Educação ambiental

10965 palavras 44 páginas
RESUMO............................................................................................................ 8
2 –REVISÃO DE LITERATURA.................................................................... 14
3 – MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS....................................................................... 29
4 –RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÕES................................................................39
5 – CONCLUSÃO.............................................................................................41
REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRAFICAS.............................................................. 44
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We live in society that stimulates the accumulation of recycle and non-recycle materials, and the remains in the streets, strip of lend, inside the rivers, and many other impropriated places. Wherever, still thus this evidence, the industrialized product packages are more pretty and sophisticated, but not biodegradables and recyclables’, contributing for the ambient disequilibrium of the planet.
In view of the increasing occurrence of ambient problems it’s seen necessity of a new conscience, behavior and commitment before this situation to minimize the consequences of that anti ambient attitudes to the future.
With emphasis in these aspects and context, the necessity appears to treat ambient issues in a popular approach and global, in the same time. The alternatives for these social-ambient issues had defined the necessity of the present study, whose central thematic is suggest the constant search of the better quality of life, stimulate thus, boarded subjects of relevance that will be considered in this work.
In this perspective the Municipal School of Fundamental Learning José Leopoldo Rauber develop an ambient education project called “Ambient Education: Popular Initiatives and Citizenship” innovating


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