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Curso de Inglés (página 10)

Enviado por Felipe

Partes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

He has written a letter to them lately.
(ji jas writen a leder tu dem leitli)
(él ha escrito una carta a ellos

Para negar solo se usa "hasn´t" o "haven´t":

I haven´t worked in that factory for many years.
She hasn´t gone to her house recently.
He hasn´t written a letter to them lately.

Para preguntar:

Have I worked …?.
Has she gone…?.
Has he written…?.

Present perfect continuous (present perfect continius)
(presente perfecto continuo) = se usa para decir que una acción
empezó en un punto del pasado y todavía continua en
el presente.

(empezó una
(y continua en el presente)

Construcción de una oración afirmativa:

Persona + have/has + been + acción en presente con
terminación en "ing" + información + palabra adicional.

Palabra adicional = today, all day, for, since, recently,
lately, this week, this month, this year, etc.
He has been studying english for 2 years.
(ji jas bi..n studing inglish for tu
(el ha estado
estudiando inglés
por dos años)

They haven´t been working hard recently.
(dei javent bi..n working jard wricentli)
(ellos no han estado trabajando duro recientemente)

Have you been swimming since 5:00 am?.
(jav iu bi..n swiming sins faiv ei. Em.?)
(has tu estado nadando desde las cinco a. M.?)

Advanced 1 english practice, unit

"presente perfect and continuous"

Complete the following sentences as it is required in

1) They _____________(han trabajado) in that company for
many years.
2) She  _____________(no ha ido) to her house
3) He _____________(ha estado) studying english for 2
4) They ____________(no han estado) working hard

50. Pasado
perfecto y pasado perfecto continuo

Past perfect (past perfect) (pasado perfecto) =  se usa
para describir a una acción que ocurrió antes
de otra acción pasada.

(acción que paso

Construcción de la oración:

Persona + had + (acción en p. Participio) + inf. +
palabra adicional + una oración en pasado simple.

Palabras adicionales: 

Before (bifor) (antes de, antes de que).
When (jwen) (cuando…).
Until (ontil) (hasta).
By the time (bai de taim) (por/en el momento, al tiempo
He had seen that movie twice before he came to this city.
(ji jad si..n dat movi tuais bifor ji keim tu dis citi)
(él había visto esa película dos veces antes
de que el viniera a esta ciudad)
He had told you that when you arrived.
(ji jad told iu dat jwen iu awraivd)
(él te había dicho eso cuando tu llegaste)

We had studied english before we went to u. S. A.
(ui jad studid inglis bifor ui went tu iu. Es. Ei.)
(nosotros habíamos estudiado inglés antes de que
fuéramos a u. S. A)

He hadn´t given you the papers before you came here.
(ji jadent given iu de peipers bifor iu keim jir)
(el te había dado los papeles antes de que vinieras

Had we seen them before they saw us?.
(jad ui si..n dem befor dei sou os?)
(habíamos nosotros visto a ellos antes de que ellos nos

Past perfect continuous (past perfect continius) (pasado
perfecto continuo) = se usa para describir y recalcar la
continuación de una acción que ocurrió antes
de otra acción pasada.

Acción que paso
la acción continua…

Construcción de la oración:

Persona + had been + acción en presente con
terminación en "ing" + palabra adicional + oración
en pasado simple.

Palabras adicionales = before, when, until, by the time.
She had been studying french for 6 months when she decided to
study english.
(shi jad bi..n studing french for six monds jwen shi disaidid tu
studi inglish)
(ella había estado estudiando francés por seis
meses cuando ella decidió estudiar inglés)

You had been eating a lot before my mother arrived at the
(iu jad bi..n i..ting a lot bifor mai moder awraivd at de
(tu habías estado comiendo un monton antes de que mi madre
llegara a la cocina)

Advanced 1 english practice, unit

"past perfect and continuous"

Complete the sentences below as it is required in the

1) We ___________(habíamos estudiado) english
before we went to u. S. A.
2) He ______________(no había dado) you the papers
before you came here.
3) You _____________(habías estado) eating a lot
before my mother arrived at the kitchen.
4) She ____________(no había estado) studying french
for 2 years

Question words and tag questions with present perfect and past
perfect (palabras interrogativas y preguntas de
confirmación con presente perfecto y pasado perfecto)

Preguntas interrogativas con presente

I have worked in that company for many years because that was
what I wanted to do.
Who has worked in that company for many…?.
R = i have.

What have I done in that company for many…?
R = i have worked.
Where have I worked for many years because…?
R = in that company.

How long/how much time have I worked for many in that company
R = for many years.

Why have I worked in that company for many years?
R = because that was what i wanted to do.

He has been studying english for 2 years.

Who has been studying english for 2 years?
R = he has.

What has he been doing for 2 years?
R = studying.

What has he been studying for 2 years?
R = english.

How long has he been studying english for?
R = for 2 years.

Preguntas interrogativas con pasado perfecto:

He had seen the movie twice before she saw it.

Who had seen the movie twice before…?
R = he had.

What had he done twice before she saw it?
R = he had seen.

What had he seen twice before she saw it?
R = the movie.

How many times had he seen the movie before…?
R = twice.
We had been studying maths before he did it.

Who had been studying maths
R = we had.

What had we been doing before…?
R = we had been studying.

What had we been studying before…?
R = maths.

51. Preguntas de confirmación con
presente perfecto

( +
( – )

You have done
Haven´t you?.
They have been watching t.
Haven´t they?.
He has been
Hasn´t he?.

( –
( + )

She hasn´t been
Has she?.
It hasn´t been eating
Has it?.
You haven´t done your
Have you?.

Preguntas de confirmación con pasado perfecto:
( +
( – )

She had been working a
Hadn´t she?.
They had done their
Hadn´t they?.

( –
( + )

You hadn´t love
Had you?.
They hadn´t been thinking on
Had they?.

Advanced 1 english practice, unit

"tag questions with present and past

Make the correct tag questions for the following

1) she has loved me for many
years.      _______________________
2) we haven´t sleep a lot!  
3) she had been working a lot.  ___________________
4) they had done their work well.  
5) you hadn´t love her.    
6) they hadn´t been thinking on
that.       ___________________

52. Verbos
auxiliares o modales

Auxiliary verbs or modals
(auxiliawri verbs or modals)
(verbos auxiliares o modales)

The modals are: will and would; shall and should; can and
could; may and might; must and had to; ought to; and had

Will and would:

"will" (wil) = expresa un plan futuro.
I will be there at 7:00 pm o´clock.

"would" (wuld) = pone a una acción en
terminación "ría", y/o expresa una . . .

. . . Petición amable.   
Ex:      would you help me please?
(wuld iu jelp mi pli..s?)
(me ayudaría usted por favor?)

. . . Un deseo.     
Ex:    I would like to see her.
(ai wuld laik tu si jer)
(me gustaría verla)

. . . Un rechazo.  
she wouldn´t lend any money to me.
(shi wuldent lend eni moni tu mi)
(ella no me prestaría ningún dinero)

. . . Una buena voluntad. 

I would take the car to the mechanic but i am very tired.
(ai wuld teik de car tu de mecanic bot ai am vewri taird)
(yo llevaría el carro al mecánico pero estoy muy

Shall and should:

"shall" (shal) = expresa una sugerencia con sentido
Shall I see you tomorrow? (shal ai si iu tumowrou?) (te vere

Nota: recuerde las reglas de los auxiliares:

4) Los auxiliares se escriben igual para todas las
I will, you will, he will, she will, etc…
I would, he would, etc…
I shall, you shall, we shall, he shall, etc…

5) Primero se pone la persona, luego el
auxiliar y después la acción sin pluralizar (para
todas las personas).
I can kiss
He can do it.
She can kiss
It can do it.

6) Después de un auxiliar, las acciones "be"
y "have" no cambian su forma ni se dividen como lo hacen
normalmente con las personas.
I can be a good
He can have a lot of money.
She will be with her
Shall he have a house too?.
It would be
She would have a good future.

"should" (shuld) (debería) = expresa

Con "I" y "we" = indica una responsabilidad personal.
Con "you", "they", "we", "he", "she" e "it" = indica
I should do my homework but I never have time.
(ai shuld du mai jomwork bot ai never jav taim)
(yo debería hacer mi tarea pero nunca tengo tiempo)

She should visit her grandmother but she doesn´t have
(shi shuld visit jer grandmoder bot shi dosent jav taim)
(ella debería visitar a su abuela pero no tienen

We shouldn´t kill animals or plants.
(ui shuldent kil animals or plants)
(nosotros no beberíamos matar animales o

Should I love everyone in the world?
(shuld ai lov evwri wuan in de world?)
(¿debería yo amar a cada uno en el mundo?)

Can and could:

"can" (can) (poder, pero de
habilidad) = you are able to do something.

"could" (culd) (podría, podía, pudiste, pudo) =
you were able to do something.
She can do whatever she likes to.
(shi can du jwatever shi laiks tu)
(ella puede hacer lo que sea que ella quiera hacer)

He could speak english very well 3 years ago.

He couldn´t afford the car which he liked.
(ji culdent aford de car wich ji laikt)
(él no pudo pagar el carro que le gusto)

Can you speak louder than she does?
Could he do his work so well as she did it?

May and might:

"may" (mei) (poder) = expresa permiso para acciones presentes
y futuras, y una posibilidad en un 60% posible.
When it is hot, you may open the windows.
May I dance with you?
It may rain this afternoon because the sky is cloudy.
You may not touch her.

"might" (maigt) (puede, podría, podrias) = expresa un
permiso que fue dado en algún punto del pasado, y una
posibilidad en un 20% posible.
He said that he might open the windows.
It might snow in Veracruz this winter.
If you scold him, he might tell you the truth.

Must and had to:

"must" (most) (debe, debes, deben) = expresa . . .

1) Necesidad = have to.
I must go now = I have to go now.
He must see them tomorrow.
She mustn´t smoke a lot.
Must they do what you want?.

Para expresar necesidad en pasado, se usa "had to".
He told me that he had to tell you the truth.

2) Probabilidad o
una conclusión lógica.
All the people are leaving, it must be time for them to do
She isn´t here, so she must´t want to go with us.
She has gotten a new job, she must like it.

3) Una obligación moral.
Sometimes people must believe in something to be happy in their

4) Una prohibición.
The doctor told me I mustn´t smoke or drink alcohol.

Ought to and had better:

"ought to" (ougt tu) (debí, debiste, debiera, debieras)
= expresa una recomendación fuerte o una obligación
muy personal.
I ought to write more often to my best friends.
She ought not to smoke a lot because she may die.
You ought not to make me get angry, it may be dangerous for
I ought to have done my work when i could.

"had better" (jad beder) (seria mejor que, mas vale que) =
expresa un fuerte consejo o una advertencia.
You had better do it as she says (sería mejor que
tú lo hicieras como ella dice).

You had better not to smoke in a gasoline station, it may burn
the station. (seria mejor que tu no fumes en una estación
de gasolina, puede encender la estación)

Nota: recuerde que existe  "there be" (hay), en este
caso, el auxiliar o modal se coloca en medio de "there" y
There will be another chance (habrá otra oportunidad).

There would be 2 persons in that place the other day.
(habría dos personas en ese lugar el otro día)

There must be many good lessons in this course.
(debe haber muchas buenas lecciones en este curso)

There may be lots of difficult questions in the exam.
(puede haber montones de preguntas difíciles en el

Advanced 1 english practice, unit

"auxiliary verbs or modals"

Guess what auxiliary verb fits in the blanks:

1) i ________ be there at 7:00 pm o´clock.
2) __________ you help me please?
3) she _________n´t lend any money to me.
4) i  _________ take the car to the mechanic but i am very
5) we ___________ do our homework but i never have time.
6) she ___________ visit her grandmother but she doesn´t
have time.
7) he __________ speak english very well 3 years ago.
8) we __________n´t afford the car which he liked.
9) ________ you speak louder than she does?
10) _________ he do his work so well as she did it?
11) it ________ rain this afternoon because the sky is
12) he said that he _________ open the windows.
13) it _________ snow in Veracruz this winter.
14) he told me that he __________ tell you the truth.
15) she isn´t here, so she _______n´t want to go with
16) she has gotten a new job, she ________ like it.
17) the doctor told me I ______n´t smoke or drink
18) you _________ not to make me get angry, it _____ be dangerous
for you.
19) there _______ be another chance.
20) there ___________ be 2 persons in that place the other

53. El uso de already y yet

The use of already and yet
(de ius ov olwredi and yet)
(el uso de already y yet)

"already" (olwredi) (ya) = se usa en oraciones positivas e
interrogativas para expresar que una acción ya ha ocurrido
o que ya se lleva o llevo a cabo.
It is already noon and they haven´t come.
I have already eaten.
Has the class already begun?.
I already did what you asked me to.

"yet" (yet) (todavía, aun) = se usa en oraciones
negativas e interrogativas para expresar que una acción
todavía no ha ocurrido o aun no ha pasado.   En
algunas ocasiones se usa en fases afirmativas, con significado de
"aun o todavía".
There are lots of things that you have yet to experience.
Have the classes begun yet?.    R = no, not
They arenot here yet.
He hasn´t eaten yet.

Have you already done your work?.
R = yes, I already have done it. Or  r = no, i haven´t
done it yet.

Advanced 1 english practice, unit

"already and yet"

Complete these sentences:

1) has the class __________ begun?.
2) i ___________ did what you asked me to.
3) they arenot here _______.
4) he hasn´t eaten _________.
5) there are lots of things that you have ________ to

directo e indirecto

Direct and indirect speech
(direct and indirect
(discurso directo e indirecto)

"direct speech" = el discurso directo se usa para expresar
algo directamente, es lo que una persona dice o nos dice
I am tired.
I am going to Cancún this weekend.

"simple indirect speech" = el discurso indirecto simple es un
reporte simple que damos o que nos dan de lo que una persona
You) John said "I am tired".
Mary) the other day you told me "I donot like going to my house"
and now you are going.

"complete indirect speech" = el discurso o reporte indirecto
completo se usa para comunicarle a una persona lo que otra
persona dijo.
John) I am tired. = frase directa.

You tell another person) John said he was tired!. = frase o
reporte indirecto.


1) Si en una frase directa se usa la acción "to
be", entonces en el reporte indirecto se usa el pasado de "to be"
(was, were).
Be —— was / were.
To be going to ——- was / were going to.

Frase directa: I am tired.
Frase indirecta: he said that he was tired.

She is going to travel to Acapulco.
- She said that she was going to travel to Acapulco.

2) Si en la frase directas se usa:   
entonces en las frases indirectas se usa:

simple past.
past perfect.
         past perfect

Frase directa) I can do that.
Frase indirecta) he said that he could do that.

I will kiss her.
- He said that he would kiss her.

I may ask her.
- He said that he might ask her.

I always do it.
- He said that he always did it.

She has always good ideas.
- He said that she always had good ideas.

I already did my homework.
- He said that he alredy had done his homework.

I have done plenty of exercise recently.
- She said that she had done plenty of exercise

I had seen that face.
- She said that she had seen that face.

3) Si queremos decir a una persona lo que otra persona
pregunto, usamos "asked + la palabra interrogativa
correspondiente", y luego aplicamos la regla 1 y 2:
Frase directa) where did you go last night?.
Frase indirecta) he asked where you had gone last night.

Where have you been?
- She asked where you had been.

What are you doing?
- He asked what you were doing.

4) Si no se utiliza una palabra interrogativa en la
pregunta, entonces solo usamos "asked + if", y luego
lógicamente la regla 1 y 2:
Do you know her?
- He asked if you knew her.

Did you go to the cinema?
- He asked if you had gone to the cinema.

Have you finished your work?.
- He asked if you had finished your work.

Had you been sick?.
- He asked if you had been sick.

Advanced 1 english practice, unit

"indirect speech"

Make the appropiate indirect speech of each one of the
following sentences:

1) I will kiss
2) I may ask
3) I always do
4) she has always good
5) I already did my
6) I have done plenty of exercise
7) I had seen that face.      
8) where have you been?     
9) what are you doing?       
10) do you know her?       
11) did you go to the cinema?    
12) have you finished your work?.     
13) had you been sick?.      

55. Modales en

Modals in past
(modals in past)
(modales en pasado)

Para expresar el pasado con los modales o verbos auxiliares,
se usa…

Modal + have + una acción en pasado participio.

She could have gone to the party yesterday.
(shi culd jav gon tu de parti yesterdei)
(ella pudo haber ido a la fiesta ayer)

I will have had 2 years working here next sunday.
(ai wil jav jad tu working ji..r next sondei)
(yo abre tenido 2 años trabajando aquí el
próximo domingo)

I would have participated in that conference.
(ai wuld jav participeitid in dat conferens)
(yo habría participado en esa conferencia)

I would have been able to do it too.
(ai wuld jav bi..n eibl tu du it tu..)
(yo habría podido hacerlo también)

You might have won the lottery with that ticket!.
(iu maigt jav won de lotewri wid dat tiket)
(yo podría haber ganado la lotería con ese

They should have seen the doctor last month.
(dei shuld jav si..n de doctor last mond)
(ellos deberían haber visto el doctor el mes pasado)

You should have done what I told you.

We might have talked to them, but I don´t remember.

You must have believed on god when you saw it.

He ought to have had one gun for his self defence when the
robber tried to steal his house.
Advanced 1 english practice, unit 7
"modals in past"

Complete these sentences according to the word in

1) I ___________________________(habría podido) to do
it too.
2) you _____________________(pudiste haber ganado) the lottery
with that ticket!.
3) they ___________________ (deberían haber visto) the
doctor last month.
4) we _____________________(pudimos haber hablado) to them, but I
don´t remember.
5) you already ___________________(debes haber
creído) on god,  after having found him inside
The use of "too, so, either, and neither"
(de ius ov "tu.., Sou, ider, and nider")
(el uso de "too, so, either, y neither")

"too" y "so" (también) = se usan para expresar 2
acciones idénticas, y se usan en frases afirmativas;
tienen el mismo significado, pero su orden en una oración
es diferente.
She is hungry (ella esta
I am too (yo estoy
So am I (también lo estoy yo).

Note que dependiendo de tiempo gramatical y/o verbo auxiliar
que se usen en la primera oración, de eso dependerá
la construcción de las demás fases que
llevan "too y so":
I can do it (él puede
He can too (él puede
So can he (así puede él, también puede

He likes to drink (a él le gusta
I do too (yo lo hago
So do I (así lo hace él, también lo hago

He went to the cinema (él fue a el cine).
I did too (yo lo hice también).
So did I (también lo hice yo).

She will go there (ella ira
He will do it too = he will too (él lo hará
So will he (también lo hará él).

I have been
She has
So has she.
You should come with us.     They should
too.        So should
We could see
He could
So could he.

"either y neither" (tampoco) = se usan en frases negativas y
expresan dos acciones idénticas; también tienen el
mismo significado pero su orden en la oración es
He isnot happy (el no es feliz).
I am not either (yo no soy tampoco).
Neither am I (tampoco lo soy yo).

I donot like
She doesn´t
Neither does she.
We won´t go
there.          He
Neither will he.
I can´t help
They can´t
Neither can they.
She hasn´t bought
it.        You haven´t
either.       Neither have you.

Advanced 1 english practice, unit

"too, so, either, and neither"

Use what you have learned in this subject with these
sentences, use the person you prefer to build those new 2
She is
___I am
__so am i___

1) I can do
2) he likes to drink.       
3) he went to the cinema.    
4) she will go there.      
5) I have been
6) you should come with us.   
7) we could see it.       
8) he isnot happy.       
9) I donot like rats.       
10) we won´t go there.     
11) I can´t help
12) she hasn´t bought it.     

56. Voz activa y voz

Active voice and passive voice
(activ vois and pasiv vois)
(voz activa y voz pasiva)
activa = es cuando una persona realiza una acción
directamente, o cuando la acción cae directamente sobre
tal persona.
He visits the park every day.
We sing a song.

Voz pasiva = es cuando una persona recibe la acción o
la acción recae indirectamente en la persona.

Para construir la voz pasiva =  (to be + acción en
pasado. P.)

Example with simple present:

Voz activa) the hunter chases the tiger.
Voz pasiva) the tiger is chased by him.

With present progressive:
Activa) he is chasing the tiger.
Pasiva) the tiger is being chased by him.

With simple past:

A) He chased the tiger.
P) the tiger was chased by him.

With past progressive:
A) He was chasing the tiger.
P) the tiger was being chased by him.

With simple future:
A) He will chase the tiger.
P) the tiger will be chased by him.

With idiomatic future:
A) He is going to chase the tiger.
P) the tiger is going to be chased by him.

With modals or auxiliary verbs:
A) I should study french.
P) french should be studied by me.

A) I must do my duties.
P) duties must be done by me.

With present perfect:
A) He has chased the tiger.
P) the tiger has been chased by him.

With past perfect:
A) He had chased the tiger.
P) the tiger had been chased by him.

Advanced 1 english practice, unit

"passive voice"

The active voice sentence is given to you, you have to make a
passive voice sentence from each one of them:

1) the hunter chases the tiger.     
2) he is chasing the tiger.   
3) he chased the tiger.    
4) he was chasing the tiger.    
5) He will chase the tiger.     
6) He is going to chase the tiger.   
7) I should study french.    
8) I must do my duties.     
9) He has chased the tiger.    
10) He had chased the

57. The use of "would rather",
"would prefer" and "would mind".

"would rather" and "would prefer" (wuld wrader and wuld
prefer) = las dos frases significan "preferirían", pero su
usan de forma diferente en una oración.
I would rather go to the cinema than go to dance.
I would prefer going to the cinema than going to dance.

"would mind" (wuld maind) (importaría?) = se usa de
forma directa e indirecta para preguntar si a alguien no le
importaría o molestaría que realizáramos una

Forma directa:

You said)       would you mind
doing exercise after eating?
(¿le importaría hacer ejercicio después de

Another person told you) yes, I would mind (si, me
importaría) = I canot do it.
Or the same person told you) no, I wouldn´t mind (no, no me
importaría) = I can do it.

Forma indirecta:

You said)        would you
mind if I went to the bathroom?
(¿le importaría si yo fuera al baño?)

Another person told you) yes, I would mind (si, me
importaría) = you canot do it.
Or the same person told you) no, wouldn´t mind (no, no me
importaría) = you can do it.

58. Los condicionales y el uso de

The conditionals and the use of

(de condishionals and
de ius ov "onles")

(los condicionales y el uso de

Condicionales = son condiciones o suposiciones que se hacen en
diferentes momentos del tiempo (desde el presente).

Las suposiciones son 3:

Past unreal (past onwril) (pasado irreal).
Present unreal (present onwril) (presente irreal).
Y future real (fiutur wril) (futuro real).
Future real.

Future real = son suposiciones o situaciones imaginarias
pensadas con proyección hacia el futuro que pueden o no
llegar a ser reales (por supuesto que estando en el

Construcción de la oración:

If + oración en presente simple + inf., Person + modal
+ acción en presente + inf.

Los modales que se pueden usar en este tiempo son: can, may,
will, must, have to, should y ought to.
If it rains, I will take my umbrella with me.
(si llueve, yo llevare mi paraguas conmigo)

If you feel sick, you should go to the doctor.
(si tu te sientes enfermo, deberías ir a el doctor)

There will be a lot of food if you buy enough for all.
(habrá un monton de comida si tu compras
suficiente para todos)

You will always be on time, if you buy a wrist watch.
If you know how to operate a personal computer, you can get a job
very fast.
If i am a little late, can you wait for me?.
If she doesn´t come today, may I call her?.
If you donot have any time, are you going with us?.
If we arrive late, they won´t wait for us.

Present unreal = son suposiciones hechas en el presente, es
decir, es una situación imaginaria o irreal que nos
gustaría que sucediera en el presente.

Construcción de la oración:
If + oración en pasado simple, person
+     might     +
acción en presente (forma simple) +

Nota: si quiere utilizar la acción "to be" en este
tiempo, siempre se usara "were" para todas las personas.

If i were rich now, I might buy a new car.
(si yo fuera rico ahora, podría comprarme un carro

If i had a lot of money, I would go to europe.
(si yo tuviera un monton de dinero, iría a Europa)

If it weren´t raining, I might work in the garden.
(si no estuviera lloviendo, podría trabajar en el

If he had another tichet, you could go too.
(si él tuviera otro boleto, tu podrias ir

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