The future of corporate social responsibility
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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been around in
various guises for a quarter century or perhaps longer, depending
on one’s view of history. It has evolved to the status of a
profession and is being debated on the world stage, advanced by
globalization and technology. There are (CSR) consultancies and
think tanks in most developed and developing countries around the
world. Social (e.g. 9-11, HIV Aids), environmental (e.g. climate
change) and economic (e.g. Enron) shocks are elevating issues of
corporate responsibility to the international
arena.z/pZzpZCompanies which aspire to be, or are, leaders in
corporate social responsibility are challenged by rising public
expectations, increasing innovation, continuous quality
improvement and heightened social and environmental problems.
They are forced to chart their CSR course within a very complex
and dynamic environment.
To assist this exercise it can be useful to reflect on the
longer term trends in CSR – the future of corporate social,
environmental and ethical responsibility 5 – 10 years from now,
beyond the immediate operating environment.
How will the social/environmental /economic dimensions of
corporate sustainability evolve 5 – 10 years out? What will be
the stakeholder demands on companies in the future? What forms of
collaboration and partnership will emerge? What will be the new
CSR issues confronting corporations? What will be the regulatory
environment and government’s role in CSR? In effect, what
will be the new CSR operating environment for companies?
Enviado por Sergio Esmesi
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