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Set of exercises in order to improve the students pronunciation in English

Partes: 1, 2, 3

    1. Vowel contrasts

    2. Consonant contrasts

    3. Conclusions

    4. Recommendations


    the learner"s ear can be made more sensitive by training"


    The following exercises may help you to get a better
    pronunciation, in addition to learning different aspects about
    English as a second language, also, some tips such as: stress, rhythm
    which is very important in a Foreign Language; moreover,
    intonation, liaisons and thought groups. You could also have the
    chance to appreciate vowel and consonant sounds and the way they
    take when are transcribed. I hope you will find on this project a
    very interesting instrument for you to study and practice.

    Here you will get the opportunity to see the description of
    each sound and the position of the mouth when it is pronounced.
    Remember that if we all work together, we can win this battle
    too, and with the help of your teacher you are going to learn how
    to obtain an accurate utterance always thinking that we are here
    to help you speak English more clearly.

    This work has been done due to the necessity of our students
    to strike up a conversation with a foreigner or Cuban person in
    the classroom or out of it, and the hard work done for the
    country on building our future generations and the real problems
    with English pronunciation at school. This is all I have to say,
    so the magic phrase is "listen and repeat", that is going to be
    my advice.


     Vowel Contrasts

    In this chapter the English vowel sounds are presented for
    practice, but the sounds which are confused or have been found
    "difficult" for Spanish speakers have been given greater

    Exercise 1

    and /І/

    1. Listen while the teacher pronounces the following sentences
      and select the correct one.

    The sheep is old.

    The ship is old.

    The sound /i/ is a high front vowel, that is, the tongue is
    high in the front of the mouth. The muscles of the tongue and
    throat are tense. If the lips are drawn back the vowel sound will
    be pronounced more accurately. This sound is long.

    The sound /І/ is also a high front vowel, but it is
    pronounced with the tongue in a slightly lower position than for
    /i/. The muscles of the tongue, throat, and lips are relaxed.
    This sound is short.

    1. Practice pronouncing the words in the column below. You may
      use as many of the exercises as you think you need.

    (1)   Pronounce all of the words in column 1, then,
    all of the words in column







    (2)   Pronounce pairs of words from the above
    columns. Be sure that you make a difference in the vowel

    (3)   Listen while the teacher pronounces a word from
    either column. Tell which column each word is from by giving the
    number of the column or by holding up either one or two

    (4)   Pronounce a word from one of the columns and
    have the teacher tell which column it is from.

    (5)   Pronounce a word from one of the columns and
    have another student tell which column it is from.

    (6)   Pronounce a word from one of the columns and
    ask another student to give the contrasting word in the opposite

    Partes: 1, 2, 3

    Página siguiente 

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