. Chipper- in good spirits
14. Chint’z- like chintz, cheap.
15. Clavier- any stringed keyboard instrument.
16. Compper- a comrade.
…ver más…

103. Nook- a small, secluded spot.
104. Noodle- the head.
105. Nostrum- a quack medicine.
106. Notch- a narrow pass with steep sides.
107. Notion- a general idea.
108. Notoriety- a being notorious,
109. Novitiate- the period or state of being a novice.
110. Nub- a lump or small piece.
111. Nudism- the practice or cult of going nude.
112. Nugget- nub, a lump; esp. of native gold.
113. Nuke- a nuclear weapon.
114. Nunnery- old term for convent.
115. Nursery- a room set aside for children.
116. Nurture- food, training.
117. Nut case- one who is eccentric or crazy.
118. Nuzzle- to push or rub with the nose, snout.
119. Obdurate- hardhearted.
120. Obeisance- a gesture of respect, as a bow.
121. Obese- very fat.
122. Obey- to carry out the orders of.
123. Oblivion- forgetfulness.
124. Obscene- repulsive.
125. Obsidian- a hard, dark, volcanic glass.
126. Obsolete- no longer in use.
127. Odium- hatred.
128. Odor- a smell.
129. Oenophile- connoisseur of wine.
130. Offensive- attacking or for attack.
131. Omission- something omitted.
132. Omnibus- dealing with many things at one.
133.Ovum- a mature female germ cell.
134. Pace- a step in walking.
135. Pack- a bundle of things tied up for carrying.
136. Painter- an artist who paints pictures.
137. Paean- a song of joy.
138. Paling- a fence made of pales.
139. Pallor- unnatural paleness.
140. Palmy- of, like, strewn before him.
141. Pester- to annoy.
142. Piracy- robbery of ships

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