Respuestas De Voodoo Island

1599 palabras 7 páginas
Comprehension Test
Voodoo Island
Michael Duckworth
1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? a Karen was writing a book about voodoo. b Conway and Kee were good friends. c Kee knew a lot about voodoo. d Conway wanted a big house with many rooms. e Conway wanted to build very slowly on the graveyard. f Kee’s grandmother’s grave was in the graveyard. g Kee lived in Port au Prince. h Conway saw a snake in his dream. i Conway saw Kee in his dream. j Kee wanted to help Conway in the hospital. 10 marks
2 Put the following events in the story in the right order. Number them 1–5. a Kee visited Conway in his office. b Kee went to the hospital. c Conway arrived in
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a [ ] build on b [ ] take photographs of c [ ] talk about d [ ] visit
16 Conway thinks Kee is _____. a [ ] clever b [ ] rich c [ ] interesting d [ ] mad
17 Conway tells _____ that he doesn’t want to see Kee again. a [ ] his secretary b [ ] Karen c [ ] his wife d [ ] his friends
18 After meeting Kee, Conway dreams about the _____ from the graveyard. a [ ] dogs b [ ] spirits c [ ] birds d [ ] stones
19 The second time Karen visits Kee, she wants his help with _____. a [ ] her garden b [ ] a building c [ ] a sick man d [ ] a lorry
20 In hospital, Conway screams every time he hears _____. a [ ] a car b [ ] a bell c [ ] an aeroplane d [ ] a dog 20 marks
Who said this?
21 ‘The land is very cheap here.’ a [ ] Karen b [ ] Conway’s secretary c [ ] Kee d [ ] Conway
22 ‘Someone bad is coming.’ a [ ] Kee b [ ] Conway c [ ] Baron Samedi d [ ] Karen
23 ‘How can these people be so stupid?’ a [ ] Conway’s secretary b [ ] Karen c [ ] Kee d [ ] Conway
24 ‘What piece of land do you want?’ a [ ] Jacques Remy b [ ] Kee c [ ] Baron Samedi d [ ] Karen
25 ‘People were good and kind. But everything is different now.’ a [ ] Karen b [ ] Jacques Remy c [ ] Conway d [ ] Kee
26 ‘You can always find good people if you look for them.’ a [ ] Conway

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