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Ice Cream Plant in Nicaragua

Enviado por José Aguirre

Partes: 1, 2

    1. Mixture,
      homogenization and pasteurization
    2. Melting
    3. Pumps
    4. Maturation
    5. Teams of
      cold water
    6. Team of cold
      water to cool the mixture.
    7. Team of cold
      water for ripeners.
    8. Mantecación
    9. Addiction of
      high added-value products (biscuits and
    10. Packaging
    11. Hardening
    12. Transport
    13. Labor


    In this paper we aim to provide an overview of the
    manufacturing process of an ice cream plant in Nicaragua, the

    Can be defined in the ice cream as a sweet-tasting food from a
    mixture of pasteurized and various ingredients (milk, water,
    sugar, cream, juices, eggs, cocoa, etc.), which is whipped and
    frozen for later consumption different shapes and sizes.
    Generally in the manufacture of ice cream are used various
    special additives such as thickeners, colorings, flavorings and
    stabilizers. When a food is the mixture of various components can
    present various physical structures within an overall appearance.
    In the case of ice cream, its structure may seem typically strong
    when they are well frozen, can have a pasty, semi, when they are
    near their melting point, or can be liquid melt if left at room
    temperature. Inside the ice cream can live almost all types of
    physical structure. As the iced the outcome of the union of a
    series of solid and liquid ingredients, the type of union can be
    very different.

    2. Physical description of Machinery


    homogenization and pasteurization

    For the production of ice cream mixture has chosen a
    processing plant mixture (mixture HTST Hoyer, the trademark or
    similar Hoyer Tetra Pack) that includes the mixture itself,
    homogenization and pasteurization at high temperature (HTST: High
    Temperature Short Time). The pasteurization takes place in a heat
    exchanger at a temperature of 84 º C for a short time (25
    seconds). This produces a continuous flow of ice cream

    The processing plant mixture Hoyer HTST mix is available in
    standard capacity of 600, 1200 and 2000 liters / hour. Since the
    desired output is 953 liters per hour, you choose the model of
    1200 liters / hour to better adapt to the needs.

    The processing plant mixture Hoyer HTST mixture is
    characterized by its compact design of stainless steel. All
    components are placed on a rack, which facilitates the
    installation and takes up minimal space. The Calderín is
    located in a separate chassis, so it can be placed near or far
    from the plant mixture. The plant consists of standard:

    . A Calderín to provide hot water tanks mixture through
    a pump. The standard Calderín is heated by steam.

    . A feeder powder products to add ingredients into powder to
    the tank mix.

    . Two mixing tanks, where the liquid ingredients are driven,
    while the solid ingredients are added through the feeder powder
    products. The tanks are fitted with agitators.

    . A centrifugal pump to send the mixture to the tank of

    . A tank of regulation with the float, complete with two
    filters and a system of by-pass.

    . A centrifugal pump to send the mixture to heat exchanger
    plates and homogenizing.

    . An exchanger plates of 5 sections to heat, cool and

    . A homogenizing to homogenize the mixture to the pressure of
    more than 200 bars. The homogenizing is equipped with a filter
    made of stainless steel.

    . A section of keeping the mixture at a temperature of
    pasteurization for 25 seconds.


    . Dimensions: 6300 mm1750 mm2000 mm

    . Power consumption: 16 kW.

    . Capacity: 1,200 liters / hour.


    To melt the butter necessary for the production of ice cream
    will be available Pump Station Multi Multi Hoystat of the
    trademark or similar Hoyer.

    The pumping station Hoystat Multi is an independent unit
    equipped with a tank, a pumping system and a control panel.
    The reservoir has a capacity of 150 liters and wears a shirt by
    circulating steam. The warming of the butter is fast and a
    thermostat ensures a proper temperature control. The pump is a
    positive displacement pump. It has agitator with a scraper to
    better melt the butter.

    The unit is constructed entirely of stainless steel, providing
    an easy and efficient cleaning.

    The control panel is located on the front of the tank and has
    controls for dosing the amount of steam entering and leaving the
    butter, as well as their temperatures.


    .Dimensions: 11558351212 mm

    . Pump capacity: 10-900 liters / hour

    Partes: 1, 2

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