Postulados de koch y evans epidemiologia anlitica

941 palabras 4 páginas
Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos De
Baja California

Name: Sallas Medina Omar Alejandro

Grado y Grupo: 5 EM

Matter: English

Teacher: Roberto Saavedra Regalado

work: Agenda for the third partial (9 themes)

Today is november 30th, 2011

Simple Present:

In English, Simple Presente is the Verb in the present (and aspect not perfective) that expresses habitual action, that is to say, habits, routines in everyday life. The difference of the presente perfecto in that the latter has perfective aspect, and the actual continua in this other looks progressive. The actual is simple: negativo: HE/SHE/IT/THEY: NO
Negative conjugation refusal is made with the Verb "to do" in more negative the Verb in question, who
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(¿Estás en París?)
R: yes, I am in parís (sí, yo estoy en parís)

Is he a good person? (¿Es él una buena persona?)
R: yes, he Is good person (si, el es una buena persona)

Can You play the guitar? (¿Puedes tocar la guitarra?)
R: Yes, I can play the guitar (sí, yo puedo tocar la guitarra)

Perfec Present:

Use of the presente perfecto:
* Prayers that occurred without say when.
* Action that was developed in the past and has an impact on the present. * * *Action that was initiated in the past and continues to this day
. The presente perfecto is a type of Verb in the English language whose structure is a) have+participle of the Verb and has+participle of the Verb,
c) have + participle of the Verb is used in almost all the people except the third person singular.
Affirmative Prayers * Sujeto (I/You/We/They)+have +participio del verbo. * Sujeto (he/She/It)+has participio del verbo.
I have worked
He has studied
You have taken a shower
Negative Prayers * Sujeto(I/You/We/They)+haven't+participio del verbo * Sujeto(he/She/It)+hasn't+participio del verbo

Examples: * I haven't worked * He hasn't studied
Present continuous
We use the present Continuous to talk about the things that are happening now, in the time to talk:
Peter is listening to music = Peter está escuchando música
How do we form the present continuous? The structure of the present continuous in

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