Resumen "Death In The Dojo"

937 palabras 4 páginas
Kate Jensen is a reporter for the Daily Echo in London.
When the famous karate teacher Kawaguchi is murdered in his own dojo, Kate is assigned to the case.
This is not an easy task for Kate since Kawaguchi was her own ‘sensei’ or teacher, back in the days when she trained in karate. The following day Kawaguchi’s number two at the dojo, Ito, is also found murdered.
Kate’s father, a retired journalist and keen boxer, remembers that a girl called Kawaguchi was injured in an incident known as the London Road murder thirty years ago. The girl was being driven home by a school caretaker called John Blakeston. They picked up a hitchhiker who shot Blakeston and seriously injured the girl. The girl was Kawaguchi’s daughter, Naoko.
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Padre de Kate y muchos otros, creían que Murphy era inocente.
Tras el funeral de Kawaguchi, Kate vuelve a su apartamento y es atacada como va. Convocatoria de ayuda a su vecino, pero no está mal herido. Al día siguiente ella vuela a Tokio para visitar Naoko. Naoko dice a Kate que John Blakeston fue su amante y que su padre había intentado detener su verlo. También ella admite que ella podría cometió un error en la identificación de Brendan Murphy como el asesino.

Kate becomes convinced that there is a connection between the London Road murder and the recent murders of Kawaguchi and Ito. She learns from old newspaper articles about the London Road murder that a man called Peter Benson confessed to killing
Blakeston. She manages to find his brother James, who tells Kate that he believes his brother Peter, now dead, was responsible.
The following morning a letter bomb and note from someone signing themselves ‘The Avenger’ is sent to the Home Secretary. Kate visits Brendan’s brother
Paddy and learns that Brendan had a girlfriend called
Janey Lovat. Kate then discovers that a woman called
Brenda Lovat is one of the top karate fighters in the country and believes that she has at last found the answer. Kate persuades her father to write an article in the
Daily Echo saying that he now believes Murphy was

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