The ghostly visitors flag content
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According to Eleanor, what was especially frightening about the first ghost story? The fact that the ghost first appeared to the small child.
How did Douglas know Catherine Blake, and when did they first meet? He knew her because Catherine Blake was the governess of him sister. They met one summer when he came home from university.
What was the condition that came with the job of governess, and why did Lord Henry demand it ? The person who became governess to the children would be the completely responsible for them, she would have to take care of everything alone because Lord Henry didn't want to be worried by any problems or questions about the children. …ver más…
She had a terrible look in the eyes, she was dressed in black from head to foot and she looked poor, but she was very beautiful ( but evil ).
Why did Quint go out with Miles so often? Because she used his excursions with Miles to be with Miss Jessel. CHAPTER 6
What will Catherine do if there are any more “ghostly visits”? She would try to stop them before he visits the children. How did the children spend their days with Catherine? They often kissed her, bringing her books and reading to her. They played games and they read plays together.
Why hadn't Catherine tried to find a new school for Miles? She was too busy with the mysterious events at Bly to think about anything else, and she felt that she couldn't send Miles to any school until she had solved the mystery.
What did Catherine understand after she looked into Quint's eyes? She realised that if she could stand and stare at him for a whole minute without fear, she would never be afraid of him again.
What happened when Catherine returned to her room? The curtain in front of the window moved and Flora came out from behind it with a smile.
Why didn't Catherine confront Flora about the ghosts? She thought she would lie and deny everything. CHAPTER 8
Describe what Flora was doing when Catherine woke up in the middle of the night. She was looking out the window absorbed