Resumen De Deadlock

993 palabras 4 páginas

The story is about a brave detective woman named V.I. Warshawski who is not interested in having a family. Her life changed somehow when her cousin died in an accident by falling under a ship, Vic was very fond of him and she doesn´t understand how a strong young man can just slip and fall into the water like that, she doesn´t believe it either but she promised herself to find out the truth.
Bernard was the real name of Vic´s cousin but everybody knew him as Boom Boom he was a former ice-hockey star who used to play with the Black Hawks until he shattered his left ankle, that is why he got a job at Eudora Grain Company which is a great lake shipping industry
After Boom Boom´s funeral Vic met a pretty young woman who said
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To get information she made Phillip´s wife belive she was an interviewer, when she had finished she went to see Grafalks´house but she met him and she couldn´t escape, so she pretended she wasn´t spying.
Then he invited her to get into his house, he seemed to know some things about Vic´s private life, Grafalk told her Bledsoe secret, that he had spent 2 years in prision for stealing money from the company.
All those information seemed very confusing but Vic didn´t give up, she kept onlooking for key information.
At port Vic tried to talk to Bledsoe and one captain to found out who wanted to kill her, but she didn´t get the right answer, she just discovered Bledsoe was harmless somehow.
When they were going to board a ship suddenly it exploded, but then Vic recalled she had seen a strange shadow getting off the ship.
With all those things coming around her, she realized there was a plot but still didn´t know exactly why. She realized Paige was a liar.
One night she discovered Boom Boom had left behind a picture of herself, one key piece of an invoice from GrafalkSteampshine line, which showed that he was having problems with his company.
The next day she had found the body of Phillips, he was clearly murdered, then she went to see Phillip´s wife, Jeannine and in her house she discovered that Paige Carrington was her sister, and all had been a complot to killed her cousin and tried to killed her too. She reproached Jeannine for being such a selfish

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