Hoyas del ecuador

681 palabras 3 páginas
|Nombre: Daniel Alejandro Beltrán Torres |Matrícula: 2575334 |
|Nombre del curso: |Nombre del profesor: |
|Inglés VI. |Laura Rivas |
|Módulo: |Actividad: |
|II. Spiritual Enviroment |VI. Feng-shui: Ancient wisdom travels west |
|Fecha: 20 de septiembre de 2011
…ver más…

She express that the furniture arrangement is basically the most important part of the decorating when it´s talking about Feng-shui practices. The point is to make the living space, harmonious and calm itself, in order to receive the benefit that grants Feng-shui practices, like the energy perceived in a room or the states of humor that makes also.


Fen-shui is a practice for calming and relaxing yourself, making a neutral and balanced aura in the spaces when people spent most part of their

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