Como El Tigre Obtuvo Sus Rayas

1460 palabras 6 páginas
muchos años atrás cuando la jungla era joven, el animal mas salvaje era el tigre,el estaba orgulloso de sus grandes colmillos,orgulloso de sus largas garras y grandes patas,estaba mas orgulloso de su hermoso color dorado.el tigre no le temía a ningún animal en la jungla excepto al búfalo.
El búfalo era grande,fuerte y tenia poderosos cuernos en su cabeza.
Una mañana el tigre vio al búfalo atado a un arador(garra para arar) trabajando en el campo. el tigre estaba confundido de hecho el extraño animal que el tigre jamas había visto estaba ordenando le cosas al búfalo,este pequeño animal no tenia garras ni colmillos ni siquiera tenia el hermoso color dorado.
Al final del día el extraño y pequeño animal se fue cuando el trabajo del búfalo
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The buffalo was big, strong and powerful had horns on his head.
One morning the tiger saw the buffalo tied to a plowman (claw to plow) working in the field. the tiger was actually mistaken the strange animal that the tiger had ever seen him was ordering things to Buffalo, this small animal claws or fangs had not even had the beautiful golden color.
At the end of the day the strange little animal work was when Buffalo was done, the tiger went to see the buffalo and buffalo said ¨ good, you have to tell me something ' that is tiger??
Because you work for that strange little animal? has no claws or fangs and has a beautiful golden color. the buffalo shook his head and looked at Tiger Tiger'''' you do not understand that animal is a man and does not need claws or fangs even golden man has wisdom. thought and said the tiger, then this wisdom is the reason why you work for the man? the buffalo shook his head and the tiger said, well, then I have to get some wisdom. the buffalo just shook his head and went
The next morning when the man was working the tiger jumped and said stop man ... Tiger looked at the man and shook a little you want tiger???
I know you have your wisdom wisdom and the buffalo you do work for you, I want your wisdom, give me your sabiduriaaaaaaaaaaa said the tiger
Tiger looked at the man and said, wisdom is not something I can give you.
Tiger shook his

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