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Juegos predeportivos en espacios reducidos (página 5)

Partes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

The constituent elements of the
Game: The internal structure of any game engine, is
configured from a few elements  incorporation, both
permanent and objectives, which arise in dealing playful
practices  different. These relevant factors,
pillars of the operation of every game we can specify in:
The Play space, the time constraint, The Players and the
Material. Therefore, any adjustment methodology we want
to raise, you make reference to these elements of the
internal logic of the game. In this sense, we propose the
following methodological adjustments:  GAMING SPACE:
– The use of the pitch should be rational, that is, if
you do not have much space open, it is illogical to
present great games or activities that are conducted in
major limitations space. – If you have open spaces,
large, would be advisable to use them in all its forms
extension (sometimes make the mistake of not knowing all
areas that benefit our environment allows us). – In the
course of using natural areas, it is necessary to
condition and prepare the ground advance. – If the
practices are carried in a covered, we should ensure
sufficient illumination to play in appropriate
conditions.  Of time pressure: – The simplest games
are usually those with shorter duration. This feature
allows  young children who suffer from a lot of
concentration, can change continuously  practices
without excessive fatigue. Therefore we should always be
provided a comprehensive  repertoire of games if you
happen much faster than we thought. – As the game is more
regulated, it needs more time to organize (to prepare
 equipment, material, explain it …) and also tend
to last much longer than previous ones. It is important
 not to subject these practices to excessive haste,
and thus allow students to taste them  quietly. – It
is very important to ensure real practice time, we will
escape the elimination games. "In extraordinary events
(holidays, cultural weeks may occur ,…)  great
games, which can last several hours, all morning,
afternoon or even several  days.  THE MATERIAL:
– A greater number of students with as much material. – A
minority of pupils, the greater should be the size of the
objects of play. – Any material that is used to play you
need to ensure the physical integrity of the students
(around  sharps damaged items – benches broken,
chips …-). – Submit occasionally new material
(balloons, music, film a class), predisposes the
 bringing into play of the students. – Normally a
lot of simple games, requiring the use of varied
material. When  need to use different game objects,
in the course of a session is recommended: – Organize and
prepare all items previously Collect objects that have
been used in a game before moving to the next.
 PLAYERS: – If the operation of a game needs a few
players, and this is a group of students  large, it
is advisable to divide the group and make the same game
in parallel zones. – To ensure the proper development of
a collective game, involving several teams, it
 convenient to introduce distinctive (bibs,
handkerchiefs tied ,…), in order to let everyone know
 with whom and who will have to oppose their
actions. – Each student group has its own idiosyncrasies
and personality, in this regard the games  open
floor plan, in order that students can introduce
themselves  rules, variations … ) And details in
each case. – After participating in a game of
considerable physical effort, it should let students
 recover before proposing another activity. At such
times it is advisable  active recovery (reflecting
on what has been done or explaining the next activity. –
In games, expressive, symbolic, dramatic, is very
important to assess the priority  process at the
outcome, the student is experiencing no hurry to
everything you happening to  around. CONCEPT AND
are those that require skills and abilities of sports
(travel, launches, receptions, etc.).. His practice is
recommended as preparation for children who begin to
practice any sport, which gives them a series of physical
and technical resources. Assimilation of sports skills In
this sense, predeportivos games are a variant of the
games children, characterized by content that promote the
acquisition of certain movements, actions and skills that
underpin primary for sports. Usually, games and sports
games predeportivos share certain rules and assimilation
of sports skills, hence the significance for our research
work and commitment to demonstrate the potential of
predeportivos games as a tool to comply with the
objectives of the sport initiation in baseball. Teachers
who organize games predeportivos should have a
pedagogical attitude without forgetting that the focus is
the child and their learning. With games predeportivos,
children come to the competition and can perceive,
analyze and make decisions. It is also recommended that
every day, coach and teach little children the freedom to
improvise, without too many explanations and
interruptions. Predeportivos games are going to lead the
top, the games rules and requirements before getting into
the complex world of sport through sports reduced.
Predeportivos The game will be a kind of game with rules
more complex, longer duration and involves the domain of
a greater number of skills that simple games.
García-Fojeda (1987) places the game predeportivos
of intermediate form between the simple game and sport,
as a step back to the game simple and after sport.
Understand that this kind of games are longer than simple
games but much less than the sport, and that has rules
more complex than simple games but not so overly
complicated as those involved in sport, and that requires
the mobilization capacity or skills tailored to the
prepubescent. Clearly, these are complex games that will
develop sports skills in a generic or specific. Examples:
hitting and running, fielding, throw, throw and receive,
etc.. Our work assumes the following concept
predeportivos Games  The Games are a playful
predeportivos motor, intermediate type between play and
sport, which contain elements related to some form sports
and are the result of adaptation of sports games for the
initiation and learning of specific sports with a
structural and functional complexity much smaller, its
content, structure and purpose allow the development of
motor skills that underlie the development Sports Skills
as they contain similar elements has some sport. With
this type of game prepares students for the transition to
the sport while the teacher offers a wide range of games
that properly applied, can cover in a fun and more
natural physical training period that separates the sport
game, filling technical stages and physical training
school sports. They are a learning and sport initiation,
where the sport becomes simpler games through adjustments
to its rules, a feature taken in our research to the
development of the proposed predeportivos baseball games
in tight spaces to come to fill a space in the opening
game of baseball in the community school sports
Guáimaro. Because predeportivos games provide a
great diversity of situations are difficult to
distinguish from many of the games played normally be the
persecution, release, etc., however there be borne in
mind that nothing distinguishes a driving game rules of
another predeportivos more than the purpose intended.
Through his practice develop skills and motor skills,
while the need to play as a team to further enhance
relations group, so training is a way for excellence in
Predeportivos games as a prelude to the sport can be
classified according to the type of skills developed.
García-Fojeda (1987) distinguishes two main types:
1. Generic predeportivos Games: will be those who will
develop skills common to various sports such as for
example the launches and receptions. 2. Specific
predeportivos Games: will be those who will develop some
specific skills of a particular sport such as for example
a 2×2 game without too many rules and with two bases to 2
out to improve some of the skills of baseball. From this
simple classification we can raise predeportivos multiple
games that can be used in sports education from an early
age. As labor is assumed to this classification,
emphasizing mainly on the second one is that there comes
to our investigation if we take into account its purpose,
which is intended to solve the problems in baseball
massive groups, which have place in the community school
Guáimaro sports that are related to the sport
initiation, so it is necessary to get closer to the sport
of baseball, the reason for this kind of student group.
PREDEPORTIVOS Game Features: Allow the evolution of
social learning content and that by predeportivos Games
will increasingly adopting rules that makes the player
take new skills, observe the rules set and then the
group's interests prevail over the personal. OBJECTIVES
OF THE GAMES PREDEPORTIVOS: 1 – Domain motor skills, and
integration of the elements technicians to them. 2 –
Overall implementation of the technical elements without
regard to the effectiveness of movement. 3 – Introduction
to technical and tactical learning the sport. 4 – Basic
knowledge of the rules of the sport. GAMES PREDEPORTIVOS
from a philosophical perspective. To start thinking about
predeportivos games as a prelude to the sporting activity
itself is essential to start as a basic premise of the
study of man as a generic, active, social, creative in
its history. Since they are the material conditions of
life that determine the spiritual conditions, although
they exert an active influence. The relationship of man
and his world are specified in the subject-object being
the basis of it, the activity within this practice, play
the role. The specificity of philosophical knowledge is
in man and its relationship with the world around him.
This is one of the so-called perennial problems in
philosophy. Marxism in the systemic view of man is the
conceptual core of the human world from its dialectical
materialist approach. The social sciences to refer to the
works of Marx out in first place three philosophical
ideas that had a significant importance in the
development of the fundamental principles of research and
understanding of human consciousness. 1-The essence of
consciousness is that the relationship with the external
environment appears in human consciousness through its
ideal reflection. This reflex is located between the
ideal situation and the action which is performed by the
transformation of the situation, or more broadly, the
transformation of the surrounding world. 2-human activity
(both practical and theoretical) plays a role in the
formation of the human psyche. As a result of the above,
the material world created by human activity influences
the whole development of the human psyche. At work, the
activity of the subject and object, bone work product,
are interwoven with each other. Marx wrote "In the
capital" to transform "external nature", man transforms
nature "… two of here is drawing a conclusion
consistent with a broad meaning that" essentially human
forces, "the man, his feelings, aspirations and thoughts
are conditioned by the products of human activity. 3-The
activity of man and therefore his psyche are social in
character. The sport is a product of history. "… The
feelings of social man are deferent from those of the
social man" 3. "… The social character is inherent in
any movement, as well as society creates man as such, and
it creates the same society. The activity and the
enjoyment of its fruits, both for its content and the
mode of existence, have a social character. References: 1
C. Marx. Capital. C. Marx and F. Engels. Obras, t. Ibid
pag.189.2, pag.188. 3 Ibid, pag.593. 4 Ibid, pag.589.
Marx's ideas for sports science opened the possibility of
conducting an analysis of the facts of consciousness and
activity from the positions of their social conditioning.
For example, the complex problem of the correlation
between nature and nurture in the capabilities of the
staff received a scientific approach on the basis of
Marxism. In adopting the view of eighteenth century
English economist A. Smith about the diversity of human
gifts are more a consequence than a cause of division of
labor, Marx stressed that "5. The human capacities emerge
based on the "natural characteristics" but it depends on
historically conditioned ways of working and changing and
in addition to the conditions of material life of
society. "The fact that an individual can develop their
talents depends entirely on demand, which in turn depends
on the division of labor and culture conditions of men,
arising therefrom," wrote C. Marx and F. Engels. It is
understood that the wealth of the ideas of Marx which
raises the theoretical foundation of sport science is not
limited to the aforementioned philosophical postulates
and determine the most important trends in the
development of scientific thought. In this respect are
especially important Engels' ideas on the influence of
activity in human thought. "Both in the natural sciences
and in philosophy has been ignored to date investigating
the influence of human activity in their thinking. It is
known that a part is the nature and the other thought. No
clutch, the essential basis and closer to human thinking
is precisely the transformation of nature by man and
nature not only as such is also the interest of
development in man as man learned to change nature. "
References: 5 C. Marx. Poverty of Philosophy. C. Marx and
F. Engels.Obras, t.4, pag.149. 6 C. Marx and F. Engels
German Ideology. Works, T.3, pag.3927 F. Engels.
Dialectics of Nature. C Marx and F. Engels. Works, t.20,
pag. 545. Refuting Agnosticism, Lenin stressed that the
sensations reflect the objective reality that exists
independently of the subject who knows. Being a correct
reflection of reality, feelings are the primary link in
the process of knowledge of reality by man. Hence the
importance of predeportivos games that are an essential
element in the development of the child and becomes an
important value in school-age children, being
characteristic of the games with the presence of rules
governing the actions of the child and see is where your
feelings and experiences becomes a vision of the
environment that fosters the acquisition of new knowledge
that will develop in this case its sporting talent. A
higher level of reflection of reality is to think
conceptually, this step has the character of a
dialectical leap "in the gradual break." In the
"Philosophical Notebooks" reads: "Knowledge is the
approximation eternal, infinite of thought to object. The
reflection of nature in the mind of man must be
understood not so inert, not abstract, not devoid of
movement, not without contradictions, but in the eternal
process of movement, the emergence of contradictions and
their solution 11. This is the essential basis of
dialectical materialism as a science, which sees man in
his relationship with the environment of constant change,
development and transformation.  Taking into account
all the contributions of the tenets of Marxism-Leninism,
from the philosophical point of view assumes the concept
of play as follows: It is a social phenomenon that is the
quintessential activity of the child, which they
experience their feelings, feelings, aspirations, moods,
arising from the interaction between the conditions of
the activity (object) and the particularities of the
individual (subject activity) through the game, allowing
the subject is linked with reality and transform it from
the new insights that will increase in the relationship
established between subject-activity. References
bibliográficas11 V. I Lenin's Philosophical
Notebooks. C., t. 29, pp. 177.12 Idem, pags.226-227.
is an educational process which shows how instructive and
educational, for the training of the new man which is the
aim of socialist education in the first instance and the
development of sports skills in order to promote welfare
in its practitioners and the relevant sports results,
this implies that each activity is developed in this
direction must comply with the principles of didactic
teaching and all its advances in order to comply with the
guidelines for sport sports initiation field emanating
from the highest court The educational process is one
that is consciously developed through social
relationships established between students and teachers
with the purpose of educating, instructing and developing
the first, responding to the demands of society, for
which is systematized and recreates the culture
accumulated by the company in a planned and organized "C.
Alvarez (1999-1996). From this definition it follows
clearly embracing the social character of the process
considered and whose implementation is based on the
extensive system of interactions and relationships
established between the subjects involved in the same
subject that are not only participants in the process
simple, but become creators and actors in it. The
educational process is an open and flexible, subject to
changes which should be the result of scientific research
and creative practice. " Education and training of the
personality can be achieved largely by the system of
relations established between individuals, in which
actors are involved as learners and educators, these
relationships are achieved in the activity and
communication (as a kind of essential activity in the
educational process), which are directed to an end, has a
content is done through actions and operations using
various means. Guessed Fatima (2004) In the systemic
configuration of the educational process, the unity
between the components is achieved with the establishment
of key relationships are necessary, including from the
internal performance of the functions of each system
element thereby affording a view of the system as a whole
. Education is the process and outcome of the domination
of one branch of human knowledge, profession, training is
the process and the result of being able men, who have
developed intelligent thought. Education is the process
and outcome in men forming in his mind: feelings, belief,
desire, values, linked to further their education and
training. C. Alvarez (1999) In this sense assume the laws
of Teaching C. Alvarez, 1998) for the current and
significance which is related to the theory of conscious
processes, the integration of educational components and
the relationship institution and the school environment.
So educational, and development is reached through
education, addressed in a conscious, a feature which
closes the dialectical triad and how instructive
operationally-related education and developer. Founded on
this basis, we can explain the behavior of the
educational process through two general laws, as stated
by C. Alvarez 1999, and are formulated as: the
relationship of the educational process with society,
with life, the internal dynamics of the educational
process. The didactic principles of communist education
and its link with the instruction and the beginning of
the relationship between content and form of education.
These laws acquire their specificity in multiple
dialectical nature of particular relationships, which
allow a representation of the process, allowing you to
understand the dimensions, components, structure and
functions of its own, in all its complexity.  Arem
then assesses the main trends and assume teaching of
these theories and postulates that most of our research
there comes a dialectical perspective that allows us to
reach conclusions useful and necessary for elevation to
higher planes regarding the sport initiation in baseball.
Before going into detail about the use of leisure
activity, it should take a quick look at the role played
in the school play. According to the historical moment,
the sociocultural environment and the intended purpose,
it gives the game a very different role in the field of
pedagogy The main teaching positions that have been
expressed about using the game to highlight the
CURRENT Teaching staff: TRADITIONAL SCHOOL: Traditional
education, influenced by church doctrine, considers the
body the least noble of the person, so that any physical
training is going to suffer. This situation will
presumably have an impact as the use of the game. Based
on the student's cognitive development, cultivates
intellectual, marginalizing any game that is not
considered intellectually, even playful practice in
discriminating leisure hours. Game Theory and Practice
(Body language) Dr. Pere Lavega Bourgeois The traditional
school repeatedly accused the game to involve the child
in learning to lose track of effort and suffering,
essential elements of a good education. ACTIVE SCHOOL The
first reaction against this view, perhaps beginning with
Rousseau, who emphasizes the spontaneous and natural
education of the child. The game will be a demonstration
to enhance child. This movement soon spread to Germany,
Belgium, Switzerland and throughout Europe final.
Similarly Piaget Ferriere are in favor of active methods,
proposing the use of children's play in their pedagogical
approaches. Were followed by other authors who share the
same vision as Froebel German, Belgian and Italian
Decroly Montessori. Catalonia, in the first third of the
nineteenth century became the true national and
international promoter pioneer of these methods. In 1898
Flos i Calcat S. Jordi school created under the theme
"Teaching Playing", Francesc Ferrer, Joan Frederic Gothic
Tusquets also contemplate the use of play, the latter
forming considered even religious matters. SOVIET POWER
AND INFLUENCE IN WEST After the First World War and until
the fifties, the prevailing class consciousness in the
proletariat, finding in the Russian October Revolution
its highest significance. Pedagogical renewal tessituras
appear linked to these facts, they accuse of being an
active school elitist and using methods sclerotized.
Soviet pedagogy based their arguments on the job. Marx,
Makarenko, Engels and Blonskij are the most prominent
representatives, who represent the interests of the
community before the interests of the child. So
everything that is not associated with work, not
strength. Obviously the game will be very marginal.
Freinet in Western culture considers the game a long time
lost, an obstacle in the production process that should
characterize the worker. Just accept the game, work,
collective and that prepares children for the work of the
community. THE CURRENT TREND: In recent years the
mainstream on the pedagogical use of game you can specify
in: HOW THE GAME Toggle Ignore: Game Theory and Practice
– (Dr. Pere Lavega Body Expression Burgess Concerned by
serious studies, this position is concerned with the
activities "Important" intellectual, relegating to play
the role of recreation. The Physical Education session is
balancing work, cathartic for the student. GAME KID'S
CENTER OF INTEREST AS SYMBOLIC They base their view on
the game, in the work of Chateau, Wallon, Freud,
Winnicott, Piaget, dealing primarily by the fictional
game, which appears in the earliest ages. PLAYING
TEACHING: Influenced by the active school, give the game
a privileged educational role. Seintentan use the various
recreational events that may occur in the game (games of
opposition, collaboration, partnership and opposition,
alternative games, expressive games, new games,
traditional folk games ,…), trying to engage the
student an enjoyable learning. A session of PE may be
only "Play". PREDEPORTIVO GAME: Sport is the true focus
of teaching is regarded as one of the main physical
activities available to the teacher of physical education
and sports. It is almost considered an end, and all
information used to the game including the student
prepare for this major activity called sport. The games
are called predeportivos are a vehicle to enter the
sport. THE LUDOMOTRICIDAD: This ideological position,
results also from the new school, seeks the essence and
originality of the game engine. Its maximum is Parlebas
representative, who argued that the rehabilitation of the
game must go hand in search of the specificity of
Physical Education. This author great defender of
traditional games based his work in driving praxeology
(science of the motor action) and builds seven models
called universal operating (driving communications
network, a network of role reversal, subroles exchange
network, network interaction brand, rating or scoring
system, code and code Gestemo praxémico), to study
the internal logic of these practices, demonstrating that
there are traditional games with an internal structure as
much or more complex than the sports themselves. Hence
they are true pedagogical tools to consider. In this
overview of the different educational streams are
displayed various criteria and also straight evolution is
seen as related to the activity of the game as a teaching
tool, which we assume for our research because of its
wide current and effective basis of current criteria
force which, although not specifically to games
predeportivos but comes into play a leading role in post
to give the game a high educational value, a feature
which is profoundly raised by the current or current
trend, which provide a focus of the game from different
aspects of learning and teaching. In our work comes about
within the current trends, issues raised in the tendency
to teach to play, which confront us ways to develop
recreational activity within the educational process,
establishing forms of interaction between students which
strengthens an important element that is student's
socialization through play. It is also vitally important
for us as posed by the current trend as its greatest
exponent ludomotricidad Parlebas, giving great
significance to the traditional games that makes us see
in our research for baseball not only from a sporting
point of view, but as one of the traditional games of the
territory where we have developed our work
Guáimaro people with a vast tradition of baseball
in recent time in the province of Camaguey, which gives
meaning and importance to the work of investigation, on
the other hand and within current trends, full assume the
trend for research explaining the importance and role of
predeportivos games as a teaching tool for novice sport,
this game places the predeportivos trends in the center
of the process as stated above in the explanation of mind
the trend and puts the sport in order to achieve, so it
takes a high degree of effectiveness at work which allows
us to substantiate the reasons and significance of the
research in question. Predeportivos In games, sport is
the real focus for learning, and all information used,
including the game itself will prepare students for
higher denominations such activity sport. The games are
called predeportivos because they are a vehicle to enter
the sport. The teacher must master a methodical and
pedagogical effects, and understand that games are a
manifestation of the child's life. This reality must
determine the type of work to develop with children,
understand their condition "host", rejecting the
traditional "trainer", and marked the basic objective
that children have fun and enthusiasm for the sport. The
teacher should be able to tell a teacher to present the
games more attractive and rewarding for the
characteristics and needs of their students. This does
not mean you have to have memorized a lot of games, but
should know their students well, and once given the level
of evolution ludomotriz of them would have to go to any
of the many manuals of existing games to choose that best
fit your educational context. Although all the children
play, not always share the same leisure activities, as
they grow and develop, they also transformed their games.
Following the work of authors such as Piaget, Parlebas,
Blázquez, Erickson, Le Boulch, Vayer, Flax and
Maldonado, one can distinguish the following periods
playful (Lasierra and Lavega, 1993): Game Theory and
Practice (Body Language) Dr. Pere Lavega Burg
Ludoegocentrismo period: ranges from 2 to 6 years.
Usually present simple games, individual, totally
self-centered, where the child refuses the rules
understood as a joint participation. In these games raw
achieving individual goals, the rules are very simple,
and actions can be fictitious or if more active part in
games are to run, escape, to anticipate a particular
area, etc. Coordination and cooperation previous
ludomotriz: Could be up to the children whose ages range
from 6 to 10 years. Every time the rules become more
interested, it appears the notion of competition and
motor communication. The games at this level are
organizational media, children can participate in
different environments increasingly collective
activities. But collective action must be understood
practically as the result of several individual stocks.
Ludomotor Development Period: From 11-12 years young
people begin to accept the pact group with all its
consequences. Gradually introduce more rules play
activities, very willingly accepting the highly regulated
sports and games. During this period, the groups that
show a special interest in sports, very positively also
accept games that resemble these practices (ball games,
with physical targets, goals, areas of mark-to achieve,
CHILDREN WITH SPORTS, ARE: The focus is the child and
their learning. Using exercises and games competition in
which children can collect, analyze and decide. Give
freedom to improvise and compose forms of movement. Show
each day a few things. No standing, few interruptions,
few explanations. Sport activity in the game is a form of
human activity consists, according to Rubinstein, "a
complex of actions are not random, the relationship
between the unity of motivation." The main motivation in
the sport, is the business objective: to overcome the
enemy and meet good performances. But the child knows
other motivations such as the satisfaction of the natural
need for movement, and in relation to the maturity stage,
the need to assert itself on the social level, and higher
motivation and hygiene awareness of the value and
significance of the political game social-sporting
success at international level. PREDEPORTIVOS GAMES FROM
A PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH. In analyzing the game from the
psychological point of view is necessary to make an
analysis of the various psychological power, with the aim
of strengthening the theoretical basis of our research
due to the great importance which involves the
psychological factor and hence the explanation of the
game the full degree from a psychological or pedagogic
vision, taking into account that we display the current
main trend and psychological aspects which we believe
will contribute to the foundation of our research
proposal. O ENFOGUE CURRENT: Cognitive Are considered the
pillars of this current proposals J. Bruner and D. P.
Ausubel, the current paradigm or cognitive
psychoeducational, conceived as teaching students basic
skills of learning to learn and think effectively,
regardless of the context intruccional, more oriented to
the achievement of development thinking activities O
efforts to achieve an integral education, highlighting
what other proposals have been marginalized: the
development of the person [self] and the education of
affective and emotional processes. proposes education as
a means flattering [almost therapeutic, but at the same
time intruccional. Students are viewed with initiatives,
personal needs grow, capable of self-determination and
the potential to develop activities and solve problems
creatively. The humanistic teacher is considered a
facilitator, where educational efforts will aim to ensure
that the activities are self-directed, self-learning and
encouraging creativity. CURRENT OR APPROACH: CONDUCTIVE.
This is called the experimental analysis of behavior,
argues that psychology should stop dealing with
consciousness [unobservable processes] and name the
conduct [observable process] as its object of study. His
INFLUENCE (CONTRIBUTIONS) Attaches importance to
strengthening the learning process, reinforcing positive
behavior. It is based on objective methods such as
observation and experimentation. You can create
reflections that result in habits that can stimulate
other areas of development. It had some value in
introducing the basis for scientific analysis of learning
at a neurological level. CURRENT OR APPROACH: CULTURAL
should be the cultural historical paradigm, with the main
axes of historicism and understanding of human
development as a product of cultural assimilation. O
psychological development is not possible without the
instruction, because this reorganizes the advancement of
psychological functions through the zone of proximal
development. Development processes are not independent of
the educational processes, they are linked while this is
a participant in a sociocultural context in addition to
linking parents, peers and school, providing culture.
Learning is generative and this, their look, of
development. The role of social interaction with others,
be they experts, teachers, parents, seniors and peers is
critical to the socio-cultural and cognitive development.
This concept can extend the notion of any other teacher
or expert guide MediaTIC or provide a safeguard, whether
in informal or extracurricular, leading guided learning.
The teacher acts as guide, mentor and model, making the
active participation of all individuals in the group. It
has a dynamic assessment, totally new, focused on the
development processes in ways I called learning
potential. CURRENT OR APPROACH: HUMANIST Born with the
climate of protests over existing curricula in the U.S.
educational system, which did not take into account the
characteristics of students as individuals and were
written and performed in a dehumanizing tone. The most
representative author is Carl Rogers. STRENGTHS OR
INFLUENTIAL (CONTRIBUTIONS) It bases its effort to
achieve an integral education, highlighting what other
proposals have been marginalized: the development of the
person (self) and the education of affective and
emotional processes. This paradigm proposes education as
a means of becoming almost therapeutic, but at the same
time intruccional. Students are viewed with initiatives,
personal needs grow, capable of self-determination and
the potential to develop activities and solve problems
creatively. The humanistic teacher is considered a
facilitator, where educational efforts will aim to ensure
that the activities are self-directed, self-learning and
encouraging creativity. CURRENT OR APPROACH: THEORY OF
ACTION In the shift to social history, it radically
changes the structure of behavior: motivated because next
to biological reasons for the conduct, motives and needs
arise higher (spiritual), along with behavior that
depends on the immediate perception of the environment
higher forms of behavior emerge, based on the abstraction
of immediate environmental influences. and next to the
aforementioned sources of behavior arises activity that
are transmitted and treated human universal experiences
in the interpretation or analysis of the development of
the human psyche, is established as important principles
including the psyche unit activity which explained on the
basis that psychic phenomena are formed in and by the
activity, but in turn psychic phenomena are responsible
to regulate and direct the conscious activity of man
producing a dialectical relationship. Where the activity
is more than the processes to meet specific needs of the
individual showing the relationship with the social
environment by adopting a certain attitude.
 Conscious activity of man is not obligatorily
related to biological reasons. Man's activity is directed
by complex needs that often are called the higher or
spiritual, with them is related cognitive pushing the man
to obtain new knowledge to the need for communication, to
be useful to occupy in society and such a particular
position. The activity of man as a general consent is not
determined by the perceived impressions immediately and
individually. is known that man can reflect environmental
conditions in a more profound, awareness of the causal
dependencies of events and once understood this',
directed not to the external uncertainties, if not for
the deeper laws. Conscious activity of man has a third
source for the development of personality: the
overwhelming amount of knowledge and skills of the man
who formed via the accumulation of social experiences and
that are transmitted in the learning process. The vast
amount of knowledge, skills and procedures through which
man has not the result of his own experience but are
acquired by way of appropriation of the social and
historical experiences of generations. higher education
in life itself only in man. be traced to socio-historical
forms of life activity that is related to social work,
with the use of instruments and the emergence of
language. All this allows us to evaluate in the case of
physical activity, their development through the
proficiency levels of activity which includes the skills,
habits, skill, in the process of sports training and
physical development generally the individual. But we
must emphasize that for our research comes about largely
Historical sociocultural power which has as its highest
exponent of the big L. S. Vygotsky, which gives us first
the importance of development from the statement and its
close relationship with the student, in addition to the
influence of historical, social and cultural as being
active and influential in the development of the
individual these elements interpenetrate very well and
there comes the purpose of enabling our research to show
the game as a social phenomenon that exerts strong
influence on the personality development of children,
besides the cult factor which is implicit within the game
itself which is expressed customs, traditions etc. , Just
as we assume the inputs provided to us by current or
activity theory, as this by alluding to the activity as
an important element for the development of the
individual and that this in turn transforms, leads us to
the importance of game to take a child's essential to
provide for their development as a fundamental activity
that gradually reaching anger given the dialectic
established relationships in this and referred by current
or focus of activity. This relationship is established
from the application of games as a tool to develop the
child. In summary and the importance of these two
currents provides our research we assume as the platform
for our foundation not only psychological but seen from
all points of view welcome in our theoretical foundation,
which proposes predeportivos games as a tool for
initiating development of sports in baseball, it is
intended to demonstrate the impact of the game in
increasing the participation of children of 7-9 years at
SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN At this age there are substantial
variations in all organs and tissues of the body. This
will make all the bends of the cervical spine, chest and
waist. However, the ossification of the skeleton is not
finished yet, hence the great flexibility and mobility
they offer great potential for both physical education
and correct practice of many types of sports. It
intensively strengthen muscles and ligaments, increases
its volume and increases overall muscle strength. The
large muscles develop before small, so children are
better able to move relatively strong and loose, but it
is much harder to small movements that require precision.
The school mainly at beginning of period need to work
hard for written homework. Cardiovascular activity is
relatively stable because the heart muscle grows strongly
and is supplied with blood, so his heart is pretty tough.
The pulse is still rapid, about the beats per minute
range between 84 and 90 but it is better than the
previous age. The interrelationship of the processes of
excitation and inhibition vary. Inhibition basis of
self-control containment becomes more powerful than in
preschoolers. However, the propensity for excitation is
very large, hence the concern of school children. Consent
and reasonable discipline, the systematic nature of the
demands of adults, are essential external conditions for
the formation in children of normal relationship between
the processes of inhibition and excitation. FEELINGS AND
PERSECCIONES A heightened sensory acuity of vision and
hearing, familiar shapes and colors, tell the difference
tones of acoustic sound. The perception is losing the
emotional nature to be more objective and give way to the
observation as a voluntary and conscious perception,
allowing a more detailed knowledge of the objects and the
relationship between them. The perception of space
reaches a considerable development, coming to freely use
objects of different shapes and colors, playing games
that require an accurate perception of the location of
objects in space and determining the distance between
them. Earlier this school year there are difficulties in
the perception of motion with respect to his own body,
but gradually being overcome, because running a
government is aware of the movements, safety, accuracy,
speed, strong economy and functionality. ATTENTION
Children come to school when attention has not yet
underway. They give their attention in essence, with what
seems to be directly interesting, striking and unusual
[involuntary attention]. Gradually, he learns to run and
maintain a stable manner and attention to objects in
stable situations, the school finds it difficult to
concentrate on long explanations, especially if they are
perceived to girders of the ear, it is easier to focus on
short explanations with emotional nuance and are
accompanied by illustrations that cause and direct
interest. The distribution of attention at the beginning
of the period is characterized as insufficient, they have
trouble following the class, successfully perform tasks
and control their own behavior. Therefore, the teacher
must properly organize the different types of school
activity, so that the child used to the control valley of
multiple actions. MOTIVATION: The reasons are completely
stable yet, but certainly with the new social situation
of development, allows for greater stability in the
hierarchy of motivational reasons, as expressed in the
voluntariness of the conduct of the school. Patterns
predominate in relation to this, ie its activity is
governed by motives and immediate facts. The reasons for
the game occupy an important place. There is an emergence
of reasons closely linked to school activity. At this
stage the child is able to guide their behavior not only
for goals that are raised by adults but by other
knowingly proposed, achieving a more active control of
their behavior. The cognitive interest reaches different
levels of development. In the early grades is associated
with teacher approval process oriented study. MEMORY: The
memory at this stage, will also acquire a voluntary and
intentional. Increases the ability to set quickly and
with greater volume of blood, so the learning process
must rely on auxiliary models that facilitate the
establishment and retention. Establishing logical
relationships that allow the child to evoke in verbal,
written or graphic clear meanings which reproduce in
order to achieve a level of clear understanding. The
teaching-learning process has great significance memory
for visual images. Therefore one must base the process of
voluntary and involuntary retention of materials that
include verbal and visual. THOUGHT AND LANGUAGE: The
renovation is a very important quality of thought that
allows the child to make assumptions [hypothesize] and
self-regulate their own activity, which promotes their
intellectual development when taking into account the
interests and needs of the age, which may achieved by the
route of the game. In relation to the language at this
stage is developing coherent language, which allows on
premises and consequences of the child's lessons and is
necessary for the understanding of different content. The
unity of thought and language, will allow first [thought]
operate on beams of concepts that define words. In this
period the language, besides its communicative function,
continues to intellectual function. RELATIONSHIP WITH THE
MASTER OF SCHOOL AND FAMILY At school you will see a new
figure whose views will determine the child in the early
grades. The teacher is an authority that accepts without
reservation to about 4th grade, and its criteria a
decisive influence on the development of self-worth, and
acceptance or rejection on emotional wellbeing. The
family also requires the school carrying out their
responsibilities. Depending on the attitude that the
parents before the execution of children in school, they
would strengthen or weaken their interest in school
activities. It found that many problems with learning or
behavior in primary school, is operated inadequate family
situations such as: The lack of affection, support and
conflict. The game from the psychological point of view:
Playful activity is more intensive psychological
qualities and characteristics of the child's personality.
Within the game are other types of activity which
subsequently acquired a particular importance. Playful
activity influences the formation of mental processes
volunteers and during the game begins to develop in
children the care and voluntary memory. Under the terms
of the game, children can concentrate better and memorize
more. The very conditions of the game require the child
to focus on objects that are inside the game situation,
as well as the content of the actions and the argument.
If the child does not want to pay attention to what is
required of him in a game situation accurately, if not
remember the conditions of the game, just the other
fellow will remove him from it. The need for
communication, emotional stimuli, the child moves towards
a concentration and memorization. The creation of playful
situations and its shares, have a permanent influence on
the development of the intellectual activity of
school-age child. In the game, the child learns to
operate with replacement of the object, he gives her a
new name to substitute leisure in relation to the idea of
the game, and this substitute act according to the
description given. The object becomes a substitute for
thinking support. On the basis of the shares with
substitute objects, the child learns to think about the
real object. Gradually, the playful actions with objects
are shortening, the child learns to think about the
subject and act with him intellectually. Thus, the game,
greatly contributes to the child to spend the thought in
terms of representation. At the same time, the experience
of the inter-relations play, and particularly the
inter-relationships in the child's actual role play with
a plot, is determined on the basis of a particular
property of thought, allowing you to unfold, to stand at
the point of view of others, anticipate their future
behavior, and on the basis of this structural one's
game situation requires each participating child in her,
a certain level of development of verbal communication.
If the child is not able to intelligently express their
wishes regarding the development of the game, if it is
unable to understand verbal instructions from their
playmates, being understood by peers stimulates language
development relationship. Role playing is an important
determinant for the development of the imagination. In
play activities the child learns to replace the objects
by others, and assume roles. This capability is based on
the development of the imagination. In games to children
older than preschool age they are no longer essential
objects-substitutes, nor are they required many
recreational activities. Children learn to imply objects
and actions that are done with them, create new
situations in their imagination. The game can in this
case, developed internally. The influence of play on the
personality development of children, is that through it,
he knows the behavior and inter .- adult relationships,
which become a model for their own behavior, in the game,
acquire basic communication habits and the qualities
necessary for the establishment of the
inter-relationships with peers. The game, when the child
draws and forces him to submit to the rules contained in
each role assumed, contributes to feelings and volitional
BIOLOGICAL POINT OF VIEW: Games drive acting on the body
as a whole, ie work many muscle groups. By combining them
intelligently, avoiding the unilateral exercise of
certain parts of the body, is achieved more balanced
influence of the total constitution. In almost all games
require minor addition to the race, also the slope,
flare, extend, rotate, spin, jump, push, etc. Usually the
player does not realize the natural and comforting role
of these activities, because of the dedication to the
game. The games are characterized by smaller, short
breaks, in which in the joy they constitute a break for
the higher nervous activity, creating the premises to
continue in the next moment the game with the highest
concentration. It is recommended that smaller games are
carried out in the open so they can also act natural
biological stimuli. Knowledge of the fundamental
characteristics of different ages, is something that
should dominate the teacher to determine what types of
games and activities used, however to start this study is
necessary to know first: education levels and ages
corresponding to each level . SENSITIVE PERIODS AND
TRAINING OF CHILDREN. As has been discussed previously,
the organic maturation in stages or ages determine the
predisposition of humans to do certain jobs or tasks. In
the field of Physical Education and school sport is
important to consider the organic maturation process when
designing a program suited to the needs of children and
young people to whom this is addressed. The stages of
organizational maturity or predisposition for performance
that are affected by both genetic and environmental
factors are known as sensitive periods. Wolkov and Filin,
described this period as "… not strictly a stage of
development given individual (child age, teenagers,
etc..), But the period characterized by heightened
sensitivity to the action of factors both favorable and
unfavorable external environment . In short, the periods
in which the fusion of genetic and environmental factors
is the most complete. Knowing the critical periods and
the optimal doses of influence can be adjusted
arbitrarily different properties of the body at different
stages of ontogenesis, monitor individual development
program. " To characterize age environments for sensitive
periods is to take into account not only the
chronological age, but even more important is the
biological age, ie, one that determines a given physical
development does not always correspond with the
demonstrations or organic reactions that occur in
children of the same chronological age and sex. Hence the
development work of physical abilities, especially
conditionals (strength, endurance and speed) as well as
joint mobility or flexibility, are more effective if the
charges (mainly with reference to the volume, intensity
and density stimulus) and the types of capabilities or
its variants correspond to those stages at which changes
occur more favorable than are typical for each age and
sex. Large scientific studies have shown that biological
predisposition due to organic maturation involves a more
or less strict order from the six years where there is a
propitious moment for the systematic development of basic
coordination skills to about 12 or 13 years , from the
ages environment, promote the comprehensive development
of conditional capacities (especially strength and
speed). COORDINATE CAPACITY The development and
improvement of the structure of movement and motor
coordination is directly related to the state of the
central nervous system, particularly the sensorimotor
system and the integration of the perceptual system
(visual, tactile, auditory and cenesthetic). These
capabilities have a phase of intensive development from 6
to 11 years or so and there is a slight decrease between
the ages of 12 to 14 years. As a result of development
reached by the vestibular apparatus and other analyzers
(optical and acoustic), achieved a high level of
development of coordination, balance and agility in these
age groups, allowing the children if they are well
trained , can master motor skills of a high complexity of
implementation. No wonder it is stated that between 8 and
12 years of age are more conducive to learning due to
increased driving accelerated development of these
capabilities. At this age (8-12 years), improvement of
the coordination capacities must be made on the basis of
variety of exercises with different purpose and

For the development of coordination
capacities should be used in executions which modify the
initial or starting position, the dynamic structure –
time (slower or faster), variation in external conditions
(obstacles, sun) and combinations of skills or movements
in different conditions and rates of execution. The
exercise systematic coordination skills (balance, rhythm,
spatial orientation, among others) directly influences
the development of different capacities and conditional,
in turn, in a more proactive approach to learning
different motor activities (games, gymnastics, sports).
SPORT The ground rules make such motor problems to be
overcome in the course of the game, characterized by the
large number of decisions and judgments that participants
should take into game development. The technical training
is done through the repeated action of specific and
technical skills. Technical skills are within the overall
context of the game and built according to the demands of
each situation and constructed from a wide range of motor
experiences. There are two types of predeportes, the
generic, aimed at the acquisition of skills and skills
development for use in various sports, such as those
underlying the move regardless of the sport involved and
the specific character whose objective is the acquisition
and mastery of a specific activity in a particular sport.
In sports education when working with children should not
forget they are in full development of their capabilities
and therefore must be respected throughout the
evolutionary process in which they are immersed. Each
stage of growth requires a planned and without haste to
help you complete these capabilities. The training at
early ages should be focused on motivating and fun work
at once, so the game will be the best instrument for
carrying out this task. The motivation and enthusiasm for
the sport are basic premises that must be respected and
encouraged at these ages. For the child (a) any activity
undertaken in order to have fun is welcome, the game
contributes to the development of the child (a) we can
use to lead the sport and thus make it a method essential
work in the sports initiation. The goal of the games in
the first stage predeportivos sports initiation should be
based on the playful nature of learning and in general
dynamic coordination where they develop the fundamental
skills of running, climbing, throwing, etc., Through
global games used in the minimum and maximum possible
rules participatory. Most games should focus on
adaptation and familiarization with the elements which
are then integrated into the sport, it does not matter
where its highly technical. The games should not be
boring and should focus on content related to the basic
part of the motor tasks by enhancing the imagination and
intuition of the child (a). Every moment of development
requires a broadening of some aspects more than others,
each age has a physical and psychological characteristics
that influence the teaching of a sport, so another
important element in learning any sport, are spins forms,
which contribute the acquisition of the basic contents of
sporting activity you want teach and can be practiced
individually or with or without material. 1.2 Determine
the current status of implementation of predeportivos
games in tight spaces for sports initiation in children
aged 7-9 years in mass groups of the community school
baseball sports Guáimaro. To determine the
problems associated with gaps still remaining in the
process of treatment initiation to sports games
predeportivos, we applied several instruments (surveys of
teachers and students, interview teachers, staff from the
direction of the community school and parents of students
who no longer attend classes, scientific observation and
analysis of documents) that contributed to corroborate
the scientific issue raised. What resulted from the
survey and interviewing to teachers, managers and parents
of the students was found through the survey both
students and information found its embodiment in the
classes observed. For the research took into account the
enrollment of four teachers working with the initiation
of baseball in the community school sports
Guáimaro which represent 100% and a population of
80 students enrolled in the sporting course was taken as
a sample of 75 representing 93.7% of the population, this
sample is divided into 30 children who attend regularly
and 45 who no longer attend classes in order to further
the causes of their abandonment and to make a diagnosis
that would give us all the information sought to clarify
the problems in the initiation process.

Partial conclusions of Chapter # 1
1-In the analysis of the theoretical assumptions
underlying methodological treatment predeportivos games
in the sport initiation process, it is assumed from the
philosophical point of view the ideas of Engels on the
influence of activity in human thought essential premise
of materialist dialectics. From the pedagogical point of
view is assumed in our research concerning current trends
in teaching special trends playing which has its
influence on the active school, giving the game a
privileged educational role, in addition to the game
tendency predeportivos where Sport is the true focus of
teaching is regarded as one of the main physical
activities available to the teacher, these are borne
mostly by the great relationship or bond that kept with
the purposes of research which offers games for
development of basic skills in the sport of baseball in
the initiation process. For his part from the
psychological point of view in our research we assume the
theory expressed by the current socio-cultural history
posed by LS VIGOSKI, which gives us the development of
personality through education and its close relationship
with the student, in addition to the influence of the
historical, social and cultural as active and influential
bodies in the development of personality, allowing
display play as a historical phenomenon, social and
instructive, moreover also assumed concerning the active
current, which places at its center the (activity) in the
personality development of children and their dialectical
relationship, besides keeping close link with the
philosophical, pedagogical and others. 2-In determining
the current status of the problem as a result of the
diagnosis obtained through the instruments used and their
objectives there are gaps in the sport initiation process
of implementation by teachers of traditional teaching
methods that have no implicit game as a tool for teaching
baseball, coinciding with the low participation of
students to classes, on the other hand I sense that not
making the most of the areas where classes are conducted
leading to dissatisfaction among students which directly
affects the abandonment of classes by students, one of
the shortcomings is that teachers have no teaching
materials that support for the planning of games on their
BASEBALL SPORTS Guaimaro. This chapter shows
predeportivos in tight games as an alternative to the
sport initiation in baseball as part of the work of
instruction, based on the study of theoretical and
methodological predeportivos games that facilitate the
increased participation of children 7-9 years in classes
at the community school baseball sports Guáimaro.
It aims to use predeportivos baseball games in confined
spaces as a tool for developing the content of the
classes of baseball, take advantage of the spaces based
facilities to involve as many students in classes,
without a large number sophisticated materials for
baseball. It also presents the criteria valued by experts
of the feasibility of the proposal. II.-1. Structural
design of the alternative functional predeportivos in
tight games for the increased participation of children
from 7-9 years in the classes of the community school
baseball sports Guáimaro. In the making of the
alternative is a literature review regarding its concept,
intended to make clear the purposes of our research and
reached the same sense, resulting in several alternative
meanings among which 'Choice occiones or between
different solutions, "" occion or solution that you can
choose between several "," Chance or solutions are
contained in this manual dictionary of the Spanish
language. Moreover the encyclopedic manual refer interne
registered number suffix was first defined as "Right to
run something or enjoy it alternating with another",
"occion between two things," "Service that turns two or
more people." ? The alternative predeportivos games in
tight spaces and is specifically conceptualized
predeportivos through various games and their variants
that are concatenated progressively in terms of content,
rules, structure and use of tools developed to mitigate
the impact of material weaknesses that exist , for the
completion and implementation of the process of
initiation in the sports community schools, it responds
to the demands of the programs planned for this teaching
sports. Predeportivos added to this game as something new
in the development of activities for teachers of baseball
and the interaction with the students not only on the
baseball field but in schools, through the linking of
sports technician to operate student centers where
children taking advantage of the spaces of these shifts
and physical education as a pathway for continuous,
systematic process that should have sports initiation. It
is based on theoretical assumptions that give the truth
to the contribution. It is a valuable tool for teachers
of community school baseball Guáimaro sports. His
creativity and originality in the application of the same
will enable them to achieve positive results, taking into
account the characteristics of groups of students, the
objectives of the sport initiation and especially the
baseball program, we proposed that this is based on
interactivity components in it act as follows: lo,
instructive, fun-developer. For the structuring of each
of the games of the alternative account was taken of the
structure raised by the collective authors of productive
approach in physical education class, which shows the
game from an educational perspective and that its rules
meet different objectives for teaching children the sport
initiation and implementation of educational objectives,
in this sense the games are structured to have implied
the distances and sizes of land and the rules,
organization, options, materials, recommendations,
methods and the educational value of the game, this gives
a better finish to the alternative in terms of
organization. Features of the alternative – Participatory
and systemic: It is given in the interlinking of
different games and their variations with the maximum
prescribed in the initiation process, which influence the
increase in participation and development of
practitioners making it necessary to conceive of the
direct participation of these a systemic nature. It is
participatory because it gives students the opportunity
to interact constantly in the process to build their own
knowledge, going from the unknown to the known, solving
the various problems imposed by the game itself that is
learned through playing games predeportivos. – Flexible
and open: It ensures a degree of openness that must be
reversed in the enrichment and the feedback and support
adaptation to the concrete reality of sports initiation
process, part of the initial state, inasmuch as the game
evolves proposed change to enrich the time. – Developers
and comprehensive: Due to the forms of action and
interaction of students, sports initiation process should
mean growth and skill development. The integral must
generate quality, meeting the? sporting needs for that
age group and the other components of the personality
development of children. – Enriching and transformer:
Provides improved sports initiation process. Seeks to
transform the initial state of students in a desired
state that allows you to move up groups of perspective. –
Context: It means taking into consideration the specific
conditions under which runs the initiation process of the
community school sports sports Guáimaro, and the
characteristics of the sports area, materials, number of
students present and their particular characteristics and
so on. In compliance with the alternative of
predeportivos assume is based games: From the
epistemological point of view: predeportivos games are
based objectively on the diagnosis made on all the
literature review made earlier, which underpins the
massive group children in baseball sport initiation
process, have significant renal involvement baseball in
the classroom and in the same predeportivos games are not
used for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives for
this teaching is not an optimal use of the land or area
of classes for the purpose of involving the Most children
in the class of baseball. That is why our alternative
contains predeportivos in tight games and that its
contents, contains distinctive elements of the sample.
From a philosophical point of view: It is based on the
scientific world, ie the dialectical materialism, giving
the activity in this case play a transforming role to the
interaction of the child through this actively, model
assuming Socio Cultural Historical School Vygotskis
considering to grant the instruction, the focal point for
the development of personality and the role of the
teacher guide, mentor and model? achieving active
participation of all individuals in the group, achieving
a dialectical relationship between
social-historical-cultural and biological as it takes
into account the particularities of children in this age
group through sport as a social phenomenon. From the
standpoint of educational psychology: It builds on the
foundation of an active school which provides educational
value to the game, finding current flows further
clarification which include within their proposal the
game as a pedagogical tool for teaching, in which are
present predeportivos games, which have a center of
sports, here shows the main motivations of the author of
the research to raise predeportivos games in tight spaces
as an alternative for solving the existing problems. It
is based on the principle of accessibility showing games
that makes it easy to play from simple conditions to more
complex games and between games, evidenced Girders of the
structure of these in terms of rules, materials,
dimensions, participants and development itself. From the
social point of view: It responds to the needs of
children aged 7-9 years, helping to raise the quality of
student life, thus fulfilling one of the most noble
challenges in building the new man, also has character
inclusive by showing games in combinations appropriate to
any possible manifestation of participants proposed
opportunities from duos to equipment, providing
satisfaction and child feel socially useful as the game
itself is par excellence a socializing agency. From the
standpoint of scientific research: the alternative to
have been taken into account the particularities of the
baseball program for children in this age group as well
as aspects related to the sport initiation in baseball,
obtained through a thorough and current literature
review, which are described in Chapter 1, and the
diagnostic results? performed with the use of recognized
methods in the field of physical culture, as valid which
are detailed in the body of our work in Chapter 1.
to the community school teachers Guáimaro an
alternative sport to develop its work in the sport
initiation, playful perspective that implies the
implementation of production methods which include
predeportivos games. Share in the form of educational
materials all concerning the theoretical aspect for the
implementation of the proposed predeportivos games in
order to increase the participation of children in
classes of baseball and mitigate the effect of shortages
of some materials needed for the development of
traditional classes.

evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the action and
check the validity of alternative predeportivos in tight
games, you use the method of approach of specialists. The
essence of this method is the organization of a dialogue
with the specialists using the instrument applied (Annex
No 9) with a view to obtaining a general consensus, or at
least the reasons for the discrepancies. It is one of the
most reliable and is a method for making a picture
assessment of complex situations using statistical
elaboration of the views of specialists. It is understood
as a specialist, either an individual or a group of
people or organization able to offer conclusive
assessments of the problem and make recommendations
regarding key moments with an acceptable level of
competence. Were selected as sample 15 specialists, who
should meet the following conditions: having more than 10
years of graduation, extensive experience in teaching
baseball, know the contents of the athlete's training
program for aerial sports, and have knowledge research on
the subject, and willingness to assess the feasibility of
the proposed alternative. Those who have more than 14
years of professional experience in teaching baseball,
with the academic title of Master of Science in March
representing (20%), four are specialist representing
baseball (26.6%), are licensed in physical education
representing eight (51.2%) and 6 are instructor qualified
teacher, two are assistant. On knowledge of the sport
initiation process and the athlete's training program for
sports areas, their average is 7.9 criteria with respect
to the alternative of predeportivos in tight games was
obtained an average of 9 01, for? Moreover and in
relation to sources that have influenced their knowledge
on the subject of the alternative, in terms of
theoretical analysis performed 3 agree that the incidence
is high for 20%, 8 which means 53.3% and 4, which is low
for 26.6%, in relation to the impact of their experiences
of 15 agree that it is high to 100% as to the impact of
national authors' work is high for 10 specialist 66 , 6%,
5 is average for a 33.3% incidence concerning four
international authors say it is high to 26.6%, 6 which is
average for 40% and 5 which represents low 33.3%, finally
on the impact of your institution's August report that
the incidence is high for 53.3% and 7 which is half the
incidence to 46.6%, data showing high level of competence
specialists, as stated in Annexes 8 and 8th which gives
greater connotation to the value on which it shall be the
alternative. For the assessment of the alternative by
specialists and in order to determine the level of
satisfaction from these, the following indicators were
submitted to the opinion of experts. 1-The alternative
predeportivos games in tight spaces contributes to
increasing the participation of children aged 7-9 years
in the lessons of baseball. 2-The alternative
predeportivos games in tight spaces with the objectives
of the sport initiation. 3-The Alternative predeportivos
in tight games, have a logical order. After applying it
to the experts to verify through their level of
satisfaction criteria of these in relation to the
indicators mentioned above and the alternative as a whole
as shown in Annexes (9-10) shows the results recorded ,
the indicator 1 as very appropriate four specialists this
represents 26.6% of specialists, seven specialists quite
adequate and adecuado4 46.6 to 26.6, for? Moreover in the
case of indicator # 2 on whether the alternative
predeportivos games in tight spaces with the objectives
of the sport initiation ratings were obtained following
four experts value it very suitable for 26.6%, 6 the
rated of quite adequate for 40.0% and five (5) suitable
for 23.3%, compared to the third indicator which has to
do with the logical ordering of the alternative, the
specialists in the case of the category four experts
agreed quite adequate equivalent to 26.6%, 7 coincided
with the category of what I mean quite adequate for 46.6%
and six (6) agreed that was appropriate for 40.0%.
Generally the choice made was valued very suitable for
two specialists to 33.3%, 7 the value of quite adequate
for 46.6% and suitable for 6 specialists 40.0%, taking
into account these findings is considered that the
criterion of specialists is feasible for the increased
participation of children from 7-9 years in the classes
of the community school baseball sports Guáimaro
predeportivos dare of the games in tight spaces. All
suggestions of the experts were taken into account in
pursuit of perfecting the alternative Teachers are seen
as very useful alternative for the initiation mass sports
groups as it takes into account the use of the game in
all its aspects as a method and how to develop classes in
a more affordable, accessible and varied in order to
solve all the demands that arise from the variety and
variability of the process, if we take into account the
ages, the number of students as possible to assist in
these types of groups, which are intended to take any
number of children as possible to participate develop the
class and facilitate a high degree of massiveness and
participation. Another element that takes into account
the alternative is the ability to adapt to the conditions
of the area or space to develop activities which took
account of this element not only for moments when? find a
small area, but also to split the group and to give
greater participation to the greatest number of children
or whether all have always played occion and through this
develop their knowledge and skills. Chapter II Final
Thoughts 1.Se reveals the need for an alternative aimed
at increasing the participation of children of 7-9 years
from a recreational perspective, establishing a dialectic
relationship between leisure-instructional developer to
facilitate the active participation of children in
classes school baseball Guáimaro Community, which
takes into account the necessary adaptations to
conditions typically occur in an initiation process as is
the diversity of age, poor command of the elements of the
sport, increased interest of children for games
regulated. 1. The level of acceptance of the alternative
is quite adequate, as evidenced by the results of the
assessment criteria of the experts to consider it in its
whole quite adequate, as in each of the three indicators.
In general the alternative is evaluated quite


Partes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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