Generalidades de la investigacion

3625 palabras 15 páginas
The Importance of Physical Security

In physical security, there is no one measure that can fulfill all security needs for any one facility. Therefore, security measures must be designed in layers. Physical security is the most fundamental aspect of protection, it is the use of physical controls to protect the premises, site, facility, building, or other physical asset. The many components or layers of security measures are what make up good physical security. The assets being protected and the nature of the threat to the asset will dictate the amount of physical security used to protect it for any security countermeasure to be effective, the threat has to be clear. Whether you are protecting warehouse goods or special nuclear
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Natural barriers are natural land marks used as a perimeter barrier, such as lakes, rivers, cliffs, and difficult terrain. The effectiveness of a natural barrier depends on the type of natural barrier it is, and how it is used in physical security measures.

The facility grounds between the perimeter and the assets being protected can also be used as part of the physical security of that facility. These areas can be very effective as buffer zones if kept cleared, and monitored. Buffer zones can also be very effective for facilities that have to protect against forced entry by armed adversaries. These buffer zones create open areas that adversaries must cross to reach their objective. By moving into open areas, the security force will have a better chance of neutralizing the adversaries before any objectives are reached and the assets or integrity of the facility is jeopardized. Lighting can be very effective when used right to enhance the physical security of facilities. You should design protective or security-lighting systems on a facility-by-facility basis. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each situation requires careful study to provide the best visibility, prevention of illegal entry and detection of intruders. You should not use protective lighting as a psychological deterrent only. When adequate lighting is used, likely intruders are less likely

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