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Claudia Lars
Margarita del Carmen Brannon Vega, known by his pseudonym Claudia Lars (Armenia, December 20, 1899, San Salvador, July 22, 1974) was a Salvadoran poet. His work is considered a refined lyricism and mastery of the metric.
Early years
His parents were Peter Patrick Irish and Salvadoran Carmen Brannon Vega Zelayandía. During his childhood friend was Suncin Consuelo, who was wife of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. He began his education at home and later studied at the College Assumption of the city of Santa Ana As a teenager, thanks to General Juan José Cañas, got a booklet of poems written by him was published under the name Sad mirages . It also began a relationship with the Nicaraguan poet Salomon de la Selva in 1919, but his
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Born in the Department of Ahuachapán, western El Salvador, in the year 1900. son of Harriet Najarro, teacher by vocation, and Alfonso Espino, poet, grew up in a home that breathed poetry and love of art, his brother Miguel Angel Espino also grew to become an artist of the pen but in the field of prose.
He entered the University of El Salvador in 1920, signing up in the Court during their stay in University City, was part of many activities within it including demonstrations by students to avoid the higher prices of tickets tram.
The last years of his life became very adverse, the refusal of parents to consent to her marriage with some young people led him to constant emotional imbalances and loving. To mitigate, surrendered to long periods of bohemian bars and brothels in the Salvadoran capital.
It was during one of these crises alcoholic that he ended his life in the early morning of May 24, 1928 in San Salvador.
Buried first in the capital's General Cemetery, where speeches were given by style and author Dr. Julio Enrique Avila and then graduates Manuel F. Vasquez-Rafael Chavarria and, in recent years the remains of hawthorn were transferred to the Crypt of the Poets in the Garden of Remembrance private cemetery, south of the city of San Salvador.
His only book is Tristes gourds, collection of 96 poems, published posthumously by several friends and under the approval of Alberto Masferrer, is one of the books published in their country, its author is the most

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  • Biografias en ingles de personajes salvadoeños
    3526 palabras | 15 páginas