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The Drupal Cookbook (for beginners)

The Drupal Cookbook (for beginners)
German version

To help Drupal "newbies" who seemed overwhelmed on at first.

The tips in this book are based upon a test site on PC, running Windows (Windows-specific guidelines). Pretty much all of this is directly applicable to building a site directly on a web server. Although it was based on Drupal 5, most of the process is the same for Drupal 6, although a few of the navigation buttons may have been renamed or moved.

You don't have to know how to program (especially in PHP) to use Drupal. It's an advantage to have some basic knowledge of PHP, HTML, and CSS, but it is
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Use a test site that uses the same modules and same data (different database). Don't try to make the "perfect site" on your first shot. Muddle through for a while until you understand a better way. Stressing over the perfect solution will slow you down. Start by learning and using the basic functionality of Drupal. Find what it can do first before working towards exactly what you want it to do. Once you are confident with "core" features, you may start to use more complex contributed modules like: Views, Category, CCK, and Organic Groups modules. These modules and some others require a good bit of understanding to master and it might discourage you if you try to dive in too fast. However, over time you will come to realize that these are some of the most powerful and flexible modules out there. [Nancy's note: also stay away from access control (security) modules

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25.10.2008 18:42

The Drupal Cookbook (for beginners)

until later. They can really destroy your site if you don't know what you're doing.] Customize one of the default themes before creating your own, the Theme Developer's Guide in the handbook is a big help. When you run into a problem with a module, make sure to read the "readme," then do several searches with different terms. Only rarely have my problems not already been answered in the

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