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War on Terror

Enviado por Henry Giroux


    Militarising of Public Space and Culture in the United
    States.The process of militarisation has a long history in the
    United States and is varied rather than static, changing under
    different historical conditions. Catherine Lutz defines it as
    ‘an intensification of the labor and resources allocated to
    military purposes, including the shaping of other institutions in
    synchrony with military goals. Militarization is simultaneously a
    discursive process, involving a shift in general societal beliefs
    and values in ways necessary to legitimate the use of force, the
    organization of large standing armies and their leaders, and the
    higher taxes or tribute used to pay for them. Militarization is
    intimately connected not only to the obvious increase in the size
    of armies and resurgence of militant nationalisms and militant
    fundamentalisms but also to the less visible deformation of human
    potentials into the hierarchies of race, class, gender, and
    sexuality, and to the shaping of national histories in ways that
    glorify and legitimate military action.

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