Analise pest - setor de mineração brasileiro

897 palavras 4 páginas
3. PEST Analysis – Brazilian Mining Industry The PEST analysis, a business measurement tool, is useful for understanding a specific market, and as such the position, potential and direction for a business. PEST stands for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors, which are used to assess the market for a business or organizational unit. In our case, the PEST tool will be used to analyze the mining industry in Brazil.
3.1. Overview of Brazilian Mining Sector Brazil, the world’s fifth largest country, has a rich geology and a huge variety of mineral deposits. Having only 30% of the territory geologically mapped, a vibrant and modern mining industry, a developing economy and an open and stable legislation, the future of mining in Brazil cannot be anything but bright.

3.2. Political Factors Mining sector in Brazil is ruled by the Mining Code (1967). The Ministry of Mines and Energy is the entity in charge of managing the mineral resources available in Brazil and responsible for supervising the mineral activity and enforcing the law. The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) is the organ which gives mining concessions, and In order to receive an approval, the overseas company has to be registered in Brazil, prove that has enough funds to develop the mining project, and to have a specific environmental license approved. Mining concessions have no limit of time and are valid until the end of the natural resources. Dilma Roussef, the


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