Recursos y medio ambiente: una perspectiva socialista
AIDS is an advanced stage of infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It isa retrovirus that attacks the body's defenses and impairs the ability to defend against diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi. The immune system includes several types of cells, including white blood cells responsible for fighting against external aggressors. HIV specifically kills a cell, CD4 lymphocytes that make up the immune system.
What does the word AIDS?
The word AIDS is formed from the initials of the term "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome."
Syndrome: A set of signs and symptoms.
Immune: on the immune system.
Deficiency: decrease.
Acquired: refers to the non-birth.
What causes AIDS?
AIDS …ver más…
tner who is not infected and that in turn only has sex with you
Preventing the exchange of bodily fluids through non-penetrative sex practices
Using a barrier to this exchange, as the male latex condom or female polyurethane,used successfully avoided contagion
Practicing abstinence from sexProfesor: Alumno:
Martin Gonzales Jhonathan Chirino