Satisfaccion Del Paciente Postoperado Con La Atencion De Enfermeria En El Servico De Cirugia Del Hospital Ii-2 Minsa Tarapoto Junio 2012 flag content
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No A DIOS por darnos la Fortaleza para seguir adelante por el camino que nos hemos trazado. A NUESTOS PADRES por su Comprensión y apoyo incondicional.A mi esposo Jhon y a mis hijas: Zuleika y Treicy por Su gran apoyo, cariño incondicional y comprensión que siempre me han manifestado, no hubiera sido posible realizar y compartir este trabajo.
A la Lic. Juanita López
Llontop por su valiosa asesoría y motivación permanente durante la realización del presente estudio. A la institución MINSA II-2 Tarapoto por las facilidades otorgadas para la realización del presente estudio.
A los pacientes, quienes de manera Incondicional y voluntaria participaron en el presente estudio.
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June 2012. Considers that satisfaction is an important indicator of the quality of care and base essential to rethink aspects to the greatest satisfaction of the postoperative patient.
Objective: Determine the level of satisfaction of the postoperative patient with nursing care in service of surgery at the Hospital II - 2 MINSA Tarapoto. June 2012. Material and methods: the study was descriptive Simple, prospective, transversal.
The sample consisting of all postoperados open abdominal surgery patients hospitalized in the surgery service of the Hospital II-2 MINSA expected in the month of July they fulfil the inclusion criteria, being the technique sample non-probability convenience.
Data were collected through personal interviews using a questionnaire type Likert scale with 35 items, prior informed consent of the patient, analyzing according to frequency.
Results: postoperados patients were mostly mature adult 56.5 (26) % aged between 37 to 47 years 26.1% (12), primary incomplete 34.8% (16) of rural 28.3% (13), married 34.8% (16), who have 3 days of hospitalization 39.1% (18) and 2 days postoperative 39.1% (18), i.e. that the majority have been operated the next day to be hospitalized.
The level of satisfaction in relation to needs was partially satisfied with an average of 2.45.
The level of satisfaction in relation to expectations was partially satisfied with an average of 2.71.
The level of satisfaction in