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Tareas docentes para favorecer el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en las clases de inglés (página 2)

Partes: 1, 2

























































































Post reading

5-According to what you have read. Do you consider
sports are important? Why?

6-The teacher wants to know what has been taught by
means of the following questions:

  • a) Do you like practice sports?

  • b) What kind do you prefer?

  • c) How often do you practice sports?

  • d) Would you like to become in a

  • e) Mention some Cubans sport-women or men

  • f) What sport event is celebrating in this
    moment in Cuba and in the world?

  • g) Is there any Cuban-team participating in any
    world event?

  • h) Expose what you know about their

7-Write the name of some sport men- women from Banes and
say in what sports they (were) (are) distinguished?

Task 5

Unit: 4 Hobbies

Type: Reading Comprehension. Topic: The Music as Hobby.
Lesson: 9.

Objective: To comprehend a text about Lennon"s life, and
become cultivated person at free production level.

Grammar: verbs in present and simple past.

Prepositions: with, of; demonstrative pronomb that,

Adverbs: after, even, truly.

Method: Practical conscious.

Teaching media: Text, video of Lennon"s song

Text: John Lennon

Some people colled John Lennon the thinking man"s
Beatle. He was serious and creative author. Many young people of
the 60th and 70th decade thought he spoke for them.

Lennon was born on October 9th, 1940, in Liverpool,
England. During his child-hood he listened to the music of rock
and roll, singers as like Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis and a
little Richard. At 15th when he was in art school, Lennon started
his first band, The Quarry-men. The band included Paul McCartney,
George Harrison, and Ringo Start, too .The Quarry-men later
changed their name to the Silver Beatles and then The
Beatles.Between1958 and 1962 the group played in night clubs in
Liverpool and Hamburg, West Germany, then The Beatles made a
record colled "I Wanna Hold Your Hands".

Many people think that Lennon was the most important
singer, musician and song-guitar of Beatles band .On December
9th, 1980, a young man killed in New York Park. (Taken from
Spectrum II. 105- p)

Pre reading

1-To invite them to listen and watch the video with the
song of John Lennon, Image and ask them what is the content of
this song. (To establish the talking)

While reading

2-Read the text and say true T or false F.

  • a) __Lennon visited The United States of

  • b) __He wrote many important songs.

  • c) __Lennon was born in Germany.

  • d) __ Band had other name.

  • e) __He studied in England.

3- Into the text find out the answers of these

  • a) Was he a big musician?

  • b) Did he study economic?

  • c) Where was Lennon born?

  • d) Where did he start to work?

  • e) Who were in his band?

  • f) What are themes of his songs?

Post reading

4- Was Lennon an important man? Why?

5-Imagine you are a musician .What kind of music would
you like to write?

6-What topic about would you like to write?

7-Investigate and Write a report about some important
personality of music from Banes, you can visit the municipal
library, The Catholic Church, or Radio Banes Broad

Task 6

Unit: 6 Pastimes.

Type: Reading Comprehension Topic: A love letter lesson:

Objective: To comprehend a text about love fostering
their personal relation-ship, solidarity and become cultivated
person, at free production level.

Lexicon: verbs in present and past; find, to be,
confused, wanted, wrote, forget, know; expressing existence there
is; modal verb, could, can, might.

Grammar: Prepositions; with, maybe, of; demonstrative
pronomb that, this.

Adverbs: after, ever, truly.

Method: Practical conscious.

Teaching media: text, recorder.

Teaching media: text, board, song of Celine D. “Have
you ever been in love.´´

Text: A love letter


I am in love with you, or what? We broke up two years
ago, and you are still on my mind. The phone sometime rings and I
still find myself thinking: maybe that"s Rosy ; when a car pulls
into the driveway, or the door-bell rings unexpectly: maybe
tha´s Rosy. Good grief-sometimes I wish I could forget you,
and then I find myself worrying that you might forget

Love is not something I can figure out. There is no
mathematical formula for love, no concise Oxford definition. If
being confused is a sign of being truly in love, then maybe I"m
in love If time is the test of true love, then it"s you and truly
in love with. I guess what I"m trying to say is that you are the
only girl who ever had me thinking about marriage.

I guess that"s the reason I wrote this letter. No matter
what happens, I wanted you to know that. Your: Alex. (Taken from,
Taboo and Issue, mimeographed material, 995. 32- p.)

Pre reading

Teacher will play the song of Celine D. “Have you ever
been in love,´´ invite them to listen to what is
about it. Ask the following questions for motivating them about

  • a) Have you ever been in love?

  • b) How have you felt when you are in

  • c) Have you ever loved someone without being
    loved in return?

  • d) What did you do?

  • e) Have you ever written a love

  • f) Are you honest and sincere in your letters
    of love?

(Say. let"s see what this boy writes to this

While reading

2- Read the Alex"s letter and answer the following

  • a) Who is Rosy?

  • b) Does he think about something more important
    than his love?

  • c) What does he compare love to?

  • d) Is she the girl he wants to marry

  • e) Do you think he is in loves with her?

3- Read the letter again and find out another way
to say.

  • a) You haven"t come out of my mind.

  • b) I love you deeply.

  • c) I just want to marry one woman as like

  • d) That"s why I wrote this letter.

Post reading

(The teacher will say)

4- I"m sure all of you have whom to write a love letter
,that"s why, I want you to close your eyes, concentrate and let
your feelings come out for one simple reason: you are going to
write a short love letter to someone you love very much. At the
end we will select the most romantic one to place it on the
board. (The teacher will help them to organize ideas.)

Task 7

Unit: 7 Important personalities.

Type: Reading Comprehension. Topic: A Big Cuban. Lesson:

Objective: To comprehend a text about Marti"s life,
fostering the patriotism, and love for Cuban Heroes, and become
cultivated person, at production level.

Content: values and to keep Marti though as Cuban

Lexicon: Adjectives; beautiful, wealth, brave,
intelligent, friendly, special.

Grammar: Prepositions; because, between, of, on

Verbs: verbs in past tense, (to be), was,

Adverbs: after, as.

Values: solidarity, patriotism, internationalism, ant

Method: Practical conscious.

Teaching media: Text, picture of

Text: Our Marti

José Martí was born in Havana on January
28th, 1853. His parents Mariano and Leonor had five children,
four girls and a boy José nick-named (pepe).He was a great
student and since he was very young he felt the freedom"s
necessity for his lands-country and for it fought all his

Marti was one of the most virtuous men of his epoch.
Always showed his spirit strong and brave with a highest
intelligence disposed to offer his friends and partners. was a
man of low, worked hard as a teacher and a journalist; teaching a
lot of knowledge and denouncing all of things bad that existed in
Cuba, spoke and dominated the Latin, English and French at the
perfection. He had a special friendly and love for Maria
Mantilla, he named her, -¨my dear dougther¨- in letters
written by him are present many values and principles with a deep
patriotism, ant-imperialism and Latino American brother-hood one
of the most representative is his poem Abdala recollected in his
complete plays. He felt special love for the Cuban

He organized and directed the Cuban Independence War,
was able to appreciate the values of each person and recognize
the clearest virtues of human being by the defense of his
occupied lands-country. Martí died on May 19th, of 1895,
East Region of Cuba in Dos Rios; in combat facing the enemy.
Today is well known as the most all Cuban Universal. (Taken and
adapted from Cristo Vive., mimeographed religious Material,
Banes. 2007).


!- Show a picture of Marti and to say, well now let"s
write three representative values in this big man. (Students will
write three values of Martí and will express

2-Select from the following titles the Martí"s

  • a) __The Little Prince.

  • b) __The Golden Age.

  • c) __Three Heroes.

  • d) __Our America.

  • e) __Romance of Bad Girl.

  • f) __Rosa"s Little Shoes.

  • g) __Abdala.

  • h) __Heart.

(They must select the items b, c, d, f, and

While reading

3-Read the text again and choose the central idea of the

  • a) __The plays of Martí.

  • b) __His love by Maria Mantilla.

  • c) __Martí"s life.

  • d) __Martí as a patriot.

(They must mark the item c)

4- From the text answer the following

  • a) Was Martí an intelligent

  • b) Where he was born?

  • c) Did he love for Cuba?

  • d) What were some of his

  • e) What does he reflect in his

  • f) What did Martí do for the Cuban

Post reading

5-After you have analyzed the text:

-What future did Martí want for Cuba?

– How was fulfill nowadays, express your

6-Find out information about independents heroes from
Banes, write a report.

(Visit the municipal History Office, municipal Library,
and Combatant Association of Cuban Revolution in

Task 8

Unit: 7 Important personalities.

Type: Reading Comprehension. Topic: Great Person
English. Lesson: 8

Objective: To comprehend a text about Shakespeare"s
life, and become cultivated person fostering their solidarity,
patriotism, Internationalism, at free production

Content: Shakespeare"s Life.

Grammar: Prepositions; because, between, of, on

Verbs: verbs in past tense, (to be), was,

Adverbs: after, as.

Method: Practical conscious.

Teaching media: text

Text: Great Person

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford on–Avon,
on April 23rd, 1564. He married with Anne Hathaway at eighteen,
they had three children. At twenty–one they moved to London
where he worked very strong as a play writer and an actor at the
Glove Theater. He is not on the actors list after 1603, so he
probably stopped acting at this time, because he was already
famous for his written.

He wrote his first play Henry VI in 1590-91, after that
he wrote his most famous play Romeo and Juliet, his last play was
wrote in 1612;The Tempest. After that he left London and went
back to live in Stratford. He died in 1616. His plays are
successful today. (Taken from Tabloide Universidad para
todos.Curso de Ingles, 2006. 22- p.)

Pre reading

1- (Ask them) Mention some personality from England,
write on board.

2- Do you know why April 23rd is the Language"s

(Students must express their ideas)

While reading

3·- Read the text and say true or false according
to the text. Justify the false one.

  • a) ___He was born in London.

  • b) ___He wrote many plays.

  • c) ___People liked his plays.

  • d) ___He travelled through England.

  • e) ___He performed in many

4- Read the text again and answer:

  • a) Where was Shakespeare born?

  • b) Was he a merchant?

  • c) When did he go to London?

  • d) When did he write his first play?

  • e) What were his professions?


5-Using the information from the text compare with other
important Banes´ writer life and elaborate a report about
his-her life (Looking for the information in the municipal

Task 9

Unit: 8 Environment

Type: Reading Comprehension. Topic: Danger for Beauty.
Lesson: 8

Objective: To comprehend a text about care of the
environment fostering their love towards the Cuban natural
wealth, as Cuban element, at free production level.

Content: care and conservation of the environment, rules
and prohibitions for the Cuban endangers species as like:
parrots, carpinteros, tocororo, zunzún; polimitas;
jutía conga; etc.

Lexicon: Adjectives –beautiful, wealth.

Grammar: Prepositions; because, between, of, on

Verbs: located, (to be) are, were, built, serve, stand,

Adverbs: after, even, as.

Method: Practical conscious.

Teaching media: text.

Text: Danger for Beauty

Cuba, likes all the countries in the world, has a large
number of endangered species among its flora and fauna. The
immense forest that Christopher Columbus found when he arrived to
Cuban shores in 1492 had almost disappeared, the Cuban Government
reinforces the rules and regulations to protect the environment,
as planting new forest, the prohibitions to capture some species,
specially during their meeting season creating a first barrier to
avoid the continuation of destruction our nature. Our national
strategy on environmental education has been added so the
population of the archipelago can go to know better the wealth
they posses and the harm they do themselves when they carry out
predatory actions against nature. (Taken and adapted from
Habanera Magazín. La Revista de Cuba y sus Amigos. La
Habana, Cuba.28- p)

Pre reading

(Brain storming) Cuban animals or plants
(to write on board) The students are going to mention some Cuban
animals or plants name, the teacher will introduce the topic to
the material they are going to read, asking questions like:
(Write on board) (Answers can be in Spanish)

Do we have endanger species in Cuba?

Are the Cuban forests in the way to

What does our government do to protect the

Is it important to protect the forests and animals?

The teacher says: Then, let"s read the text to find out
the answers to these questions.

While Reading

The students are going to read the text in order and
going to answer the following questions from the pre
–reading stage, on English.

2 – Answer these questions.

  • a) Do we have endanger species in

  • b) Are our forests in the way to

  • c) What does our government do to protect the

  • d) Is it important to protect the forests?

3- Match the following word with their






  • 1. –Biotic, abiotic and social
    complex factors that interact, upon in an ecological
    community and determine its survival form.

  • 2. A dense growth of the trees and
    animals desappeared.

  • 3. -to bring into danger or

  • 4. - Plantation of trees.

  • 5. -Abundace of valuable material
    position or resources.

Post reading

4- After having analyzed the article, can you
tell the meaning of phrase that serves as the title?

5- Write some measures for protecting the environment of
your community and how to get out and discuss with your

6-Find out and write the name of some animals and plants
that have their habitat in the North Part of Holguín.
(Consult the book, Especies de Animales y Plantas
Endémicas de Cuba, from the author, Dr. Roig y

Task 10

Unit: 10 All in all

Type: Reading Comprehension. Topic: A Delicious
Beverage. Lesson: 8

Objective: To comprehend a text about benefices of tea
fostering their personal health, and become cultivated person, at
free production level.

Lexicon: furniture, Nowadays, benefices, coups, jewel,
heart, blood, youth.

Grammar: verbs in present and present continuous, simple

Prepositions: with, of; demonstrative pronomb: that,

Adverbs: after, so.

Method: Practical conscious.

Teaching media: text.

Text: The Tea and the Health

When we talk about tea we think in a typical English
saloon with all of furniture, accompanied of crackers, biscuit,
some sandwiches. Truly the tea come from China, where were used
to calm the headaches, to cure the diphtheria, the hepatitis.
Nowadays we know, it can prevent many sickness mainly referred to
the heart and today is one of the most popular beverage around
the world. England has adopted as part of its culture.

We know so few about benefices of the tea for our
health. In China it produces one of the most expensive and
unknown kind of tea, the white tea, which is known as the elixir
of youth, because prevent the formation of badness cells, has a
down of taninos and teina (alkaloid equivalent to the coffee).
The green tea is the jewel, it not ferments, conserve those
entire vitamin, components, antioxidants and medical properties
of its rams. The black tea is produced in India and Sri Lanka.
The red tea Is considered as the most idoneouos in China because
acts over our functional energies and helps to diminish the
cholesterol level, unweak the metabolism of the liver, reduce
uric acid and the triglycerides, desintoxic, depure the organism
and prevent the digestives difficult, helps to solve the
hypertension. The consume of tea prevent others sickness as like
the heart attack, better up the mucus, the diabetes and the skin,
provokes lost of fat, powerfully the immunologic system, to
eliminate liquids and prevent caries, thanks to the big quantity
of polyifhenoles, vitamins, minerals and amino-acid contend in
its preparation, is very important if it want to conserve all
properties: water to a temperature between 50 and 90 grades,
without get to swarm is ideal to know that two coups of green tea
has the same content in vitamin C than in a glass of the orange
juice. The tea relax and wide the arteries, increases the blood
through to the heart, favour the digestion, inhibit the mouth"s
bacterial production and is an excellent stimulator. It
recommended just a little spoon of tea by every coup and let it
to settle by three or five minutes before to drink it, is great
to drink it in the afternoon or at nights. (Taken and adapted
from: Bohemia No 8.– La Habana.Cuba. Ed: Política,


(Ask to the students)

1- What kind of beverage do you prefer?

  • a) __Coffee

  • b) __Chocolate

  • c) __Tea

  • d) __Milk

1.1 Which one is the healthiest?

2- (Ask to the students the following questions orally)
Answers can be in Spanish.

  • a) Do you like tea?

  • b) Do you know the benefices of tea?

  • c) What do you know about tea?

While reading

3- Read the text and say true or false in case of false
justify your answer.

  • a) __ Tea helps to share people.

  • b) __Tea is used in Cuba.

  • c) __It"s commercialized in England.

  • d) __ Tea is not good.

  • e) __Many people drink tea.

4- Read the text again and find out the answers of the
following questions.

  • a) Where is tea come from?

  • b) What kinds of tea are mentioned in the text?
    Mention it.

  • c) How does it can be prepared?

  • d) When is the best moment for drinking

  • e) Is the tea good for the health?

5- Read the text, and then find out other way to

  • a) -High blood pressure.

  • b) -The tea must be drunk warm.

  • c) -Stomach problems.

  • d) –Energizer.

  • e) -It is a beverage very used in all


6- Visit to the doctor"s family and ask her–him
about the benefices of some Cuban plants and what sickness can be
preventing them. Elaborate a report with this information and
present to your classmates.

Task 11

Unit: 10 All in All.

Type: Reading Comprehension Topic: Body talk. Lesson:

Objective: To comprehend a text about health, fostering
their personal health, and become cultivated person, at free
production level.

Content: To keep a good health.

Lexicon: husband, health, high blood pressure, heart

Grammar: verbs in present and present continuous and
simple past.

Preposition: with, of; demonstrative pronomb that,

Adverbs: after, fortunately, even, truly.

Method: Practical conscious.

Teaching media: text.

Text: Hypertension (From body talk)

Hypertension and you

Dear Dr. Quinn: my husband is thirty-nine years old and
his blood pressure is high. He says that his father has high
blood pressure too. What causes it and what can my husband do
about it?


Dear worried: doctors don"t always know what causes high
blood pressure, also called hypertension. More men than women
have it, it usually begins in middle or old age, and it sometimes
runs in families. If you are heavy, loosing weight can sometimes
help. Some people"s blood pressure goes dawn when they give up
salt. Fortunately, it is possible to control high pressure today
with proper medicine. High blood pressure can lead to serious
problem, like heart disease so it is very important to control
it. (Taken from Spectrum II. 17. -p)

Pre reading

1- Read the title of the text and answer.

What do you think the article is going to be about?
(Ideas should be copied on the board). Text:

  • a) __Sport and body.

  • b) __Vacations.

  • c) __Health.

  • d) __Children.

(They must select item c)

While reading

2- Read the text and determine which of the ideas appear
in the article.

  • a) __Hypertension is another name for the blood

  • b) __Women have high blood pressure more often
    than men do.

  • c) __High blood pressure usually starts when
    person is around twenty"s.

  • d) __your blood pressure may go dawn if you
    loose weight.

  • e) __Eating salt is good for the

  • f) __People with high blood pressure usually
    feel sick.

3- Read the text again and Answer these questions from

  • a) Do doctors know what causes of the
    hypertension are?

  • b) Is good to be fat?

  • c) Who are more problems with the

  • d) What causes can provoke the

  • e) Is possible to control it?

  • f)  Can the hypertension provoke other
    sickness? Which are them?

Post reading

4- After you have analyzed the article

  • a) Do you think hypertension is dangerous

  • b) What must a person do if he-she suffers from

  • c) Does any member of your family suffer from
    high blood pressure?

  • d) What do you suggest for keeping a good
    health? Expose your reasons?

5-Investigate with the family doctors or nurse the
native sickness from Holguín province.


Del análisis realizado se evidencian las
inconsistencias epistemológicas que existen en el proceso
de enseñanzaaprendizaje de la comprensión lectora
en Inglés en la secundaria básica, dado por
insuficientes orientaciones metodológicas y las tareas
docentes para tratar lo relacionado con los niveles de de la
comprensión de textos que se ofrecen para solucionar la
problemática existente.

Las insuficiencias detectadas con la aplicación
del diagnóstico sobre la comprensión lectora en los
estudiantes de secundaria básica, corroboraron las
deficiencias y demandaron la preparación de tareas

Las tareas docentes propuestas, fueron aplicadas de
forma creadora, sistémica, profesional y flexible,
favorecieron el desarrollo de la compresión lectora en la
asignatura de Inglés, así como también
contribuyó a la optimización del proceso de
enseñanza y aprendizaje de esta habilidad al exigir que
los estudiantes transiten por los diferentes niveles de
comprensión. Dichas tareas ofrecen una solución
para la didáctica de lenguas extranjeras.

Es significativo señalar que después de
aplicar las tareas docentes propuestas se obtuvieron los
siguientes resultados:

  • El 20 % de los estudiantes presentan un desarrollo
    totalmente adecuado de la habilidad de comprensión

  • El 70 % presentan un desarrollo parcialmente
    adecuado de dicha habilidad. Esto significa que más
    del 60 % de la muestra alcanzó en la prueba de salida
    más del 89,6 % de los puntos a otorgar. Lo que expresa
    un mejoramiento en el trabajo del estudiante con la
    comprensión de textos escritos en idioma

Los principales logros en el desarrollo de la
comprensión lectora fueron los siguientes:

  • El 70,5 % logró un mejor desempeño en
    la tarea.

  • El 50, 3% logró determinar las ideas
    principales y discriminó las ideas relevantes de las

  • El 70,5% demostró dominio del vocabulario en
    el idioma de la especialidad en el año objeto de

  • El 60 % logró interpretar ideas y

  • El 35, 5 logró valorar el texto en general y
    asumió posiciones al respecto.

  • El 54,5 % logró realizar resúmenes en
    inglés sobre el texto utilizado.

Los resultados obtenidos fueron los

El 93,75% de los nueve profesores, coinciden en que las
tareas y los textos favorecen el desarrollo de la
comprensión lectora fundamentado en los siguientes
criterios referidos en el párrafo anterior:

Son motivadores, responden al contexto donde se
implementan, son asequibles a los estudiantes, contribuyen al
desarrollo de la creatividad del educando, refuerzan el trabajo
con las otras habilidades del idioma, constituyen un reto para el
estudiante, estimulan la búsqueda de información,
favorecen el trabajo independiente de los estudiantes, se
refuerzan aspectos de la cultura de Banes.

El nivel de motivación del colectivo
pedagógico para darle tratamiento a la comprensión
lectora se elevó a partir de la implementación de
las tareas docentes previstas.

Se profundizó en las preparaciones
metodológicas para utilizar de forma eficiente las
potencialidades que ofrecen los contenidos de otras asignaturas
de manera tal, que logren en los estudiantes el desarrollo de la
comprensión lectora en inglés como idioma

A manera de resumen se puede afirmar que se produjo un
desarrollo en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes en
relación con el tratamiento de la comprensión
lectora, reflejándose en: ascenso de los conocimientos por
parte de los estudiantes en relación con diferentes
contenidos tratados.

Entre los elementos que se consideraron importantes, se
mantuvo la calidad de la clase y el uso adecuado de textos que
resultaron nuevos e interesantes para los estudiantes.

El interés por parte de los profesores de lograr
avances significativos en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, por
existir ejercicios desarrolladores que propicien la
atención a partir del diagnóstico aplicado del
contenido, teniendo en cuenta las posibilidades reales de cada
estudiante, se fortaleció el trabajo en cuanto a la
atención a los estudiantes con dificultades en el


El análisis integral de los resultados alcanzados
en los distintos momentos de la investigación conduce a
formular las conclusiones siguientes:

  • 1. Las concepciones que históricamente
    se han aplicado para el desarrollo de la comprensión
    lectora en inglés en la Secundaria Básica, no
    permitían obtener los resultados deseados en la
    asignatura inglés.

  • 2. Las tareas docentes presentadas resultaron

  • 3. Las tareas docentes son pertinentes para
    generar cambios positivos en cuanto al desarrollo de la
    comprensión lectora en idioma

  • 4.  De esta forma, se contribuyó a que
    lo estudiantes alcanzaran mayores niveles de competencia
    comunicativa en el idioma extranjero.


  • 1. Abbot, G. ET AL: The Teaching
    of English as an International Language. – -La Habana, Ed:
    Revolucionaria. (1989).

  • 2. Acosta Padrón, Rodolfo:
    Communicative Language Teaching.-La Habana. Ed: Pueblo y
    educación, 2000. 125 -p.

  • 3. Addine Fernández,
    Fátima: Didáctica. Teoría y
    práctica. —La Habana, Ed: Pueblo y
    Educación, Cuba, 2004.

  • 4. Anido Vidal, Antonio F: El
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MSc. Luis Mesa Jara

Filial Universitaria Municipal de Ciencias
Médicas. Banes.

MSc. Carlos Viltre

Centro de Estudios en Investigaciones
Educativas. Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas:
"José de la Luz y Caballero". Holguín.

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