Resumen claws

627 palabras 3 páginas
CAPITULO 8 * En este capitulo la expedición empezó en Khaliad y empezó a ir por los senderos montañosos. El profesor Lugner les había hablado a los viajeros sobre el Toruk. Larry estaba feliz porque le gustaba mucho su trabajo. Luego fueron cenaron y fueron a dormir a las tiendas. Al día siguiente todos se despertaron por el ruido del viento y una nube que estaba afuera de las tiendas no dejaba ver lo que sucedía.
CAPITULO 9 * En este capítulo Larry y Greg corrieron hasta la tienda del profesor y vieron las marcas de unas garras. El guardia era un joven que se llamaba Guy. Los miembros de la expedición miraron alrededor del campamento y el joven ya no estaba. Regresaron donde estaban las marcas de las garras porque había mucha
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Chapter 9 * In this chapter, Larry and Greg ran to the tent of Professor and saw the marks of claws. The guard was a young woman who name was Guy. The expedition members looked around the camp and the young man was gone. They came back where they were the claw marks, because there was a lot snow. Larry looked at his notebook and asked himself why the Professor Lugner was sure that Guy was dead?
Chapter 10 * When the snow stopped, everyone started looking for Guy. This search was difficult because the claw marks were covered by snow. That night he dreamed with the Toruk, he heard a sound and saw something moving out of camp and went to get the teacher in his tent and was gone. Larry thought the professor could have heard the sound and went to look for rocks and the only thing that he saw was the claw marks and the final was a track that was the teacher Lugner.
Chapter 11 * Larry quietly moved the rocks and hid behind the rocks. The snow came into his eyes and could not see. He heard and saw the Professor moving the claws over his mark. Greg, Abdul and Larry were hiding behind the rocks, as the professor looked around. Greg, Abdul and Larry ran to the tents before the professor Lugner

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    6732 palabras | 27 páginas