Ensayo ley del issste

598 palabras 3 páginas
‘Pierden’ identidad migrantes muertos
What is the message? That the migrants that have been executed have been difficult to find there are because they have been exposed to high temperatures and this generates that their faces change.

Who is presenting the message? Daniela Rea, Adriana Garcia, Embassador of El Salvador in Mexico Hugo Carrillo, Doctor of the Semefo Ivan Escartin

What is the purpose of this message? To inform that the bodies found, can’t be returned to their native countries because the haven’t found out their own identities, even though they can’t give their shirts or any kind of clothes until they have clean it and register their DNA.

What values or positions are represented in this article? That the ambassador
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What values or positions are represented in this article? That the ministers from these South America’s countries are angry and uncomfortable because Mexico’s government wants to adopt measures to protect illegal immigrants to cross to USA.

What seems to be left out of this article or message? That Mexican Government was in a commitment to combat the narcos and racketeering in the regions located near Tamaulipas.

How does it compare to other articles about the same topic? While the chancellors of South American countries are complaining that is the Mexican governments fault of letting illegal immigrants to cross to USA and that there are not performing that act that they are suppose to combat the narcos and racketeering in the regions of Tamulipas.

Aparece otro sobreviviente

What is the message? That the president of Salvador Mauricio Funes revealed that a person of Salvador who is alive saw the massacre of the killing of 72 migrants and the president informs us that some people from Salvador, Ecuador and Honduras were all ready safe from the problems of the frontier and now they are in USA territory without any problem.

Who is presenting the message? The president from Salvador Mauricio Funes.

What is the purpose of this message? To inform that there are some survivors that successfully crossed the frontier of Mexico and USA without any injuries and that these people saw the massacre of the 72 illegal immigrants, and

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