Mexico Y Sus Características En Ingles

1388 palabras 6 páginas
Mexican territory, bounded on the north by the United States of America, and to the south by Guatemala and Belize. The waters of the Gulf of Mexico as limited by the East, while the Pacific Ocean in the west do. The Mexican federal jurisdiction also extends the mainland of the republic, on numerous islands off its coast. The total land area is 382 km ² 1'964, sum of the continental and insular. The capital and largest city is Mexico City.
The territory of the United Mexican States, under the Constitution of 1917, is divided into 31 states and the Federal District, which houses the headquarters of the federal powers. The states are: Aguascalientes, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Coahuila, Colima, Chiapas,
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Tortas "roll with ... or any of the ingredients together (you start with one or two but are up to 5 or 7 ingredients you choose, this is called a" torta cubana ")": ham, cheese, pork, chicken pie, chicken, carnitas, chorizo, sausage, steak, leg, egg, steak, sausage, cheese, yellow cheese, cheese (queso oaxaca), chipotle chile, chile cuaresmeño (vinegar with sliced carrots), beans , onion, tomato, avocado, mushrooms, fungi, etc.

Water of any fruit, we have (Thank God) much variety.

If you walk around here in Mexico in November this time make sweet fruit: pumpkins, guavas, apples, hawthorn, and sweet potato chilacayotes, etc.
The tequila, mariachi and tacos are recognized internationally as symbols of Mexican culture. And is that the Mexican is cheerful and party lover by nature. As good feels great passion for Latin music and dancing, food and drink.

But now describe Mexican culture is not as simple as it is a culture rich in traditions and contrasts, the result both of history and of modernization.

The calendar contains numerous festivals in Mexico national, regional and local big are celebrated by each community and reflect the great spirituality that residents have as a result of the mix of pre-Hispanic beliefs of their ancestors and the Catholic

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