Inglês 10ºano - a world of global communication

945 palavras 4 páginas
* Vocabulary English | Portuguese | Addiction | Vício | Addicted | Viciado | Break | Quebrar | Psychological dependence | Dependência psicológica | Beauty | Beleza | Body tips | Tipos de corpo | Communication | Comunicação | Worldwide | Em todo o mundo | Cyber affairs | Caso/romance cibernauta | Flirt | Namorisco | Online dating | Namoro online | Cyberspace | Ciberespaço | Database | Base de dados | Deleted | Excluído | Feature article | Últimos artigos | Feature news | Últimas notícias | Hoax | Engano | Broadcast | Difundir | Chat rooms | Salas de chat | Globalization | Globalização | Soap opera | Novela | Television | Televisão | Gambling | Jogo (a dinheiro) | Drugs | Drogas | Overuse | …exibir mais conteúdo…

in order that we use subject+modal verb (can, could, may, might, should, would) 2) After so as to/ in order to/ to we use the verb in the infinitive

* Página 119 do manual * Página 18 do Training Link * Página 47 do Workbook VERBOS IRREGULARES | Infinitive | Past | Participle | Tradução | be | was, were | been | ser, estar | beat | beat | beaten | bater, derrotar, pulsar | become | became | become | tornar-se | begin | began | begun | começar | bite | bit | bitten | morder, picar | blow | blew | blown | soprar, tocar (instrumento de sopro) | break | broke | broken | quebrar, interromper | bring | brought | brought | trazer | build | built | built | construir | buy | bought | bought | comprar | catch | caught | caught | agarrar, pegar (doença) | choose | chose | chosen | escolher | come | came | come | vir, chegar, aproximar-se, acontecer | cost | cost | cost | custar | cut | cut | cut | cortar | deal | dealt | dealt | negociar, distribuir | dig | dug | dug | cavar | do | did | done | fazer, executar | draw | drew | drawn | desenhar, puxar, arrastar | dream | dreamt/ dreamed | dreamt/ dreamed | sonhar | drink | drank | drunk | beber, embriagar-se | drive | drove | driven | dirigir | eat | ate | eaten | comer | fall | fell | fallen | cair | feed | fed | fed | alimentar (se), suprir | feel | felt |
