Dorothea orem (biografía)

705 palabras 3 páginas
My passion for science, and investigation, has been since I was little a very important thing for me. At the age of 11, I constructed my first radio controlled model ship with wood, at 13, I did a R/C speed boat, also with wood, and at the age of 14 I constructed Fernando Alonso’s R/C petrol car. I have also been sailing since the age of 7. Since then, I have always been trying to make the boat faster, by changing ropes for thinner ones, cutting spare aluminium from mast or boom, cutting screw’s in order to minimize wheight, inside the boat and also improve aerodinamic.

During my sailing “carreer”, I have been training every weekend and during the week, I have physical training. All of this effort and at the same time having to study
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and many other things which directly affect machines and robotic, where I would like to work.

Outside school life, I have always been travelling to diferent countries, such as EE.UU, Argentina, Poland, Hungary, Israel, France, UK... where I have learnt different ways of life and especially technologically speaking. For example, in Israel, I was quite impacted on the level of development asi it is huge, nearly as or more than many countries un Europe, as citizens think it is a place where they live in hand-made houses, and with constant wars... but no, reality is very different. Another aspect that really caught my atention in Israel was that all the buldings had Solar panels which heated up water, as they told me.

I have also been very interested in gaining money since I am little, and by helping my father I have always gained some euros by painting doors, cutting trees or the grass... Actually, I have been working on summers at the Real Club Nautico de Palma, the club where I sail, as a sailing instructor with little children, and during the winter I have been working at events as

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