Registro de observación del niño high scope
- Savings and Competitive Effects Prepared by Northstream for The Swedish National Post and Telecom
Agency (Post- och Telestyrelsen)
30 September 2001
Northstream AB +46 8 564 84 800
Network sharing study
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Executive summary
Northstream strongly believes in the benefits of network sharing. This study has tried to show that the benefits are large and measurable and much more significant than the 20-50% network cost savings would suggest. The downside risk of a reduction in competition on the other hand is much less certain. The evolution to 3G changes the competitive landscape in a way that makes it much harder for operators to collude. If it wasn’t for the high barriers to …ver más…
The main driver for these differences is the expected traffic density and the barriers to entry. In countries with a low population density like Sweden it makes sense for operators to aim for a far-reaching network sharing agreement. In effect they would build a single network operator in sparsely populated areas where the traffic density is low. In a densely populated country like the UK site sharing is more appropriate. In a country with high entry barriers network sharing makes it easier for new entrants to be successful.
Allowing network sharing does not mean that the license rules have to be changed. On the contrary, all the benefits can be achieved within the rules and the risk of collusion will be reduced if the rules are strictly enforced. So it remains important for the regulator to watch over competition and license regulations.
Northstream AB September 2001
Network sharing study
4 (48)
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................7
DIFFERENT WAYS OF NETWORK SHARING.................................................9
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