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Curso de Inglés (página 8)

Enviado por Felipe

Partes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

She was watching t.v. with her friend at 7:00 p. m. Last
(shi was wotching ti. vi. Wid jer frend at senven pi. Em. Last
(ella estaba mirando t. v. Con su amigo a las 7:00 p. M. La noche

-) I wasn´t doing that last month. (ai wasent duing dat
last mond) (yo no estaba haciendo eso el mes pasado)

They weren´t  running at  5:00 a. M.
(dei werent roning at faiv ei. Em. Yesterdei)
(ellos no estaban corriendo a las 5:00 a. M. Ayer)

?) Was I talking to my father at. . . . . . . . .?.

Were we enjoying those meals?.
(wer ui enyoing dous
(¿estábamos nosotros disfrutando esas comidas?)

Para decir 2 acciones que
pasan al mismo tiempo en
pasado, tenemos que utilizar el conector "while (wail)
I was eating apples while you were playing the guitar.
(ai was i..ting apls wail iu wer pleing de guitar)
(yo estaba comiendo mazanas mientras tú estabas tocando la

I usually studied a lot while she didn´t do it.
(ai iushuali studid a lot wail shi dident du it)
(yo usualmente estudiaba un montón mientras que ella no lo

I never did what you told me while you were having fun.
(ai never did jwat iu told mi wail iu wer javing fon)
(yo nunca hice lo que tu me decías mientras tu te estabas

Entermediate 2 english practice, unit

"simple past and past

Change the following sentences to simple past or past

1) I am happy.
2) They are here.
3) Are you in his house?.
4) She ask many questions.
5) He sees a book on the table.
6) We don´t go to the bars.
7) It doesn´t eat a lot.
8) Does she kiss her boyfriend?.
9) Do you tell me the truth?.
10) I am talking to my father.
11) I am going to oaxaca tomorrow morning.
12) They arenot making much money.
13) I never do all what my mother tells me.



Se usa cuando una acción
en pasado progresivo es interrumpida por una acción en
pasado simple.

Se usan los conectores "when (jwen) (cuando…)" Y "before
(bifor) (antes, antes de)".
Note que en las siguientes oraciones ocurren dos acciones en
pasado, pero una pasa antes que la otra.

He was reading the magazine when his sister sang.
(ji was wri..ding de magasin jwen jis sister sang)
(él estaba leyendo la revista cuando
su hermana canto)

I was reading my book before you came in here.
(ai was wri..ding mai buk bifor iu keim in jir)
(yo estaba leyendo mi libro antes de
que tu entraras aquí)

When we arrived, dad was watching the news.
(jwen ui awraivd, dad was wotching de nius)
(cuando nosotros llegamos, papa estaba mirando las noticias)

They were writing a letter to their friends when their parents
(dei wer wraiting a leder tu deir frends jwen deir parents
(ellos estaban escribiendo una carta a sus
amigos cuando sus padres llegaron)

Entermediate 2 english practice, unit 6

Complete the following sentences as appropiate:

1) I ____ reading a book, ________ my mother spoke to
2) He _____ playing with his children, _________ one of them
3) They were buying many things, when the accident
4) ________ you _______ listening a song too high, your
father scold you.
5) ________ you came here, I ______ was making a phone

40. Palabras interrogativas con futuro y

Question words with future and

(cuestion words wid fiutur and past)
(palabras interrogativas con futuro y

"con futuro idiomático":

She is going to visit her grandparents in new york at 7:00
o´clock pm. Tomorrow, because she wants to.

Who is going to visit her grandparents in new york at 7:00 pm.
R = she is.

What is she going to do in new york at 7:00 o´clock pm.
Tomorrow, because she wants to?.
R = she is going to visit her grandparents.

Who is she going to visit to in new york at 7:00 o´clock
pm. Tomorrow, because she wants to?.
R = to her grandparents.

Where is she going to visit her grandparents at 7:00
o´clock pm. Tomorrow, because. . . . . .?.
R = in new york.

When is she going to visit her grandparents in new york, 
because. . . . . . . .?.
R = at 7:00 o´clock pm. Tomorrow.

Why is she going to visit her grandparents in new york at 7:00
o´clock pm. Tomorrow?.
R = because she wants to do it.

We are going to go to xalapa next week.

Who is going to xalapa next week?.
R = we are.

What are we going to do next week?.
R = to go to xalapa.

Where are we going to go to next week?.
R = to xalapa.

When are we going to go to xalapa?.
R = next week.

"con futuro simple":

I will work in that shop next month, because the owner wants me
to do it.

Who will work in that shop next month, because. . . . . .
R = I will.    
Or        I will do it.

What will I do in that shop next month, because. . . . .
R = I will work.
Where will I work in next month, because. . . . . . .?.
R = in that shop.

When will I work in that shop, because. . . . . . . .?.
R = next month.

Why will I work in that shop next month?.
R = because the owner wants me to do it.

"con futuro continuo":
She will be waiting for you until your bus arrives.

Who will be waiting for you until your bus arrives?.
R = she.

What will she be doing for you until your bus arrives?.
R = she will be waiting.

Until when will she be waiting for you?.
R = until your bus arrives.

"con pasado simple":
He did his homework in his house yesterday, because the teacher
told him to.

Who did his homework in his house yesterday, because. . . . .
R = he.

What did he do in his house yesterday, because. . . . . . .
R = his homework.

Where did he do his homework yesterday, because. . . . . .
R = in his house.

When did he do his homework in his house, because. . . . . . .
R = yesterday.

Why did he do his homework in his house yesterday?.
R = because the teacher told him to do it.

They played a game in the yard last night, because they wanted

Who played a game in the yard last night, because. . . . . .
R = they.

What did they do in the yard last night, because. . . . . . .
R = they played.

What did they play in the yard last night, because. . . . . .
R = a game.

Where did they play a game last night, because. . . . . .
R = in the yard.

When did they play a game in the yard, because . . . . .
R = last night.

Why did they play a game in the yard last night?.
R = because they wanted to do it.

"con pasado progresivo":
She was playing a game on the table at 5:00 pm. Yesterday?.

Who was playing a game on the table at 5:00 pm.
R = she.

What was she doing on the table at 5:00 pm. Yesterday?.
R = playing.

What was she playing on the table at 5:00 pm. Yesterday?.
R = a game.

Where was she playing a game at 5:00 pm. Yesterday?.
R = on the table.

When was she playing a game on the table?.
R = at 5:00 pm. Yesterday?.

At what time was she playing a game on the table
R = at 5:00 pm.

We were watching t. V. At 11:00 am the other day.

Who was watching t. V. At 11:00 am the other day?.
R = we.

What were we doing at 11:00 am the other day?.
R = watching.

What were we watching at 11:00 am the other day?.
R = t. V.

When were we watching t. V. The other day?.
R = the other day.

At what time were we watching t. V. The other day?.
R = at 11:00 am.

41. Preguntas de confirmación
con futuro y pasado

Tags with future and past
(tags wid fiutur and past)
(preguntas de confirmacion con futuro y

Futuro simple:

+) we will work next
-) won´t we?.
-) she won´t go with
+) will she?.


Futuro continuo:

+) you will be there at 3:00 o´clock
pm.         -)won´t
-) she won´t be singing at the
theater.          +)
will she?.

Pasado simple:

+) she went to a friend´s
-) didn´t she?.
-) we didn´t go to her school yesterday.   
+) did we?.

Pasado progresivo:

+) I was doing my
-) wasn´t  I?.
-) you weren´t crying all night because she left
+) were you?.

Entermediate 2 english practice, unit

"tags with future and past"

Make the correct tag question for each one of the following

1) We won´t work tomorrow, _________________?.
2) She was copying a sentence from the blackboard,
3) We didn´t do anything,_________________?.
4) You told me about it, ________________?.
5) Someday you will be my girlfriend, _______________?.
6) They weren´t listening to me,

Used to, still, and anymore

Used to (iust to) (acostumbraba, solía) = se usa cuando
queremos decir que acostumbrábamos hacer o realizar una
+) he used to play a lot when he was a child.
     (ji iust tu plei a lot jwen ji was a
(el solía o
acostumbraba jugar un montón cuando era un

-) he didn´t use to play a lot when he was a child.

?) Did he use to play a lot when he was a child?.

Still (stil) (todavía) = indica la continuidad de una
acción en el presente, es decir, nos dice que una
acción del pasado se continua haciendo en el presente; se
usa solo en frases (+)  y  (¿).
He still plays with his toys a lot.
  (ji stil pleis wid jis tois a lot)
(el todavía juega con sus jugetes un montón)

Does he still play with his toys a lot?.
R = no, he doesn´t.   
Or     yes, he still.

Note que "still" se coloca entre la persona y la
acción, y también que la acción se pluraliza
como normalmente lo hace  con "he, she, e it".

Anymore (enimor) (ya mas) = indica que una acción ya no
continua mas, y se usa solo en frases  (-)  e 
I don´t play anymore (ai dont plei enimor) (yo no juego ya mas =
yo ya no juego mas).
Do you play anymore? (du iu plei enimor?) (juegas tu mas? =
continuas jugando?).

Vocabulario (expresiones

A little while (a litl wail) (un poco de tiempo, un
To be used to (tu bi iust tu) (estar acostumbrado, estar
familiarizado.  Después de el "to", una acción
debe de ir con "ing").
To be fond of (tu bi fond ov) (estar encariñado con/de;
tener cariño a).
I still want to be a little while with you.
She is used to studying until midnight.
My brother was very fond of his little puppy.

Entermediate 2 english practice, unit

"used to, still, anymore"

Complete the following sentences:

1) They were fat because they ________ eat a lot!.
2) He ________ is a great english teacher.
3) I don´t know him ___________.
4) What did we _________ play when we were children?.
5) Can I _______ be your friend?.
6) When she worked as a lawyer, she never _________ lie.

Pronombres indefinidos

Indefinite pronouns
(indefinit pronouns)
(pronombres indefinidos)

Los pronombres indefinidos son palabras que nos ayudan a
nombrar personas, animales, cosas o
lugares, sin especificar sexo o
dirección; y se consideran siempre

Los que empiezan con "every" se usa en oraciones (+), (-) y
(?), Y son los siguientes:

Everyone (evriwuan) (cada uno, todos).
Everybody (evribodi) (cada uno, todos, cada quien).
Everything (evriding) (cada cosa, todas las cosas).
Everywhere (evrijwer) (cada lugar, todas partes, todos los

Everyone is here today (evriwuan is ji..r tudei) (todos
están aquí hoy).

They sent everybody an invitation.
(dei sent evribodi an inviteishion)
(ellos enviaron a cada quien una invitación)

Did we like everything about it?.
(did ui laik evriding abaut it?)
(nos gusta todo acerca de eso?)

God is everywhere, that is, inside and outside of everyone of
(god is evrijwer, dat is, insaid and autsaid ov evriwuan ov
(dios esta por/en todas partes, es decir, dentro y fuera de cada
uno de nosotros)

Los que empiezan con "no", son opuestos en significado a los
que empiezan con "every", y solo se usan en frases (+) y (?), No
se usan en frases negativas, porque por si mismos, ya expresan

Noone (nowuan) (no uno, ninguno, nadie).
Nobody (nobodi) (no cuerpo, ninguno, nadie).
Nothing (noding) (no cosa, ninguna cosa, nada).
Nowhere (no lugar, ningún lugar).

Noone wrote his name clearly.
(nowuan wrout jis neim cli..rli)
(ninguno escribió su nombre claramente)

I saw nobody that I knew.
(ai sou nobodi dat ai niu)
(yo no vi a  nadie que yo conociera)

Was there noone in the room?.
(was der nowuan in de rum?)
(había nadie en el cuarto?)

She said nothing about your accident.
(shi sed noding abaut yur accident)
(ella dijo nada acerca de tu accidente)

Nothing makes me angrier than that!.
(noding meiks mi angrier dan dat!)
(¡nada me hace mas enojado que eso!)

There are nowhere you can hide from your own guilt.
(der ar nojwer iu can jaid from yur oun guilt)
(hay ningún lugar tu puedas esconderte de tu propia

Los que empiezan con  "some", se utilizan en
oraciones  (+)  y (?),
Y son los siguientes:

Someone (somwuan) (alguno/a, alguien).
Somebody (sombodi) (algún cuerpo, alguien).
Something (somding) (alguna cosa, algo).
Somewhere (somjwer) (algún lugar, alguna parte).

Is there someone here?.
(is der somwuan jir?)
(hay alguen aquí?)

He is somewhere in this room.
(ji is somjwer in dis rum)
(él esta en alguna parte  de este cuarto)

There is somebody there.
(der is sombodi der)
(hay alguien alla)

There is something I can´t remember.
(der is somding ai cant wrimember)
(hay algo que yo no recuerdo)

Los que empiezan con "any" tienen el mismo significado que las
que empiezan con "some", pero se usan en oraciones (-) y (?).

Anyone (eniwuan) (alguien).
Anybody (enibodi) (alguien).
Anything (eniding) (alguna cosa, algo).
Anywhere (enijwer) (algún lugar).

Is there anybody here?.
(¿is der enibodi jir?)
(hay alguién aquí?)

There isn´t anyone here.  =  there is no one
Can anybody do something to help me?.
There wasn´t anybody.  =  there was nobody.
Is there anything I can do for you?.
There isn´t anything.  =  there is nothing.
They weren´t anywhere.  =  they were nowhere.

Los que terminan en "any" también se pueden usar en
oraciones (+), pero su significado cambia a "cualquier,

Either (ider)  =  como un adj. Significa "cualquier,
Either of them (ider ov dem) (cualquiera de ellos).
Either you go or I go (ider iu gou or ai gou) (o vas tú o
voy yo).
Each ( (cada, cada uno).
Each one of you ( wuan ov iu) (cada uno de ustedes).

Anybody in the office will help
(enibodi in di ofis will jelp iu)
(cualquiera en la oficina te

Anyone can do this, it is so easy.
(eniwuan can du dis, it is sou
(cualquiera puede hacer esto, es tan facil)

I will like either of them that you choose.
(ai wil laik ider ov dem dat iu chu..s)
(a mí me gustara cualquiera de ellos que tu elijas)

Either of you is going to come with me.
(ider ov iu is gouing tu com wid mi)
(cualquiera de ustedes va a venir conmigo)

Each one of us is a good friend of each one of you.
( wuan ov os is a gud frend ov wuan ov iu)
(cada uno de nosotros es un buen amigo de cada uno de

Nota: "either" e "each" siempre son singulares, por eso en los
ejemplos anterior llevan "is".

Entermediate 2 english practice, unit

"indefinite pronouns"

Complete the following sentences according the word in the

1) ________ one of us is a good friend of ______ one of
you.      (cada)
2) __________ can do this, it is so easy. 
3) Is there _________ here?.   (alguien)
4) There are ______________ you can hide of your own
guilt.  (algun lugar)
5) Did we like __________ about the subject?.  (cada
cosa, todo)
6) I saw _________ that I knew in the party.  (nadie,
7) ___________ makes me angrier than that!.  (nada,

43. Pronombres relativos

Relative pronouns
(wrelativ pronouns)
(pronombres relativos)

Los pronombres relativos se usan para dar informacion extra
acerca de una persona, un lugar, un objeto, o del tiempo u

"who (ju)"; y "whom (jum) (a quien, quien)  = se usan
solo con personas.
"whose (jus) (cuyo/a)" = se usa para indicar posesion.
"where" o "in which" = se usan para lugares.
"which" = se refiere a cosas o animales.
"when" = se refiere al tiempo u hora.
"that (dat) (que) (c)" = se refiere a personas, cosas o

1) who (ju) (que / quien…):  
The man who is playing baseball will win the game.
(de man ju is pleing beisbol wil win de gueim)
(el hombre
quien/que esta jugando baseball ganara el juego)

The student who studies hard will pass the final exam.
(de student ju studis jard wil pas de fainal exam)
(el estudiante que estudie duro pasara el examen final)

2) whom (jum) (quien, quienes).
He is the man to whom we all admire!.
(ji is de man jum ui ol admair!)
(él es el hombre a quien
todos nosotros admiramos!)

From whom did you receive ti?
(from jum did iu wrici..v it?)
(¿de quién lo recibistes?)

The man to whom I gave the present is my cousin.
(de man tu jum ai gueiv de present is mai cousin)
(el hombre a quien yo le di el regalo es mi primo)

Several people came to my party, none of whom i knew.
(several pipl keim tu mai parti, non ov jum ai niu)
(varias personas  vinieron a mi fiesta, ninguno de quienes
yo conocia)

Nota:  en lugar de "none of whom" se puede poner "and I
didn´t know any of them (y yo no conocia a ninguno de

3) whose (jus) (de quien, de quienes, cuyo/a).
Whose is this?
(jus is dis?)
(¿de quién es esto?)

Whose car is this?.
(jus car is dis?)
(¿de quién es este carro?)

He whose car is big will give it away to us.
(ji jus car is big wil giv it awei tu os)
(el cuyo carro es grande nos lo regalara)

They whose trousers are black are my relatives.
(dei jus trausers ar black ar mai wrelativs)
(ellos cuyos pantalones son negros son mis parientes)

The person whose keys I found must be worried.
(de person jus kis ai faund most bi wowried)
(la persona cuyas llaves yo encontre debe estar preocupado)

4) which (wich) (que; el/lo/la cual).
The book  which is on the table is mine.
(de buk wich is on de teibl is main)
(el libro que esta/el cual esta en la mesa es mio)

The horse  which he rides is big and black.
(de jors wich ji wraids is big and black)
(el caballo que el monta es grande y negro)

5) when (jwen) (cuando…).
Yesterday was the day when all the people in my office said the
(yesterdei was de dei jwen ol de pipl in mai ofis sed de
(ayer fue el día cuando toda la gente en mi oficina dijo
la verdad)

The day, when she came, was very warm.
(de dei, jwen shi keim, was vewri worm)
(el día, cuando ella vino, estaba muy calido)

6) where (jwer) (donde…).
The stadium where they are playing football is the biggest of the
(de stadium jwer dei ar pleing futbol is de
bigest ov de world)
(el estadio donde ellos estan jugando football es el mas grande
de el mundo)

7) "who, which, when" a veces pueden ser reemplazados por
The book which (that) is on the table is mine.
He is the man who (that) is very good playing football.
The day when (that) she came was warm.

"where" se puede sustituir por "in which" o por "on which" (en
el/la cual) según lo que se quiera dar a entender.
The office where (in which) i work is next to that shop.
This is the street where (on which) i live.
8) los pronombres relativos con/y las preposiciones.
This is the dog of which she is afraid = this is the dog which
she is afraid of.
I know the man from whose son you bought the car = I know the man
whose son from you bought the car.
The teacher in whose class I learned most is mr. Jones = the
teacher whose class I learned most in is mr. Jones.
The person with whom I am most is my best friend = the person
whom I am most with is my best friend.
This is the book about which I was talking to her = this is the
book which I was talking to her about.
The person for whom I am waiting is my sister = the person whom I
am waiting for is my sister.
You are the person to whom I am going to tell the truth = you are
the person whom I am going to tell the truth to.

Intermidiate 2 english practice, unit

"relative pronouns"

Practice using the appropiate relative pronoun in each

1) The student _______ studies hard will pass the final
2) Mr. Richard is the man to ______ we all admire!.
3) ________ am I speaking to?.
4) He ____________ car is big, is my best friend.
5) The glasses _________ were on the table, were mine.
6) Those were the houses __________ I was telling you
7) April the second is the day _________ he celebrates his

44. The use of "whatever, whichever, whoever,
whomever, wherever and whenever"

Whatever (jwatever) (lo que sea, el que sea, cualquier
"refiriendose a una cosa o animal").
Whichever (wichever) (cualquier, cualquiera que, cual sea
"refiriendose a una cosa o animal").
Whoever (juever) (quien sea, quienquiera "refiriendose a una
Whomever (jumever) (quien sea, a quien sea).
Wherever (jwerever) (donde sea, donde sea que, donde quiera,
donde quiera que).

Nota: estas palabras se consideran siempre "en singular".
Whatever book you choose.
(jwatever buk iu chu..s)
(cualquier libro que tu escojas)

Do whatever is necessary.
(du jwatever is necesawri)
(haz  lo que sea que sea necesario = haz lo que sea

I will finish my work today whatever happens.
(ai wil finish mai work tudei jwatever japens)
(yo terminare mi trabajo hoy lo
que sea que pase = yo terminare mi trabajo pase lo que pase)

Take whichever book you prefer.
(teik wichever buk iu prefer)
(toma cualquier libro que prefieras)

You can choose whichever you like.
(iu can chu..s wichever iu laik)
(tu puedes elegir cualquiera (cual sea) que te guste)

I won´t answer the phone whoever calls.
(ai wont answer de fon juever cols)
(yo no contestare el telefono quienquiera (quien sea) que

Whoever finds it can keep it.
(juever fainds it can kip it)
(quienquiera / quien sea que lo encuentre puede quedarselo)

Whoever you are.
(juever iu ar)
(quienquiera que seas)

Ask whoever you like.
(ask juever iu laik)
(pregunta a quien sea/quienquiera que gustes)

I can do a favor to whomever I want.
(ai can du a feivor tu jumever ai wont)
(yo puedo hacer un favor a quiensea que yo quiera)

Please, call me from wherever you are.
(pli..s, col mi from jwerever iu ar)
(por favor, llamame de dondesea que estes)

I am going to find her wherever she is.
(ai am gouing tu faind jer jwerever shi is)
(yo voy a encontrarla dondesea que este)

45. Los
pronombres recíprocos

Reciprocal pronouns.
(wreciprocal pronouns)
(los pronombres

Each other ( oder) (el uno al otro "intervienen 2
One another (wuan anoder) (unos a/con otros, uno a/con otro
"intervienen  3  o  más personas).

The two boys hate each other.
(de tu bois jeit oder)
(los dos muchachos se odian el uno al otro)

They used to give each other many presents.
(dei iust tu giv oder meni presents)
(ellos solian darse el uno al otro muchos regalos)

All of us in the class are very fond of one another.
(ol ov os in de clas ar vewri fond ov wuan anoder)
(todos nosotros en la clase estamos
muy encariñados unos con/a otros)

They didn´t have time to look at one another.
(dei dident jav taim tu luk at wuan anoder)
(ellos no tenian tiempo para mirarse unos a otros)

The use of "either…or… And neither…nor…"

Either…or… (i..der…or…) (o…o…) = se usa para
hablar acerca de 2 o más posibilidades, de una manera
You can either come with me or walk alone.
(iu can i..der com wid mi or wolk alon)
(tu puedes o venir conmigo o caminar solo)

Either you leave this house or I will call the police.
(i..der iu li..v dis jaus or ai wil col de polis)
(o tu dejas esta casa o yo llamare a la policia)

I like to live either in the city or on the country.
(ai laik tu liv i..der in de citi or on de countri)
(me gusta vivir o en la ciudad o en el campo)

Neither…nor… (ni..der…nor…) (ni…ni…) = se usa para
hablar de  2  o mas posibilidades, pero de una forma
I trust neither you nor anybody.
(ai trost ni..der iu nor enibodi)
(yo confio ni en ti ni en nadie (ellos))

I neither smoke nor drink liquor.
(ai ni..der smouk nor drink liquor)
(yo ni fumo ni tomo licor)

Neither he nor she was at home yesterday.
(ni..der ji nor shi was at jom yesterdei)
(ni el ni ella estaban en casa ayer)

Intermidiate 2 english practice, unit

"general review"

Translate into english the following spanish sentences:

1) O sales de mi casa, o tendre que llamar a la
2) Ni el ni tu son malos.
3) Ellos no tenian tiempo de mirarse unos a otros.
4) A veces nos amamos o nos odiamos el uno al otro.
5) Yo terminare los estudios pase lo que pase.
6) Yo puedo hacerle un favor a quienquiera.
7) Sal de dondequiera que estes.
8) No hicimos la tarea, porque no tuvimos el tiempo
9) Yo te dire la verdad tan pronto como tu me digas todo lo
que quiero saber.
10) No puede ser!, Ellos no estaban aquí ayer.

Nota: si no puede hacer este ejercicio, quiere decir que no ha
estudiado como debe de hacerlo, por favor, no siga adelante sin
antes saber todo muy bien del principio del curso hasta este

46. Conectores o

Connectors or conjunctions
(conectors or conyuncshion)
(conectores o conjunciones)

1) so that (sou dat); in order to (in order tu); y  so as
to (sou as tu) = se usan para indicar proposito y se pueden
traducir como "de manera que"  o  "con el proposito
de/que", aunque en ocaciones lo traducen como "para" o

"so that" = va seguido por una persona o pronombre del
"in order to" y "so as to" = van seguido por una acción, y
puede utilizarse cualquiera de los dos.
He is washing the car so that he can take his girlfriend to the
(ji is washing de car sou dat ji can teik jis grlfrend tu de
(el esta lavando el carro de manera que el pueda llevar a su
novia al cinema)

They are listening to their father in order to learn a
(dei ar lisening tu deir fader in order tu le..rn a lot)
(ellos estan escuchando a su padre con el proposito de aprender
un monton)

She got up early so as to be able to finish her homework.
(shi got op i..rli  sou as tu bi eibl tu finish jer
(ella se levanto temprano con el proposito de poder terminar
su tarea)

2) because (bicos) (porque…) = va seguido por una persona o
pronombre del sujeto.
Because of (bicos ov) (a causa de, por causa de, debido a) = va
seguido de un articulo o de un adjetivo posesivo.
I didn´t buy the cigarrets because they were very
(ai dident bai de cigawrets bicos dei wer vewri expensiv)
(yo no compre los cigarros porque ellos estaban muy caros)

I didn´t buy them because of their danger.
(ai dident bai dem bicos ov deir danyer)
(yo no los compre a causa de/ debido a su daño)

I only competed in the race because of the expensive
(ai onli compitid in de wreis bicos ov di expensiv prais)
(yo unicamente competi en la carrera a causa de el caro

3) although (oldoug); though (doug); even though (iven doug) =
los  3  significan "aunque", pero "although" por van
comunmente al principio de la oracion, mientras que "though" y
"even though" van comunmente en medio o al final de una
As though (as doug) (como si) = as if (as if).
Although she is very young, she has an open mind.
(oldoug shi is vewri yong, shi jas an oupen maind)
(aunque ella es muy joven, ella tiene una mente abierta)

Her father gave her a cat, though she doesn´t like
(jer fader geiv jer a cat, doug shi dosent laik dem)
(su padre le dio "a ella" un gato, aunque a ella no le

He is very fat even though he does a lot of exercise.
(ji is vewri fat iven doug ji dos a lot ov exersais)
(el esta muy gordo aunque él hace un monton de

He wants to buy a new car, though he can´t pay it.
(ji wonts tu bai a niu car, doug ji cant pei it)
(él quiere comprar a nuevo carro, aunque el no pueda

She didn´t want to eat though she was very hungry.
(shi dident wont tu i..t doug shi was vewri jongri)
(ella no quiso comer aunque ella estaba muy hambrienta)

My relatives are not here any more, but I feel as though
they´re still here.
(mai wrelativs ar not jir ani mor, bot ai fi..l as doug deir stil
(mis parientes ya no están más aquí, pero yo
siento como si ellos todavía estuvieran aquí.

Nota: en esta frase "they´re = they were".

4) in spite of (in spait ov) = despite (despait) = ambos
significan "a pesar de, a pesar de que, pese a, pese a que", su
orden en las frases no importa, pero comúnmente van
seguidos por "un sustantivo, una acción en gerundio, un
adjetivo posesivo o cualquier articulo.
Despite the mad dog, the mailman delivered the letter.
(despait de mad dog, the meilman deliverd de leder)
(a pesar del perro loco, el cartero entrego la carta)

Despite being ill, he went to the conference.
(despait biing il, ji went tu de conferens)
(a pesar de estar enfermo, él fue a la conferencia)

        in spite
of        the  hour,
doctors always help.

(in spait ov di aur, doctors olweis jelp)
(a pesar de la hora, los doctores siempre ayudan)

In spite of his good work, the boss fired him.
(in spait ov jis gud work, de bos faird jim)
(a pesar de su buen trabajo, el jefe lo despidió)

Nota: no confunda "despite" y "in spite of" con "although"
(oldoug), ya que este ultimo siempre se utiliza en frases
completas y significa "aunque", pues luego se confunde con "a
pesar de" ya que son sinónimos.

       as much
as        she was very
intelligent, she did´t pass the exam.

(as moch as…   Shi was vewri inteliyent, shi
dident pas di exam)
(aunque ella era muy inteligente, ella no paso el examen)

He was writing on the
although        his mother
told him not to do it.

(ji was wraiting on de
oldoug…       …jis moder told
jim not tu du it)
a pesar de que…
(él estaba escribiendo sobre el cuadro,
aunque…       madre le dijo no hacerlo)

Intermidiate 2 english practice, unit


Complete these sentences according to what it is asked in

1) He is explaining the best he can, ___________(de
manera que) we can understand easily.
2) I am writing a book ______________(con el
propósito de) publish it.
3) I didn´t buy them __________(porque…) They were
4) She had an open mind, ____________(aunque) she was very
5) I am going to kiss her ___________(aunque) she
doesn´t want me to do it.
6) __________(a pesar de) being sick, he went to the
7) We were punished _____________(a pesar de que) our good
8) The party was exciting, ____________(a pesar de que) all
my friend couldn´t be with me.

47. The use of

1) Late (leit) (tarde, con retrazo).
Lately (leitli) (ultimamente) = recently (wricentli)
You are late (iu ar leit) (tu estas atrazado = tu estas tarde =
llegas tarde).

It´s not good for him to keep himself awake until late
at night.
(its not gud for jim tu kip jimself aweik ontil leit at
(no es bueno que él se mantenga despierto hasta tarde en
la noche)

He came late, so we didn´t go to the cinema.
(ji keim leit, sou ui dident gou tu de cinema)
(él vino tarde, así que nosotros no fuimos al

You are very pretty lately!.
(iu ar vewri priti leitli!)
(tu estas muy bonita ultimamente!)

We don´t go to that kind of places lately.
(ui dont gou tu dat kaind ov pleises leitli)
(nosotros no vamos a esa clase de lugares ultimamente)

2) indeed (indid) (ciertamente, realmente) = se usa para
reforzar el significado de "very", se traduce también como
"de verdad!" O "en verdad!".   Es sinónimo de
"really" y "centainly".
Thank you very much indeed!.
(dakiu iu vewri moch indid!)
(muchísimas gracias de verdad!)

I am very happy indeed to see that!.
(ai am vewri japi indid tu si dat!)
(yo estoy muy feliz ciertamente por ver eso!)
3) near (ni..r) = indica proximidad y se traduce como "cerca
Nearly (ni..rli) (aproximadamente, por poco, casi).
Is your house far from
here?.        R= no, it is
near here.
(is yur jaus far from
(r = no, it is ni..r jir)
(esta tu casa lejos de
aquí?)        (r = no,
esta cerca de aquí)

My cat came near when I told it to do it.
(mai cat keim ni..r jwen ai told it tu du it)
(mi gato vino cerca cuando yo le dije que lo hiciera)

I nearly fell down.
(ai ni..rli fel daun)
(yo casi o por poco me caí)

My work in this factory is nearly completed.
(mai work in dis factowri is ni..rli complitid)
(mi trabajo es esta fabrica esta casi completo)

4) once (wuans) (una vez).    Twice (tuais)
(dos veces).   3  times (dri taims) (3
 4 times, 5 times, etc…

I always go to Veracruz once a month, neither twice nor 3
(ai olweis gou tu Veracruz wuans a mond, nider tuais nor 3
(yo siempre voy a Veracruz una vez al mes, ni dos veces ni 3

Once I talked to her when she was a child.
(wuans ai tolkt tu jer jwen shi was a chaild)
(una vez yo hable con ella cuando ella era una niña)

5) beside (bisaid) (junto a, al lado
Besides (bisaids) (ademas, ademas de, aparte de).
Besides = as well as.
Furthermore (furdermor) (lo que es mas) = besides.
Afterwards (afterwards) (después, más tarde).
Does she always sit down beside me in the school?.
(dos shi olweis sit daun bisaid mi in de scul?)
(¿se sentaba ella siempre junto a mí en la escuela?)

They are sometimes beside me.
(dei ar somtaims bisaid mi)
(ellos esta a veces junto a mí)

Don´t worry for that, besides she´s not coming
(dont wowri for dat, bisaids shi is not coming tudei!)
(no te preocupes por eso, ademas ella no viene hoy!)

What did he tell you to take with you besides a bottle of
(jwat did ji tel iu tu teik wid iu bisaids a botl ov wain?)
(que te dijo el que llevaras contigo aparte de la botella de

He is a doctor besides (as well as) a great businessman.
(ji is a doctor bisaids (as wel as) a greit bisnisman)
(él es un doctor ademas de (así como
también) un gran hombre de negocios)

I took her to the dance, furthermore (besides) I kissed
(ai tuk jer tu de dans, furdermor (bisaids) ai kist jer)
(yo la lleve a bailar, lo que es más (ademas) yo la

I did´t do it in that moment but I had to do it
(ai dident du it in dat moument bot ai jad tu do it
(yo no lo hice en ese momento pero tuve que hacerlo

6) however (jauever) (sin embargo, como sea, a pesar de todo)
Yet (jet) (pero, sin embargo) (conj).
I feel hungry, however (yet) I won´t eat anything.
(ai fi.l jongri, jauever (jet) ai wont i..t eniding)
(me siento hambriento, sin embargo (pero) yo no comeré

However you want, I will do it.
(jauever iu wont, i wil du it)
(como sea que quieras, yo lo haré)

Recuerde que "yet" como adverbio significa "todavía,
aun, aun así; pero "however" como un adverbio significa
"por mas…; Por muy…; Por mucho…".

However hard I try, I can´t do it.
(jauever jard ai trai, i cant du it)
(por muy duro que trato, yo no puedo hacerlo)

Don´t worry, yet you are the best.
(dont wowri, jet iu ar de best)
(no te preocupes, aun tú eres el mejor)

7) nevertheless (neverdeles) (no obstante) = nonetheless
I was sleepy, nevertheless I didn´t want to go to bed.
(ai was slipi, neverdeles ai dident wont tu gou tu bed)
(yo estaba soñoliento, no obstante yo no quise ir a la

8) thus (dus) (así, de este modo, así que) = se
considera sinónimo de "so" y de "this way".
Therefore (derfor) (por lo tanto, por tanto).
According to (acording tu) (según, de acuerdo a…).
I don´t like to hurt
I never feel bad.
this way
(ai dont laik tu jort pipl, dus i never fi.l bad)
(no me gusta lastimar a las personas, así o de esta
manera  nunca me siento mal)

They study a lot, therefore they´re going to pass.
(dei studi a lot, derfor deir gouing tu pas)
(ellos estudian un monton, por lo tanto ellos van a pasar)

You have to dress according to your age.
(iu jav tu dres acording tu yur eidch)
(tu tienes que vestir de acuerdo a tu edad)

9) throughout (drugaut) = como preposición significa "a
lo largo de, durante todo, durante toda"; pero como adverbio
significa "todo el tiempo, por todas partes de".
Otherwise (oderwais) (sino, de otra forma, de otra manera).

Throughout all the history, the persons have loved one another
without being aware of it. (drugaut ol de jistowri, de persons
jav lovd wuan anoder widaut biing awer of it) (a lo largo de toda
la historia, las
personas se han amado unas a otras sin ser conscientes de

They go selling door by door throughout the city.
(dei gou seling dor bai dor drugaut de city)
(ellos van vendiendo puerta por puerta por todas partes de la

You have to do your homework, otherwise you won´t be
able to come with us.
(iu jav tu du iur jomwork, oderwais iu wont bi eibl tu com wid
(tu tienes que hacer tu tarea, de otra forma (sino) no
podrás venir con nosotros)

10) accordingly (acordinli) (por ello, por lo cual, por
Consequently (consecuentli) (consecuentemente, por tanto).
If so…(if sou…) (si es así…).

You killed a
you will have to pay
(iu kild a person, if sou, iu will jav tu pei it)
(tu mataste una persona, si es así, tu tendrás que

He saved someone, consequently, he will be rewarded.
(ji seivd somwuan, consecuently, ji wil bi wriwardid)
(el salvo a alguien, consecuentemente, el será

11) Likewise (laikwais) (así mismo,

Since (sins) = como adv. Significa "desde, desde entonces,
después", como preposición significa "desde", pero
como una conjunción significa "ya que, puesto que";
comúnmente va acompañado de la palabra "ago (agou)

Thorough (doroug) (adj) = significa "completo/a, exhaustivo/a,
The doctor told her not to eat tacos, likewise not to stay awake
till late.
(de docto told jer not tu i..t tacos, laikwais not tu stei aweik
til leit)
(el doctor le dijo no comer tacos, así mismo no permanecer
despierta hasta tarde)

I don´t have any friend since 2 years ago.
(ai dont jave eni frend sins tu agou)
(yo no tengo ningún amigo desde hace 2 años)

He will never tell me the truth since I scolded him
(ji wil never tel me de trud sins ai scoldid jim yesterdei)
(el nunca me dirá la verdad ya que yo lo regañe

A few moments ago, I was studying since tomorrow I have an
(a fiu mouments agou, ai was studiing sins tumowrou ai jav an
(hace unos pocos momentos, yo estaba estudiando ya que
mañana tengo un examen)

The policeman was doing a very thorough investigation.
(de polisman was duing a vewri doroug investigueishion)
(el policía estaba haciendo un muy exhaustiva investigación)

Intermidiate 2 english practice, unit

"the use of…"

Practice filling the blanks in each one of the following
sentences with the word required in parenthesis.

1) It is ________(tarde) for me to go there.
2) We are good friends ____________(ciertamente)!.
3) If you study well, you will be __________(casi) as good
as i am.
4) Don´t you go to the dentis ___________(dos veces) a
5) What did they ask you to bring ____________(además
de) food and water?.
6) The earth is round and _____________(sin embargo) it
7) If you like to be good, help people, __________(de esa
manera), everyone will be like you, ______________(por lo tanto),
do others what you want them to do to you.
8) She failed her exam, ___________(ya que) she didnot

48. Apéndice

Acciones irregulares en pasado.Recuerde que las
acciones regulares en pasado, solo se forman agregando "en cuanto
a su escritura" la
terminación "ed". (ver pagina 51).

En cambio, las
siguientes acciones irregulares en pasado solo se las tiene que
aprender de memoria.

Nota: lógicamente, tuvo que haber estudiado la lista
de acciones en presente del apéndice 1 de la unidad


Partes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
 Página anterior Volver al principio del trabajoPágina siguiente 

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Todos los documentos disponibles en este sitio expresan los puntos de vista de sus respectivos autores y no de El objetivo de es poner el conocimiento a disposición de toda su comunidad. Queda bajo la responsabilidad de cada lector el eventual uso que se le de a esta información. Asimismo, es obligatoria la cita del autor del contenido y de como fuentes de información.
