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Oracle Database 1z0-063 Exam Question Answer

Enviado por carolyng coleman

    Oracle Database 1z0-063 Exam Question Answer –

    Question: 1

    When double-clicking ABC .rpd in the Analytics/Repository directory, the Analytics Server architect gets the message The repository 'ABC .rpd' can only be opened as Read-Only. Do you want to open it? What can you tell from that message? Choose two.

    • A. Siebel Analytics Server is running

    • B. Siebel Analytics Web service is running

    • C. ABC . rpd is a default repository specified in the NQSConfig.ini

    • D. ABC . rpd is a special repository that can only be opened in online mode Answer: AC

    Question: 2

    What information does the Administration Tool log when checking out a project? Choose three.

    • A. Machine name

    • B. User privileges

    • C. Repository file size

    • D. Projects

    • E. Time Answer: ADE Question: 3

    Which of the following object-level security action settings are done in the Siebel Analytics repository using the Administration Tool? Choose two.

    • A. Assign users to a Web catalog group

    • B. Create a new repository group

    • C. Create a new user in the repository

    • D. Create a Web catalog group

    • E. Define permissions for dashboard Answer: BC

    Question: 4

    Siebel Answer's subject areas correspond to which Analytics Administration Tool layer?

    • A. Presentation layer

    • B. Business Model and Mapping layer

    • C. Physical layer

    • D. Metadata layer Answer: A

    Question: 5

    How do you invoke Time Series Wizard in the Siebel Analytics Administration Tool?

    • A. In the Business Model and Mapping layer, select a business model and right-click > Time Series Wizard

    • B. In the Physical layer, select a schema folder and right-click > Time Series Wizard

    • C. In the Presentation layer, select a catalog folder and right-click > Time Series Wizard

    • D. From the File menu, select Time Series Wizard

    • E. From the Manage menu, select Time Series Wizard Answer: A

    Question: 6

    Which of the following is NOT true of the Siebel Analytics repository?

    • A. Physical layers can have multiple data sources

    • B. Objects within a presentation catalog can derive
      from multiple business models

    • C. By default, a presentation column uses the same
      name as its logical column in the Business Model and Mapping layer

    • D. Key columns do not get exposed to the UI so it
      is acceptable to delete them in the Presentation layer

    • E. Business Model and Mapping layer can have multiple
      data sources Answer: B

    • Question: 7

      What do the logical joins do? Choose two.

      • A. They help the Analytics Server choose best physical
        path between multiple physical tables in each logical table

      • B. They calculate measurable quantities

      • C. They are always the same as the physical joins

      • D. They determine cardinality between logical tables
        Answer: AD

      Question: 8

      Which of the following is NOT true of consistency check?

      • A. It guarantees that the business model is correctly

      • B. You can check the whole repository's consistency
        or just a business model's consistency

      • C. It finds logical columns that are not mapped
        to physical sources

      • D. It checks for undefined logical join conditions

      Answer: A Question: 9

      To set the number of elements at each level of a dimension,
      which number would you use?

      • A. The number of columns in a logical table

      • B. The number of levels in a dimension

      • C. The number of dimensions in a business model

      • D. The number of tables in a physical model

      • E. The number of distinct rows in a physical column
        Answer: E

      Question: 10

      Which of the following is NOT necessary when specifying
      the most economical source?

      • A. Create a new physical table source manually

      • B. Create a new logical table source manually

      • C. Select the physical table

      • D. Specify the content Answer: A

      Question: 11

      ABC wants to track the difference between the amount billed
      and the amount collected from its customers for every quarter. Which of the
      following methods would NOT be used in this situation?

      • A. Create a new logical column in the business

      • B. Create a new column in the Presentation layer

      • C. Use existing physical columns as objects in
        a formula

      • D. Create a new physical column using the Calculation

      • E. Use the Calculation Wizard to create a new column
        comparing two existing columns Answer: D

      Question: 12

      ABC wants to measure its revenue based on the country, region,
      and city by setting up columns to measure CountryRevenue, RegionRevenue, and
      CityRevenue. Which measure type is ABC using?

      • A. Attribute hierarchy

      • B. Fact hierarchy

      • C. Rank measure

      • D. Level-based measure

      • E. Share measure Answer: D

      More Questions here:





      Carolyng Coleman


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