Eat Pray Love Resumen En Ingles

1323 palabras 6 páginas

Eat, Pray, Love

Brenda Villalobos Romero

Eat, Pray, Love

This is a book written by Elizabeth Gilbert, it’s an autobiographic story about the end of her first marriage, her struggle with depression, and the beginning of her new life.
The book starts when Elizabeth finds herself lost, she doesn’t wanna be a mother or a wife, she doesn´t wanna keep living in her marriage. She spends months trying to convince herself that a divorce isn’t the right choice, she decides to start praying while she is lying on the bathroom floor crying in the middle of the night. She asks to God for help with her situation and suddenly she receives calm, she hears a voice inside of her saying that for that moment all that she needed to do
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The man from texas and Elizabeth start talking about her love life, she tells him how much she is hurting still by her divorce. He tells her that the only way that she is going to be able to move on from that is by forgiving herself, she needs to stop blaming herself, Also, she needs to let David go for one last time, she has to see that they cant keep going back to the same.
She receives an special job, she has to be attending all the new comers in the ashram, one day she find herself in the office and she sends an email to David, she tells him that this the end, and that she wishes him all the best, deep inside she is hoping that David answers by telling her that he is going to change, and that he wants her back, But instead, David only answers that he is agree with her.
The guy from texas tells her that she has to stop chasing him, she tells him how much she is hurting because she loves david still, and the man answers that if she loves him all that she can do is to send him love and all the best every time she thinks of him.
Elizabeth leaves India transformed in a new women, she prays, she meditates, she does yoga, she loves life again.


She goes to Bali, she loves everything about that place, everything is cheap in bali, the food is great and the people is really nice. She finds the old man that predicted her life years ago. He doesn’t remember her at

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