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I admire Walt Disney because its history is not the usual story of the filmmakers who are always.
His story is full of effort (esfuerzo) and struggle (lucha) because his youth was not easy.
Walter Elias "Walt" Disney was born December 5, 1901 and had the typical childhood of the son of a farmer.
In 1909, Elias Disney was infected with typhoid fever and had to sell the farm.
In 1910 the family moved to Kansas City. For the young Disney was hard to leave their rural paradise
Elias went to work delivering newspapers in Kansas. Walt and his brother Roy accounted helping his father in the delivery, a strong work which required getting up every day at twelve o'clock at night
Walt went to the Kansas public school but was not a good student
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After creating his latest short, the mix of live action and animation Alice's Wonderland, the studio declared bankruptcy (bancarrota) in June 1923.
However, with forty dollars in his pocket and an unfinished film in his case decided to go to Hollywood. There also had rejections but he gave up.
His first Hollywood studio was a garage at the home of his uncle Robert. He sent the film Alice's Wonderland at the New York distributor Margaret Winkler, who showed great interest in the film and hired Disney to produce more films combining animation and live action.
Thus he grew in the field of cinema being one of the greatest entertainers of the cinema.
Walt Disney cartoons became a mass consumer product. The importance of Walt Disney in the history of animation can hardly go unnoticed. He pioneered the use of many technological innovations in animated films, such as sound, color or multiplane camera, and within twelve years (between 1928 and 1940), succeeded in turning the formerly underrated cartoons in a sophisticated means of artistic expression.
At present, the small animation studio that in 1923 Walt and Roy Disney founded has become one of the largest companies in the entertainment field, with annual revenues of 30,000 million dollars. The Walt Disney Company theme parks managed eighteen, thirty-nine hotels, eight motion picture studios, eleven cable television channels and one terrestrial (ABC).
Walt Disney is an example of improvement for all

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